FableWright's page

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Not sure if these were already posted or not, but...

Page 53: Eidolons can't get Item or feat bonuses to their speed by any means. This appears to mean that they are forever capped out at 35ft movement speeds, which I don't think was intended, but did wish to point out.

Page 94-95: Burning Blossoms does not appear to work as intended. The Fascinated condition, by default, drops on a hostile action being performed on the target or their allies, making the damage and the fascination effect tend to break rather immediately in combat, rendering the forced movement aspect of the spell unworkable. The spell should move the saving throw vs Fascinated to the start of the turn instead of the end; or specify that only hostile actions directed at the fascinated creature break the condition.

Huge fan of the new APG content, but it's leading to a couple rules questions for me.

First the easy one: How big are the clouds in Lightning Storm? I know that in Pathfinder 1e and D&D 3.5e, you had a huge range to shoot from it; in D&D 5e, you get a 5ft burst of lightning, like you do in pathfinder.

Reading the rules as written, it LOOKS like the cloud is a 5ft burst that can make a 5ft diameter bolt of lightning and can never move over the duration of the spell, but I can't comprehend how that could be rules as intended for a 5th level spell.

(I'm also confused why Ice Storm's area is so small, but that's pretty unambiguous RAW.)

Now the hard one: What happens when a Reincarnation causes class feat prerequisites to no longer be met?

Let's take the hardest case, an Ancient Elf (Fighter Dedication) with Opportunist and Form Control. They becomes a Halfling with a strength penalty that puts them below 14 strength. By my reading, they lose their ancestry feats and heritage but not class feats. Since Opportunist was selected as a class feat, it stays, even if the prerequisites are not met, but Fighter Dedication, despite being a class feat, was provided by a Heritage and is removed. Form Control is like Opportunist and no longer meets prerequisites.

The rules on retraining state that "If you cease to meet the prerequisites for an ability due to retraining, you can’t use that ability." But Reincarnate does not mention retraining; should the two feats become invalidated? Should it be treated as retraining, and thus the two feats are unusable until at least two weeks of retraining occur? Is it GM discretion?

Thanks in advance!