About Faraday KuiperAppearance:
Faraday is 23 years old, 5’6" tall, with short dark hair, tan skin, iridescent bumps in many colors, and often wears sunshades. He is muscular and quick, but decidedly doesn't look like he fits either traditional Lashunta heritage. He has blue lightning patterns running down his arms, not tattoos but yet another gift of his prismeni heritage. He wears Shotalashu Armor, to which he's added a few golden sun highlights in honor of his solarian abilities and in homage to the Dawnflower. His phase shield, when activated, displays an image of an eclipsed sun. His solar nimbus manifests as golden light (or solid darkness, as it happens) hovering millimeters above his armor. His solar weapon is something like a scimitar, conducive for tripping and sweeping. His solar flare hovers near his left hand. A boom pistol sits at a holster on his belt. Backstory:
Faraday (then Lumal) Kuiper was born to (who would later become) Free Captain Aurora Faradayay and Taeon Moonshot, conceived as her ship, the Morning Star, flew through the Drift after a raid. Shortly before birth, the ship was ambushed and his father, was grievously injured in their bid to escape. They agreed he should take Lumal to be raised in safety in Qabarat, since even after his cybernetics were installed to restore most of his bodily function, he did not feel like he was capable of piracy any more. He changed his name to Taeon Kuiper and got a job with a local security firm. When little Lum got old enough to not need constant supervision, Kuiper got a small ship he christened Solfege, and got into the cargo transport business and taught Lum helmsmanship as he grew up.
Lumal quickly discovered a penchant for electricity and at the age of 7 figured out he could power batteries and tech with his own innate energy. After, when he was about 15 and a competent copilot to his father, exposure to cosmic energies and his prismenic heritage finally fully manifested in solarian powers. Through trial and error (and hours of holovid instructional videos) he taught himself the very basics of his new powers. These came in handy in protecting him and his father from would-be thieves in port. When he was 17, he and his father met up with the Morning Star for a reunion. Both ships were ambushed again, this time by the Law’s Hammer, a ship of pirate hunters looking to cash in on a bounty. Lum was injured and shoved into a cloaked escape pod by his mother and launched away. They killed Captain Faraday, though in the end spared Taeon due to mistaking him and his freighter as victim of a raid by the Morning Star (and not a former pirate they would probably have liked to take in for a bounty). A damaged ship of Saranrae clergy happened upon Lumal’s escape pod when its temporary cloak dropped and it started broadcasting a distress signal. They tended to his wounds and he, in turn, was able to act as a connection to the Drift in lieu of its damaged Drift engine, allowing it to reach a civilized planet for repairs. A solarian knight of Saranrae aboard the ship took Lumal as an apprentice, from then on paid homage to the Dawnflower. He returned to Qabarat to reunite with his father and told him he wanted to join the Exo-Guardians. Taeon gave him his blessing, and with it, his father's Shotalashu Armor. Finally, in prismeni tradition, he renamed himself Faraday in honor of his mother and his electrical abilities, and now seeks adventure in the Starfinder Society to protect the galaxy from threats and protect the weak. Personality:
Faraday is cheerful, confident (perhaps overly so), but doesn't take well to threats against his allies. He loves piloting spaceships through the Drift, going to new places, and meeting new people. He struggles with impatience and recklessness when someone's in danger. He tries to remember Saranrae's teachings about forgiveness, but doesn't always succeed with those who have hurt his friends. He pays homage to Triune, but doesn't connect well with their edicts except in regards to the Drift. Crunch:
Ancestry Lashunta (prismeni)
Background Spacefarer Languages Common, Castrovelian Class Solarion 1 ____________________
[dice=Boom Pistol [boost 1, tech]]1d20+5[/dice]
[dice="Solar Shot"]1d20+5[/dice]
[dice="✦ Bludgeoning Damage"]1d8[/dice]
[dice=Acrobatics (-)]1d20+2[/dice]
Ancestry Feats & Features
Prismeni Heritage You have an innate connection to the Drift You gain the prismeni trait, in addition to the traits from your ancestry. While in the Drift, you can automatically pinpoint the location of Drift beacons, Drift drives, Drift engines, and other Drift-related technology within a 100-mile radius. If you’re Piloting a starship that doesn’t have a Drift engine, you can serve as a connection between the Drift and that starship. This is a 1-minute activity that has the concentrate trait, and it allows the starship you’re Piloting to enter or exit the Drift. Once within the Drift, the starship travels via conventional thrusters, as normal. When you get a critical failure on a Piloting check to Navigate or Plot Course through the Drift, you get a failure instead. You can choose from prismeni feats and feats from your ancestry whenever you gain an ancestry feat. 1st Ancestry: Living Battery [concentration, prismani] Your body produces an overabundance of electrical energy, which you can emit as a blast of lightning or to power technological devices. You can cast the electric arc cantrip as a divine innate spell at will. A cantrip is heightened to a spell rank equal to half your level rounded up. When you cast electric arc, the spell’s targets become “1 or 2 creatures or tech items (in any combination).” If you target a tech item, that item isn’t damaged. Instead, it gains one of the following benefits.
Skill Feats
Solarian Feats & Features
Solar Manifestations Your deep understanding of the stellar forces of the universe manifests in a variety of tangible ways. You can create and maintain all three different manifestations: solar flare, a solar nimbus, and a solar weapon. Your manifestations temporarily vanish if you become unattuned.
Solarian Arrangement: Radiant Each solarian follows a specific stellar arrangement that determines how they approach their lives and operate in combat. These arrangements determine what attunement state a solarian begins encounter mode in, as well as access to additional abilities and skills. The light of a star shines more brightly than anything else in the cosmos, and you desire to shine just as brightly. As a follower of the radiant path, you channel that cosmic light into bursts of energy that manifest as flames or revitalizing photonic energy. There are few who understand the stellar fire of a star better than you, and you can channel that energy into personal enthusiasm, either by dedicating yourself to a profession or just having a radiant personality that appeals to others and makes you the center of attention.
Attunement Control While exploring, you have an attuned state of your choosing. If you Attune as a free action when you roll initiative, you can select your attunement regardless of your stellar arrangement's favored attunement. [concentrate, exploration, solarian] Electric Arc ◆◆ (divine innate heightened cantrip)
If you target a tech item, that item isn’t damaged. Instead, it gains one of the following benefits.
Nimbus Surge ↺ Trigger: You take damage from a melee attack. Your nimbus reacts to trauma.
Reforge Solar Weapon You spend 10 minutes focusing on the composition of your solar weapon. You can change the damage type of your weapon (typically between B, P, S), the currently selected traits for your weapon, and the weapon group your weapon belongs to. Your weapon maintains your selections until the next time you Reforge Solar Weapon. [concentrate, exploration, solarian] Solar Shot ◆ You use your flare to unleash a directed blast of energy at a target. Make a ranged Strike against the AC of a creature in range. Add your Strength modifier to the damage roll. Your attunement determines the damage type and maximum range of the attack.
Supernova ◆◆ (frequency: once per 10 minutes, requirement you are ✧photon-attuned) You unleash your pent-up aggression, causing it to erupt like the stellar events that end stars. You can choose to affect creatures in a 15' or 30' emanation. Each affected creature takes 1d8 fire damage and must attempt a Fortitude save against your class DC. If you chose the 30' option, you instead deal 1d6 fire damage.
1st: Stellar Rush ◆◆ You rush forward, empowered by your stellar energies, getting into the thick of combat with ease. Stride twice. You gain a +10' circumstance bonus to your Speed during these moves.
Equipment, Money, & Encumbrance Tracking:
Worn (Total Bulk: 3.1)
Wielded in Battle (Total Bulk: 1)
Stowed in Backpack Total Bulk: 0.4
Total Bulk 4.5
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