
Fanuilh's page

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I had the same idea for my run of Kingmaker. I'm putting 1-2 "Classic Modules" in at each phase of the adventure path. Might push the players up a level or two, but I can tweak things around with some work to make that fine (honestly from what I can tell, Kingmaker is lethal enough that a little level inflation won't matter a lot).

We're just starting out, and the first two are a re-tooled Keep on the Borderlands and In Search of the Unknown.

Ahhhhh, nostalgic.

Eradarus wrote:

He's from Kyonin... he's a douchebag by nature of his land of birth.

There isn't a single elf in that place that isn't a 5 alarm asshat.

By the end of Second Darkness my party was contemplating just moving and letting the damn drow get away with it... just to get rid of those douchebag elves -_-

This. Nicest person we met in Kyonin was a Succubus... only one who played it pretty much straight with us, without a bunch of lying and sneaking around (and trying to imprison us, etc). By the end of that adventure path, it was pretty much "meh, if it wouldn't wreak havoc on the surrounding kingdoms, the dark elves probably have the right idea".