Damiel Morgethai

Fantastic's page

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thats some good advice, thanks, we're past the swallowtail festival and most of the way into the goblin attack. i kind of made things happen fast for the festival since we finished with black fang earlier than expected and i wasn't 100% prepared for starting RotRL. so in the fighting at the cathedral, i focused a lot on the goblins and their antics, painting a scene that could be comprable to the goblin city in The Labyrinth. after they finish die dog die, im gonna throw shayliss at one of them that night and give them a couple of days to wander around town before the boar hunt....all after the vault though. the sheriff will put in his piece and perhaps send for them for some side quests during the buildup of the final part of part two leading up to the glassworks. i hope for a killer cliffhanger.

its been a while but we finally got started! my group bumbled their way through black fang's dungeon...mostly backwards and are now at the begining of Rise of the Runelords! next session starts with die dog die and moves on to chapter 2 where i hope to let the players become more acquainted with sandpoint. my biggest concern is for the sheer volume of information provided for Sandpoint and making sure the players get the most out of their time there. any suggestions for facilitating this?

It's interesting you mention wanting to have run the beginner adventure during the late unpleasantness. I had been considering running the adventure at some point in the past, giving handouts of the sandpoint appendix in the RotRL anniversary book, and treating the entirety as character knowledge for ease of getting the characters in place for the rest of the campaign. Perhaps not as far back as the late unpleasantness, but back far enough for them to remain "transient" while gathering enough information simply from time spent in town to put two and two together.

As it stands now, I'm really restricting things to the CRB and APG regarding character options. the only exceptions being the unchained characters.

regarding the rain...I don't think I have made it that far yet in my read through. I'm just at thistletop and figure getting there will take this group a fairly significant amount of time.

Wow, I wasn't expecting such prompt responses! thanks everyone!

Misroi, I followed your link but it appears to be broken, found it on the pfsrd though, it seems more simple and doable and noob friendly as would going unchained with the rogue as well.

Skeld, yes, I plan to go slowly at first.

Latrecis, I'm not certain a lot of thought went into the function of the characters as a team, however, I want that realization to happen organically with perhaps a little facilitation from me. They're new and they want the cool factor. but if one or two or, perish the thought, all characters die, then I would hope that would be a lesson on the importance of character interdependence within a party.

Also, I'm not trying to make modifications according to what might happen right now, I need to see how they play first and help them understand the rules. perhaps lenience with the character setup and allowing retroactive changes if necessary would work out well as first time gamers. I plan to run the beginner box adventure to get a feel for what the party is capable of, then start into RotRL with the characters already more or less railroaded into being in sandpoint at the time of the ceremony hehe.

Thank you all again for the advice! I look forward to getting this started!

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So I have an interesting situation on my hands. I've been into pnprpgs for roughly 25 years, the number of actual gaming groups I've played in could be counted on one hand...

At work the other day, I somehow got myself volunteered to run a D&D game for some friends there that have never played before. I suggested Pathfinder as I felt it was an upgrade to 3.5 and I was more comfortable with PF rules, they all agreed...they kind of had to since i got roped in to run the game.

After looking through my books to get familiar with the game again, I decided to first run the beginner box adventure to 1) break them in a little 2) get them into sandpoint without worrying about detailed backstories and other fluff that may drive a timid new gamer away from the game.

Unnecessarily long backstory behind, I do have one player that has a similar level of experience to me, the party will consist of a rogue, sorcerer, monk, and druid.

My question is what pitfalls would you forsee with a party like this and are there recommendations you would make for me to any editions i should make to prevent a TPK situation?
