
Ezric's page

15 posts. Alias of Kysterick.


Male Halfling Rogue 2, Ranger 1

I'd been hoping Aj would let us know what is going on, but I am not so sure now.

Male Halfling Rogue 2, Ranger 1

"Huh, now that I think about, I think I have seen that sign before. Ain't that the sign of Orcus? Now that'll give ya some shivers." Suiting action to wards, he gives a slight shiver. "Just what we need to deal with, demon worshipers. Blegh!"

Taking another glance around the area, Ezric then turns to Gyles"Should I take point, Boss?"

Male Halfling Rogue 2, Ranger 1

Letting out a whistle at the severity of the damage to the statue, Ezric's eyes settle on the shield. "Two-Fisted, your from around these parts, ain't ya? You seen that goat head before? I don't think that's any gang sign I have seen before."

And in case I do recognize it:
Knowledge(Local):1d20 + 6 ⇒ (14) + 6 = 20 +2 if human

Male Halfling Rogue 2, Ranger 1

Sorry about the MIA guys, had some medical stuff come up with fiancee.

After checking out the campsite Ezric realizes the others had continued on towards the lake. Hurrying that way he gets the in time join them marching off towards the temple.

As the temple come into view, Ezric lets out a whistle, "Impressive, I think, at least they used to be. Boss, I think your people are gonna have their work cut out for 'em gettin' these buildins back together."

As they get closer, Ezric moves ahead and looks for any tracks leading to and from the temple, or anything of note.

Perception: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (2) + 11 = 13 + 2 if human, + 1 if traps

Male Halfling Rogue 2, Ranger 1

On arriving at the purposed campsite, Ezric looks around immediate vicinity while the others are checking out the lake for any sign of creatures presence.

Perception: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (8) + 11 = 19+2 if human

Male Halfling Rogue 2, Ranger 1
Ragar "Two-Fisted" Coughlin wrote:
What items are you talking about?

Over in the discussion thread, AJ posted the gear he was giving us to start off with. That thread has been acting funny trying to access it. If you can't get to it I can copy it over for you.

Male Halfling Rogue 2, Ranger 1

Oops, just now realized you posted the items on the discussion page. Will update that.

Still glaring at Two-Fisted, he starts in surprise when Mai'ela puts her hand on his shoulder blade half drawn as he turns toward her. "Ack, I didn't see ya. Sorry, not used to gettin' snuck up on." With a smile he goes on, "Makes me a little jumpy."

"Any idea where these watchers are? One of us could try and double back and catch 'em."

At Gyles' command, he glares one more time at Two-Fisted then shakes his head smiling. "Yes, Boss."

Mai'ela's concern's at the fore front of his thoughts he tries to spy out the watcher's she sensed.

Perception: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (5) + 11 = 16 +2 if human

Male Halfling Rogue 2, Ranger 1
Ragar "Two-Fisted" Coughlin wrote:

Two-Fisted stops and turns on the halfling. Looking down on him, he says,

You may be in the wrong line of work if you are worried about unwanted fightin'...you scared, fella? I need to know I can trust you when things get tough little one. Can I?

With a start, Ezric realizes he was being addressed. "Huh?..Oh no I ain't scared. I was just sayin' people like that tend to rush headlong to the chopping block. You know, just thinkin' before ya strike you can finish before your mark knows whats goin' on. If they even figure that out... I ain't afraid of fightin' much less killin' if it's needed. I just say be smart about it."

As everything Two-Fisted processed, Ezric registered the last question. Flushing in anger he yells out, "I pulled my weight just fine while gettin' the Chalice back. Now your goin' question that!?"

Male Halfling Rogue 2, Ranger 1

With a grin, "As long you, as a half-orc of action of course, don't bring a lot of unwanted action on our heads it's all the good. Most 'of action' people I've known are good and dead..." and then softly and with some anger, "or should be."

Ezric falls silent and a little distant as they continue walking after his last statement, lost in thought to the other's conversations focusing more on his surroundings then his companions.

Perception: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (9) + 11 = 20 +2 if human

Male Halfling Rogue 2, Ranger 1
The time for talk has passed. Can we get moving down towards the temples now?

With a grin, "Relax, we just wanted to give you a chance at talkin' too. Don't want ya to cut a foot off or something tryin' to do too many things at once, ya know swinging all that steel around."

"Aye, Mai'ela maybe we should go scout out the surroundings once Gyles here picks us a new home."

Male Halfling Rogue 2, Ranger 1

"Gyles, you have any clue as to how big these catacombs are? I'm just wonderin' how permanent of a camp you are thinkin' Cause, you know, as the lady said," nodding to Ijen, "Something lookin' wrong with the lake." With that Ezric falls silent for a moment then chirps up again. "Did any of us happen to bring any excavating gear with us in case any of the tunnels had collapsed?"

Male Halfling Rogue 2, Ranger 1

I think this should be very interesting as well. Ezric is somewhat dour and quiet but has warmed up to the other party members enough to open up some what. He is a bit of a pessimist and will probably look at Gyles as being a bit of an idealist. However, he'll be more then willing to support Gyles seeing as those the man wants to help is people just like him.

Male Halfling Rogue 2, Ranger 1

There are actually very few halfling avatars, so options were limited.

Yeah, I write up almost all of it in word then copy it over. Saves me a lot of time as well sense I have it set up in a template to make all the spoilers for the different sections.

Male Halfling Rogue 2, Ranger 1

Background updated. I had a blank for the city grew up in. if need be I can put one in just not quite familiar enough yet with setting. Any ideas or other thoughts?

Male Halfling Rogue 2, Ranger 1

Here is what I have so far on the halfling rogue/ranger. Anythoughts?