Raith Shadar wrote:
Blood Money causes STR damage, not HP Damage. It Are A Fact.
Back in the day there were "Sharpness" weapons (I.E. "Sword of Sharpness") which did that for limbs, but they haven't existed for awhile for the same reason PF doesn't have crit charts for specific locations. So answer is: I don't think they exist in Paizo products, but there are probably equivalents in third-party products. edit: Ninja'd by a mindflayer! Oh the humanity!
Rynjin wrote:
You forgot to include Barbarian in that list - they get theirs behind a Force Field, too; but the difference is they can Spell Sunder the Force Field to get their delicious caek. It are a fact.
Neo2151 wrote: Perception is the best skill and technically everyone wants to have it at high values? In PF, Perception for Adventurers is like Concentration for Casters in 3.x. You may as well give everyone who doesn't have it a cane and a seeing eye dog.
Spoiler: The "seeing eye dog" is exactly what many casters get to cover this deficiency, though it's not always a dog.
DrDeth wrote: What are the best NON-MAGIC consumables? This guide by Ashiel has some good tips on useful non-magic consumables (also some on magic consumables).
ParagonDireRaccoon wrote: I think it might be cool if physical skills were based on CMB, maybe with an option to increase them with skill points. It would make martial classes good at physical skills, which they don't always have skill points to increase. The only potential problem with this that I can think of - and IMO it's not an automatic problem - is that then they all go up automatically (or not for low CMD classes), which some people will really like and some people might not really like. You're right though that it is potentially a way to make low-skill classes finally good at some of the things they might be considered good at, without changing the amount of skill points they get.
Devastation Bob wrote: A Numeria adventure module could be cool and might test the waters sales-wise for the interest of a more detailed (i.e. AP) product. I'm just going to leave this here.
Hrothgar Rannúlfr wrote: That elite array looks odd, to me, Porphyrogenitus. It is odd! Pathfinder Beastiary Page 6 wrote:
(emphasis added). |