
Farrukh Al'Khatel's page

1,476 posts. Alias of Rynjin.


HP: 75/81| AC: 30[32] FF: 27 Touch: 22 CMD: 30| Init: +4 (+8 Underground, +6 Urban) |Fort +10, Ref +13, Will +6| Action Points 8/9| Perception +18 (+24 Underground, +27 vs Traps)


Common, Kettite, Undercommon

About Farrukh Al'Khatel

Current buffs: False Life (12), Haste, Enlarge Person, See Invisibility, Cat's Grace,Resist Energy (Fire), Invisibility, Prayer, and Good Hope

Attack bonus buffed: +17 (18?) (+5 Str, +2 Weapon, +2 Good Hope, +2 Favored Target, +9 BaB, +1 Haste(?), -3 Power Attack)

Damage bonus buffed: +17 (+5 Str +2 Weapon, +2 Good Hope, +2 Favored Target, +6 Power Attack)

Current Funds: 656.56

-5 +1 Limning Arrows (use on Displaced dudebros)
-4 +1 Phase Locking Arrows (use on fleeing douchebags)

Future Purchases:


Readily Usable Equipment (Purchased):

-Sleeves of Many Garments (200 gp)
-Smoked Goggles (10 gp)
-Reinforced Scarf (10 gp)
-Aranea Silk Adventurer's Outfit (2 gp)
-Necklace of Firebals (Type I, no beads used)

Farruk Al'Khatel:


LN Male Human Slayer 7/Horzon Walker 1

Str: 21
Dex: 16
Con: 14
Int: 10
Wis: 12
Cha: 7

AC: 28 (FF 26, Touch 22) (+3 Dex, +6 Shield, +7 armor, +1 Deflect, +1 Nat Armor, +1 Insight)
HP: 48

Initiative: +4 (+8 Underground)
Saves: Fort +10, Ref +11, Will +6


1.) Power Attack
1.) Improved Shield Bash
3.) Shield Focus
4.) Shield Slam
5.) Two-Weapon Fighting
6.) Shield Master
7.) Endurance (ewwww)
9.) Blind-Fight
9.) Defensive Expertise.

Slayer Talents:

2.) Trapfinding (+3)
4.) 4.) Combat Style: Shield Slam
6.) Combat Style: Shield Master

Traits: Shield Bearer, Would-Be Explorer

Attack Routine:

+2 Scimitar +16 (1d6+7, 15-20/x2) or Shield Bash [Klar] +16 (1d6+8, 20/x2) or Cestus +13 (1d4+5, 19-20/x2)


+2 Scimitar +13 (1d6+13, 15-20/x2) or Shield Bash [Klar] +13 (1d6+14, 20/x2) or Cestus +10 (1d4+11, 19-20/x2)


Acrobatics +8 (+17 to jump, -1 ACP with Breastplate)
Climb +8 (-1 ACP with Breastplate)
Disable Device +24 (-1 ACP with Breastplate)
Kn. Geography +9 (+13 Underground)
Kn. Local +12
Kn. Dungeoneering +12
Kn. Planes +4
Linguistics +4
Perception +18 (+24 Underground, +27 vs Traps)
Profession (Rules Lawyer) +13
Sense Motive +8
Stealth +16 (+20 Underground, -1 ACP with Breastplate)
Survival +5 (+7 Underground, +8 to follow tracks, +10 Underground)
Swim +8 (-1 ACP with Breastplate)

Class Abilities: Favored Target (+2), Track (+3), Trapfinding (+3), Trap Sense (+2), Sneak Attack (+2d6), Favored Terrain (Underground +4), Terrain Dominance (Underground)

Gear: +2 Scimitar (8315 gp), +1 Cestus (2305 gp), +2 Mithral Klar (5000 gp), Ring of Protection +1 (2k, Silver adorned with shields), Composite (+4) Longbow (430 gp), Dungeoneering Kit (15 gp), Pathfinder's Kit (12 gp), Goggles of Minute Seeing (2.5k gp), Masterwork Thieves' Tools (100 gp), 1 potion of Cure Light Wounds (50 gp), +2 Mithral Breastplate (8400 gp), Eyes of the Eagle (2.5k gp), +3 Cloak of Resistances (5k), +1 Amulet of Natural Armor (2k), Boots of Striding and Springing (5.5k), +2 Belt of Giant's Strength (4k), Cracked Magenta Prism Ioun Stone (800 gp, +2 any skill per day), Cracked Deep red Sphere Ioun Stone (100 gp, +1 Stealth), Jingasa (5k), Quick Runner's Shirt (1k), Cracked Dusty Rose Prism (500 gp, +1 Initiative), Dusty Rose Prism Ioun Stone (5k, +1 Insight to AC)

Appearance and Personality:
Tall, bronze skinned, with dark hair and amber eyes. He's not particularly pleasant to look at, and he's gruff to the point of rudeness, but crack his shell and he can be a valuable and very loyal friend.

Planned Progression:

3.) Shield Focus
5.) Two-Weapon Fighting
7.) Missile Shield OR Spiked Destroyer?
9.) Improved Critical (Scimitar)

Slayer Talents:

2.) Trapfinding
4.) Combat Style: Shield Slam
6.) Combat Style: Shield Master
8.) Trap Spotter
10.) Combat Style: Bashing Finish

There we go. He seems like he'd be fun.

Born in Ket, but could never really settle down. Wanders the world for a while, subsisting off the land, doing a bit of mercenary work, when he gets it into his head to raid a cairn. Heads to Diamond Lake since he heard there were some unexplored ones around the area.

Goes into one of them to see what he can find, but it's already been looted. Disappointed, and broke, but with a greater knowledge of what to expect in a cairn, he settles down for a bit in Diamond Lake, doing some odd jobs, mostly private security and even a stint with the town guard until he can acquire enough funds to gear up for a real expedition. He's now done so, and joined up with a group of people he's met and maybe worked with during his time here.

Religion-wise, he's not very devout, but occasionally prays to Istus before doing something particularly dangerous.