Evicmar's page

Organized Play Member. 1 post (16 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 7 Organized Play characters.

Scarab Sages

Hi all,

As I look through the organized play guide I see nothing to prevent a player from creating traps. I was wondering if this was an oversight or if it is allowed.

Thanks in advance

Dark Archive

My first question is regarding the armory and purchase of slaves. I have a Cheliax Paladin who has purchased a slave to act as carriage driver. He is training to become a paladin and will get set free in one years time(My future Andoran character). I however do not think that this should be allowed without approval of some sort. Even though my intentions are good, others seem to assume the worst. Are there any plans to update the character creation guide in regards to this? I know that this is a touchy subject and have faith in the Paizo staff to come to a fair decision about it.

My second question is in regards to the faction guide. Are there any plans to have other societies become additional options for organized play? Instead of being Pathfinders the character may be from the Hellknights or Risen Guard. This opens up the potential for a convention group challenge mod that has tables of each society working towards getting to the goal first. And maybe the winner each year gets a boon for their Society or something along those lines. I think this would be a wonderful way to bring in even more players. My concern is that there may not be enough help for Josh to do this. If you are in need of volunteers to assist in making this happen, I am offering to assist.

Thanks in advance,