Ezries's page

Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 16 posts (22 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters.

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I just picked up the module and I am considering inserting it as well.

(Carrion Crown spoilers ahead)

One of the ideas I am fleshing out is to run it in Wake of the Watcher after the Livery Stable encounter but before the party reaches Illmarsh. The Harrow deck would be one of the things they find in the possession of Viliras. He would have had instructions to kill or, if he thought the threat was beyond him, trap anyone who was following the riders. If they don't find the deck...well I haven't thought that far ahead!

The PCs would then get sucked into the deck during the trip to Illmarsh, probably while sleeping.

I am also thinking the person currently trapped in the deck (sorry can't remember his name) is a willing accomplice of Adrissant and helped him perform the research on the Carrion Crown. As a reward for his assistance, he was trapped in the deck. If rescued he could be a source of information for the motives/motivations of Adrissant. Of course he would act like he was coerced into helping. If the PC's found out the truth it would then be up to them to free him or not.

No matter how much time passed in the deck, only a day or two would pass in the real world.

I have a couple other ideas I am bouncing around, but that is the most feasible.