![]() About Falko d'Deneith.
Spells known
Favored Class:
All in extra known spells. Skills Monk 4, Inquisitor 6x2, Human 4 = 20 Acrobatics (Dex) +6 = 1+2+3 Bluff (Cha) +4 = 1+0+3 Climb (Str) +8 = 1+4+3 Diplomacy (Cha) +4 = 1+0+3 Intimidate (Cha) +7 = 1+0+3+1+1 Inquisitor, Trait Knowledge (arcana) (Int) +4+1 = 1+0+3(+1) Knowledge (dungeoneering) (Int) +4+1 = 1+0+3(+1) Knowledge (history) (Int) +4+1 = 1+0+3(+1) Knowledge (nature) (Int) trained Knowledge (planes) (Int) +4+1 = 1+0+3(+1) Knowledge (religion) (Int) +4+1 = 1+0+3(+1) Linguistics (Int) +2 = 2+0 Perception (Wis) +8 = 3+2+3 Sense Motive (Wis) +11 = 1+2+3+1+2+2 Inquisitor, Mark of Sentinel, Snake Style Spellcraft (Int) +4 = 1+0+3 Stealth (Dex) +6 = 1+2+3 Survival (Wis) +6+2 = 1+2+3, +2 track Swim (Str) +8 = 1+4+3 Use Magic Device (Cha) trained SQ Monster Lore, Detect Alignment, Track, Domain (Liberation). EQUIPMENT
Pouch, Belt (1 gp, 0.5 lb)
-Potion of Air Bubble (50 GP)
His gnarled body he keeps in a straight posture, though not without obvious efforts fuelled by pride. Though his movements are those of a veteran, a nervousness hangs around him and makes some of his movements jerkier. He is wrapped in a simple flowing dark brown leather cape, lined with a black velvet that seems to absorb light and sound. Underneath is a simple dark blue tunic leaving his massive arms bare. He often wears leather pants of the same shade as his cloak, and sturdy boots comfortable for walking in the deepest mud. A pouch on his side carries his precious pipe and Brelander tobacco, though he prefers Karrn when he can find it. He talks little, but lets his broad and forgiving smile set people at ease. When he does speak, he tries to bring consensus to all present, ever including in his comments. People often mention his easy demeanour. Overall, the man has a certain gravity to him that meshes well with the streets. A tattoo on the left side of his neck betrays his powerful and ancient bloodline, while a birthmark on his bottoms shaped like a wheel tells of an ominous fate, swayed by the elusive will of The Traveler. PERSONALITY
Branded a traitor, he prefers to keep a low profile when possible, dreading that someone remembers his face or worse. But no matter what he says, the fire still burns inside him; he's a man who needs a noble cause to fight for, according to the rules, or not. BACKGROUND
Torn under these multiple binds, Berthold's personality oscillated wildly during his youth, until he finally found, in his late teens, a sense of purpose. He served House Deneith with the focus of youth, never thinking of questioning orders. He made a name for himself during the Last War, serving proudly under his father's tutelage. Years passed, his father passed, he married and had children, and yet this dreadful slow war kept going. As the Last War reached its final climax and Cyre laid devastated under unearthly mists, Falko found himself on the verge of despair. The House provided for him, but it had only proved that it could only watch as the world torn itself apart. He traveled to Thronehold in the aftermath of the Day of Mourning, serving as a Sentinel in close protection of Brelish diplomats. To him, House Deneith was still choked by old Karrnathi traditions, and he feared for the peace process. The Five Nations could not live through another century of slaughter. Now old, cynical, and having nothing to lose, he decided to get involved. He moved subtly in the Den of Intrigue that was Thronehold, meeting with secret emissaries of the different nascent and old nations of Khorvaire, brokering information in the hope that it would lead to peace. During these processes, as he moved from secret chaotic meetings in dark alleys to official ones in sumptuous halls, as he saw the informal shape the formal, he felt at ease, though he knew he was not true to his House’s edicts. He pushed and pushed the peace process, helping the recognition of Talenta and Mror, but he didn't cover his tracks well enough... He woke one morning with his door brought down by enforcers. He was charged with Treason, and jailed until the signing of the Treaty. He returned to Sharn after so many years away, only to find that his family didn’t need him anymore, nor wished a traitor to stick around. As he stepped outside his house, never to return, he could hear a distant crow laughing... LINK WITH OTHER CHARACTERS