FalkrunnCraghammer's page

Organized Play Member. 1 post. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


BigNorseWolf wrote:
Quadstriker wrote:
Jayson MF Kip wrote:

D] GM. CORE or Standard doesn't affect your side of the screen.

Oh, but it does.

It really does.

Sometimes it's nice to play a game where everyone knows what everyone else is capable of doing.

I have left a table where someone saw me summon an air elemental , turn into an air elemental, throw a flying velociraptor at a demon god, burrow into the earth and pop up HADUKEN! style , wondering what the hell sort of crazy build i was playing.

Core. Druid.

Being new to PFS playing CORE isn't so much of an issue character wise instead it is that of continuity. Part 1 may be Standard followed up by Part 2 being CORE. There isn't a way to run the same character in each. If you run your CORE to start with you can't play part 2 with them because they automatically become Standard.

I'm putting feelers out to see if we're going to run sequential scenarios if we can have at least one table of each if we have enough.

My preference is Standard but I'm not secure in my ability to run a campaign yet. CORE I may be able to handle.

And starting at Level 1 you really (IMHO) know what that Cleric who is venturing out from their Temple is capable of.