
Fakefurcoats's page

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Yeah! I can't wait for this book. Paizo please let there be an official version of a Half-Giant. I'll be so freaken' BUMMED if there isn't something on them...

Yeah Quick Runner, the Versatile vest and the mushroom vest were the ones I really liked. Because of the price range and the avarage to low gold I get in my campaign these really stick out as winners for me...though quick runner is a daily (its awesome for its price) and mushroom mostly cause its price...versatile is awesome (but more expensive) cause I am up in the linnorm kings and staying dry is kinda cool...

Hey guys! Just doing some light reading on the d20pfsrd and came across the chest slot item list...now the whole time I figured that was where my armor went and JUST found out that isn't the case. It is a slot like any other...didn't take long for me to come to the end and none of them really spoke out to me...

Am I missing something? What chest items would you guys put up as the top three or worst three? What is\was the item your last character wore?

huh...yeah, Incorporeal Eidolon would be it...awesome.

Is there already a "rat-king"? That's where lots of rats at kept in a tight place and they kinda melt into this blob of living rats...

I think Sincubus is wanting something more akin to the Bulbasaur family from pokemon. But if it was to have a nice bit of landscape what size would you make it Sincubus? Huge?

Make him a dinosaur and I'm sold...that or a plant...we need more plants

I still like my mimic template...how about you guys?

What about some possessed or maybe even psychic people with "stand" like abilities? Like in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure?

Yeah, we have all kinds of monsters from wonderland and other worlds but hardly any Oz monsters. Flying Monkeys...I thought paizo would already have some. (checks google)

Huh...Yeah we need some flying monkeys. One thing that I like about it is that it could just be a ton of different prime apes so you could have some shaman baboon types and some big barbarian silver back types. Even advance familiar flying chimps or pygmy marmoset.

Swarm of Flying monkeys...scary

I do like that giant turtle/tortoise with a small island or just some random plants growing on its back. We don't have one, Sincubus?

If we are looking for the Japanese monsters I really like the Karakasa. Really Iconic I think...Maybe the Haniwa too...

We have Foo Lions and Scarecrows...Tin man? at least a bestiary entry. More Oz monsters like the Gump, The "Rak", The Woozy, Kalidah. Maybe even a Jack Pumpkinhead...

Speaking of Pumpkin heads...Why not the Cucuy

Thanks again guys! I think I have a better view on what I will do with my character. Yeah, next time I will take the domain stuf. I just couldn't say no to a dino pal...my inner child, ya know? still, I'm having fun...

Superman cape on a dino? Awesome...@_@

Aww, I'm sorry. Well how about..

Lewis Caroll's "Snark" or a cheshire fiend or demon or cat...

Whoa, thanks for all the advice guys! I'm sorry I didn't check the guide for the list of spells I would lose at those levels.

I don't think I want to take any levels into ranger since we already have one. And my cha is at "8" so yea, I never really gave any of those classes a look due to not really fitting so much with my "Tarzan" character...fighter? Maybe...barbarian yeah..

I already picked a T-Rex so I wanna get him to be even with me all the way. I'm not sure about those templates either. Maybe the advanced and large for the dinos and reptiles summons?

I think I will get to at least level 6 before I even think of multiclassing. You guys really make a good case for more to full druid levels. The question I have now is when I wild shape my ac will dip. More so because I don't have wild armor. At these low levels am I thinking the idea is kill the enemy before they can hit me? The big reason why I wanted fighter is for heavy armor. Is the monk ac boost better? My wisdom is 14 right now. And I am using hide armor.

I would like a Paizo build of a Half-Giant. Maybe even stats for playing one as a race? or at least something like it without the 3pp psionic stuff.

Clockwork or Robot forrest animals made of "Living Steel" with maybe a druid twist.

I like Dinosaurs. I would like more of them even though we already have most of the "iconic" dinosaurs.

More stuff that attacks with the Sonic element.

I think maybe a Black Powder Golem would be awesome. Maybe with canons for arms and wheels for legs?

Box Jellyfish or those Big Red ones for animal and not vermin...

Blemmyes would be an interesting new giant race

Jinmenju and just more rare and exotic plant monsters would be cool...

The Hundred-Handed Ones from greek myths...

I like mimics and stuff like that. We already have some but I would maybe like a template so I could have a "Mimic" Dire Tiger Rug or a "Mimic" Door or even whole "Mimic" Walls in rooms...Mimic Canon balls so I can shoot "Chomp Chomps" at pirate boats...

I want a Clockwork T-Rex made of Living Steel with laser eyes and awesome grinding teeth and Sonic breath. Complete with "Rocket Fists" that are attached a chain to drag enemies back into teeth/gears range. Something like that would be awesome but most likely gonna have to be homebrew...


So is that why there wasn't many prestige classes that caught my eye? How about if I take 16 levels of druid and take the boon feat and the other feat that lets me count up to four other levels as druid classes for spells? I lose two feats but I kinda get more stuff then I could have gotten with the shape change at will and maybe one more level 9+4 level sauran shaman feats...

Also what spells would I be losing out in those top 4 levels that I just have to have?

I don't really plan on doing much spell casting really...I have never really played a character in pathfinder past level 2-3 really so I don't know...would I be doing a disservice to my character or worse, my team? I figure since we have a arcane sorcerer, a alchemist, and a ranger...I am seeing my role as damage and meat shield with off hand healing at random times after combat and stuff...

So...I am playing a level 2 Sauran Shaman right now in my Pathfinder Campaign and I'm wondering how to get the best (or if its even a good idea) with a build I'm messing around with. What I have right now is
Level 2 Sauran Shaman Half-giant (with the psionic stuff removed).

I am planing on taking 2 levels of Unbreakable/Fighter for feats and heavy armor pro and 2 Levels of Urban Barbarian for rage and rage powers that give me horns and stuff to survive rage death. Take Sauran Shaman to level 6 and then the last ten (if we get that far) in Master of Many Forms or just more Druid...

Am I over looking something or maybe you guys have better ideas where I can go with this build? What I want is animal companion (I am ready to take Boon Companion if I have to), Wild Shape with that "Powerful Build" from Half-Giant and rage and lesser horns rage power...and maybe spells if I can fit them in to enhance my form (I know there is a spell were I grow thorns that sounded nice for Wild Shape Horned Allo Full Attack Actions)...then stuff to make sure I don't die from Rage...


Hmm...So then reptile is just for animals and that is that? MOMF will get hindered from my Sauran Shaman levels then?

Is there a difference in "Change" and "Form"? I just interchanged those words because I figured they are basically the same thing.

I guess the best thing for me is to just take levels in druid leave it at that?

I was wondering how the -2/+2 to reptile forms work with Master of Many Forms. At one point in Master of Many Forms I can change into Dragons and would the Saruan Shaman levels hinder or help in dragon shapes? I know Dragons are not animals but are they reptiles?

Also is there a Paizo equivalent of Master of Many Forms out there? I don't really like conversions and I am sure this prestige class was popular...
