Farabor's page

Organized Play Member. 187 posts (231 including aliases). 1 review. No lists. 1 wishlist. 15 Organized Play characters.


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Simple request...can the frequent shopper boon for Frequent Shopper's name be changed to include the words "Grand Bazaar :" so it's easier to search for in the FAQ for full boon text?

Grand Archive

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N (male) Ancient Elf Rogue (Ruffian)/barbarian (fury) 2 |HP 28/28 (+5 temp when raging) | AC 19 (18 when raging, +2 nimble dodge vs first attack each round) F +7 R +7 W +8| Perc +8 low light| Speed 35 ft| Stealth +5| Exploration Default: Search Hero points 1 | Active conditions none

Fort save: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (11) + 7 = 18

Falendral's long travels have prepared him for the rough weather. He frowns as he listens to the tale from the sailor. "I do not like the thought that there may still be cargo underwater, but I doubt we can do better than you and your team..

He lets out a long sigh, then shakes his head. [b]"Are there any clergy of Gozreh either here or on our way to Absalom?"

If there are, Falendral will suggest consulting them about their cargo first, and seeking their blessing. If not,he will draw out a hooded cloak to help shield him a bit from the rain, and take up a position just in front of the cart, ready to respond to danger on either side or to quickly grab for a horse's rein's should one get spooked beyond the driver's ability to control.


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A boon to add things to the Champion's steed ally, as per the existing rule "You can select a different animal companion (GM's discretion), but this ability doesn't grant it the mount special ability.".

Specifically, for some strange reason riding dogs are not available as animal companions. Without actual new rules elements, at a minimum a boon could be created to allow a re-skinned wolf to be taken as a champion steed that looks like a riding dog! Currently only goblins get that option, even though riding dogs have been iconic to halflings since forever.

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Fuzzypaws wrote:

It looks like they are cumulative. The encumbrance penalty is actually phrased as increasing your armor check penalty by 2, or giving you a penalty of 2 if you don't currently have an armor check penalty. As such, it seems both rules as written and rules as intended imply that the speed reduction from being encumbered also stacks with that from heavy armor.

I'd be far more okay with this if heavy armor only reduced speed by 5 and encumbrance only reduced speed by 5. This is something that should happen anyway because heavy armor is way too punitive as it currently stands. With both speed penalties sitting at 10, it's brutal.

Agreed, that's how I read RAW...but yeah, what with full plate being 4 bulk, even a max strength fighter has to be careful with carrying extra stuff to avoid being at a crawl

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Speaking as both a player and a DM, treating time as an infinite resource strikes me as lazy. The PCs don't operate in a vacuum. Things react to their presence, NPCs have their own time schedules in which they make patrols/etc....

Right now, in my pathfinder I campaign, we just finished a mission to save some children from an evil cult. We didn't even take the time to loot everything, we had so much time pressure.

Sure, sometimes there won't be any time pressure at all...but in my experience, that should be the exception, not the rule.

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I couldn't figure out the right sub-forum for this. Anyone have a clue on what the land speed of a laden camel should be? And no, I don't know if it's African or European!

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I couldn't figure out the right sub-forum for this. Anyone have a clue on what the land speed of a laden camel should be? And no, I don't know if it's African or European!

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So, pathfinder changed the rules on specialist wizards from _can't cast any spells at all_ from their 2 opposite schools, to 'can cast at the cost of two spell slots'.

The starting spell selection text however, seems to be directly copied from 3.5 SRD....

A wizard begins play with a spellbook containing all
0-level wizard spells (except those from his prohibited
schools, if any; see Arcane Schools) plus three 1st-level
spells of his choice.

Later on, we're told that a wizard can indeed cast cantrips from those opposite schools, for the standard 'cost' of 2 cantrip prepared spots.

So....was this an unintentional artifact from 3.5 being blocked from casting at all, and pathfinder wizards should get all cantrips in their book now....or was it intentional, and you don't start with those cantrips, but can later find them and copy them into your book?