EvilDustMan's page

Organized Play Member. 1 post. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


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First post, first TPK.

Group: Human Fighter, Half-Drow Ranger/Wizard/Eldritch Knight(he's actually a nice guy despite this set up), Tiefling Alchemist, Aasimir Cleric.
Adventure: Shards of Sin
Location: D14, fight with Khyrsm

Catalyst: Necklace of Fireballs + Bombs + Not Reading Descriptions.

Gory Details:

Alright, so I'm playing the Fighter, Krangax the Wall, an ex-pit gladiator who was turned second string for not being popular anymore. We got a necklace of fireballs earlier and I think to myself, 'Hey, I love having things to do that aren't just attack, so I'll take this'.

Fast forward to fight with alchemist. I roll a 1 against a bomb splash and my heart sinks. I look up the rules on necklace of fireballs. Turns out it explodes on ANY failure against magical fire. I roll its saving throw. It fails. 11d6 damage proceeds to murder the half-drow, and drop everyone but the tiefling to negatives. The alchemist then finishes her off.

DM, first timer, is now sitting there trying to figure out a way to not ruin the entire AP by making us all reroll.