Explodedbrush's page

Organized Play Member. 3 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


The Exchange

So I am building an inquisitor and was thinking of taking exceptional aid as a teamwork feat so that I can get +4 from my allies aiding me on skill checks particularly for diplomacy. Does solo tactics allow me to get +4 from my allies or is it the standard +2?

The Exchange

This sheet has been a great help, keeping my character organized, keep up the great work.

I did however notice that with the Campaign feat Sable Company Marine it does not allow you to select a Hippogriff as an animal companion selection. I have 5 levels of ranger and 1 level of fighter, and i have selected Curse of the Crimson Throne as my campaign setting under the traits tab. am i doing something wrong?

The Exchange

Great sheet,

When i select Reactionary(combat Trait) and Ekujae Reflexes(Half Elf Racial trait) the effects aren't stacking. it shows +2 instead of +4.

Also can you please add the "Dervish dance" feat from the Qadira book. It lets you add dex to damage instead of strength when you use a scimitar.
