
Evangeline Vale's page

26 posts. Alias of The Rising Phoenix.

Strength 8
Dexterity 14
Constitution 12
Intelligence 14
Wisdom 10
Charisma 23

About Evangeline Vale

Evangeline Vale
Female human bard (archaeologist) 4/swashbuckler (inspired blade) 1
NG Medium humanoid (human)
Init 2; Senses Perception +13
AC 15, touch 12, flat-footed 13 (+3 armor, +2 Dex)
hp 33 (5 HD; 4d8+1d10+8)
Fort 3, Ref 9, Will 5
Defensive Abilities trap sense +1, uncanny dodge
Speed 30 ft.
Melee +1 rapier +8 (1d6+3 P/18+) or
. . dagger +6 (1d4-1 P or S/19+) or
. . whip +6 (1d3-1 S nonlethal)
Ranged light crossbow +6 (1d8 P/19+)
Bard (Archaeologist) Spells Known (CL 4th; concentration +10)
. . 2nd (3/day)—blistering invective[UC] (DC 18), heroism
. . 1st (5/day)—disguise self, forced quiet[UM] (DC 17), heightened awareness[ACG], instant portrait, reveal secrets (DC 17)
. . 0 (at will)—detect magic (at will), light (at will), mage hand (at will), mending (at will), prestidigitation (at will), spark (at will)[APG] (DC 16)
Str 8, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 23
Base Atk +4; CMB 3; CMD 15
Feats Alertness, Fencing Grace[UI], Lingering Performance[APG], Persuasive, Skill Focus (Diplomacy), Tag-team Interrogation, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (rapier)
Traits fate's favored, seeker
Skills Acrobatics +6, Bluff +10, Craft (painting) +6, Diplomacy +19, Disguise +23, Escape Artist +6, Intimidate +16, Knowledge (arcana) +8, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +8, Knowledge (engineering) +4, Knowledge (geography) +8, Knowledge (history) +8, Knowledge (local) +12, Knowledge (nature) +8, Knowledge (nobility) +11, Knowledge (planes) +8, Knowledge (religion) +8, Perception +13, Perform (dance) +10, Perform (oratory) +10, Sense Motive +10, Sleight of Hand +6, Stealth +10, Use Magic Device +10
Languages Common, Dwarven, Elven
Other Gear leaf armor[ISWG], +1 rapier, dagger, light crossbow, whip, cloak of resistance +1, crossbow bolts (10), hat of disguise, headband of alluring charisma +2, thieves' tools, 811 gp
Special Abilities
Archaeologist's Luck +1 (10 rounds/day) (Ex) Gain Luck bonus to attack, damage, saves, and all skills.
Bardic Knowledge +2 (Ex) Add +2 to all knowledge skill checks.
Clever Explorer +2 (Ex) Half time to use disable device.
Fencing Grace Use Dexterity on rapier damage rolls
Inspired Panache (Ex) Gain no panache from killing blow, only from rapier crits.
Lingering Performance Bardic Performances last 2 rds after you stop concentrating.
Panache (Ex) Gain a pool of points that are spent to fuel deeds, regained on light/piercing crit/killing blow.
Tag-Team Interrogation Work with an ally to adjust a creature’s attitude.
Trap Sense +1 (Ex) +1 bonus on reflex saves and AC against traps.
Uncanny Dodge (Ex) Retain DEX bonus to AC when flat-footed.



Standing at 5'5" with a petite dancer's frame, Evangeline is immediately striking. Her long brown hair, which she takes great care to maintain, frames her face perfectly and reaches down past her shoulders, adding an air of grace and sophistication. Her gaze is always sharp, scanning her surroundings and making mental notes. While her default expression might appear serious, she can switch to a warm, inviting smile at a moment’s notice, pulling people into her orbit. Her clothing is always top-notch, comprising the latest fashion trends tailored to accentuate her form and allure. Not just a physical beauty, Evangeline possesses a mental acuity and emotional intelligence that can be palpably felt when one engages with her, even briefly.


Born and nurtured amidst the harmonious blend of the arcane and the ordinary, Evangeline's roots trace back to the luminous heart of Andoran, the grand metropolis of Almas. This city, celebrated far and wide for its unwavering commitment to freedom and equality, was not just her birthplace; it was the crucible that forged her ideals and beliefs.

Her upbringing was nothing short of privileged, thanks to the prominence of her parents in Almas. Her father, an esteemed academic, graced the halls of a prestigious university in Almas with his profound knowledge in historical research. His stories, woven with facts, legends, and insights, fueled Evangeline's fascination for the annals of history.

In contrast, her mother was the soul behind a revered art gallery located in the city's cultural district. The gallery, a beacon for artists and enthusiasts alike, showcased a diverse array of masterpieces, reflecting both the traditional and the avant-garde. It was under its ornate arches and amidst its hallowed halls that Evangeline cultivated her deep-seated appreciation for art.


Growing up in the city, she took full advantage of the vast knowledge resources available to her. Studying under the tutelage of esteemed scholars at the same university where her father worked, she developed a keen interest in politics and diplomacy. However, her passion wasn’t limited to academics alone. Inspired by her mother's art gallery, Evangeline also delved deep into the world of fine arts, occasionally even assisting her mother in the curation of art pieces. By the time she reached her late teens, she had a comprehensive education that spanned multiple disciplines, allowing her to converse intelligently on topics from politics to philosophy. It was during these formative years that she started honing her skills in manipulation and the art of keeping secrets. Coupled with her naturally charming personality, she quickly understood the power she could wield through precise wording, emotional nuance, and calculated silence.


Evangeline's devotion to her role as "The Fixer" often casts a shadow over her personal interests. While artistic expression remains an intrinsic part of her identity, it has, in many ways, taken a back seat to her professional obligations. In the sanctuary of her personal studio, canvases await her touch, and brushes lay dormant as her job often pulls her away from these cherished moments of creativity. The paintings she does manage to create are imbued with a sense of longing, reflecting the sacrifices she's made in her pursuit of excellence in her profession.

Similarly, dance, once a regular escape, has become an infrequent indulgence. Although she was a master of her craft, proficient in styles ranging from ballet to contemporary, her rigorous professional commitments have led her to prioritize her clients over rehearsals and performances. When she does find a moment to dance, it’s a poignant reminder of a time when she had the freedom to lose herself in the music and movement.

Away from the arts, Evangeline's intellectual pursuits, like reading and engaging in spirited debates, continue to be a source of solace. They offer her a brief escape from the pressures of her job. However, even these moments are often interspersed with work-related calls and consultations. The dense academic papers she reads and the debates she partakes in often intertwine with her professional life, equipping her with knowledge and perspectives that serve her in her role as "The Fixer."

Evangeline's unwavering dedication to her clients means personal sacrifices are the norm. Every canvas left untouched and every dance unperformed stands testament to her commitment to ensuring her clients' needs are met, no matter the cost.


At 19, Evangeline faced a crisis: a rival art dealer, Marcus Fenwick, threatened her mother's art gallery with financial ruin by securing an exclusive exhibition. To save her mother's gallery, Evangeline devised a daring "art heist" plan to disrupt Fenwick's grand opening. She first visited Fenwick's gallery posing as an art critic to gather intel on security protocols and layout. Using her charm, she subtly probed the staff and left hidden markers on certain art pieces. On the night of Fenwick's exhibition, dressed elegantly, Evangeline played multiple roles to manipulate the crowd's emotions and actions. She distracted Fenwick, allowing her friends to create a diversion by damaging a marked art piece. Security rushed in, and the gallery was momentarily in disarray. Seizing the moment, Evangeline spread whispers about the gallery's poor security. These whispers escalated into loud concerns, leading patrons to leave and vow never to return. Fenwick's reputation suffered while her mother's gallery saw a surge in visitors. This event became Evangeline's stepping stone into realizing her unique ability to manipulate situations. She saw how a well-placed word or gesture could change outcomes. It instilled in her the confidence and moral flexibility to become a "Fixer," opening her up to new ways of using her talents. This morally ambiguous act convinced her that the ends could justify the means, guiding her into a career filled with political intrigue and complex problem-solving.


Before the establishment of her reputation as "The Fixer," Evangeline was renowned in the dance community, her performances drawing large crowds from all corners of Andoran. She was especially noted for her breathtaking duets with her partner, Lysander. Together, they became the face of Almas's elite dance performances.

However, one fateful evening, in front of a sold-out crowd and during a particularly challenging routine, a disastrous malfunction with the stage equipment resulted in a tragic accident that claimed Lysander's life. The shock rippled through the dance community, casting a somber shadow on what was supposed to be their defining performance.

The tragedy became the talk of the town, and while many sympathized with Evangeline, rumors and accusations also began to swirl. Some whispered that it was a publicity stunt gone wrong, while others believed it to be a sign of the dance world's intense competition.

Seizing the narrative, Evangeline managed to use the overwhelming media attention to her advantage. With her keen mind and adept negotiation skills, she brokered a lucrative buyout from the show's producers. This significant financial cushion allowed her to transition full-time into her emerging role as The Fixer, and also gave her the resources to ensure that her version of events remained the predominant narrative in the public eye.


The name "The Fixer" conjures images of shadowy deals, clandestine meetings, and a woman capable of bending situations to her will. Evangeline's journey towards this title was not linear, nor did she anticipate the weight it would carry.

Her initial foray into the shadows was born from necessity — orchestrating a successful art heist to save her mother's gallery. Following this triumph, her reputation as a dancer was momentarily eclipsed by a tragic accident during a performance, resulting in the death of her beloved partner, Lysander. While she wasn't involved in the unfortunate event, her cunning allowed her to parlay the ensuing media frenzy into a lucrative buyout. This financial safety net was instrumental in facilitating her transition from the dance world to the shadows of Andoran's socio-political landscape.

With her newfound resources, she embarked on smaller interventions in local businesses. One of her earliest successes involved resolving a dispute between two rival bakeries. With her characteristic mix of charm, diplomacy, and manipulation, she not only restored a tarnished reputation but also cultivated a symbiotic partnership between the two establishments. Word spread.

Major players of the city — merchants, guild leaders, even local nobility — began to seek her out. They required her unique touch to navigate disputes, scandals, and strategic endeavors. As her legend grew, so did her web of contacts and informants.

Always valuing discretion, Evangeline typically worked through intermediaries. This guaranteed both detachment and the necessary secrecy her work demanded. Her solutions, often ingenious, drew from her deep knowledge of arts, politics, and history, making outcomes seem almost serendipitous.

Over time, the moniker "The Fixer" became inextricably linked to her, a title granted not out of vanity but as an acknowledgment by those who had benefited from her skills. Alongside her rise, she maintained a meticulous ledger, capturing coded notes, sketches, and reflections on her assignments and personal musings about power and influence.

Her transformation from a dancer, a reactive player in life's grand theater, to "The Fixer," a proactive strategist orchestrating events on the vast chessboard of Andoran, wasn't just about her professional evolution. It was a testament to her resilience, adaptability, and insatiable desire to be a few moves ahead of the game.



Evangeline's list of favorable traits is long. She's persuasive, intelligent, and exceptionally lucky, qualities she employs greatly in her professional life.

However, she isn't without flaws. Her appetite for power sometimes improves, making her vulnerable to promises of greater influence. Her loyalty to her family sometimes clouds her judgment, making her take risks she wouldn't otherwise. A streak of arrogance, especially when her strategies play out as planned. She has a lingering fear of her manipulations being unveiled, leading to occasional bouts of paranoia.

Regarding quirks, Evangeline is a multifaceted individual with an array of idiosyncrasies that make her unique. For one, she has an unusually keen eye for detail. Whether picking out the smallest inconsistencies in a contract or noticing a slight twitch in someone's facial expression, her observational skills are remarkable. This ability often serves her well, particularly when she's involved in high-stakes negotiations or deciphering the true intentions of those around her. Evangeline also has a peculiar habit of sketching people during meetings or social gatherings. She finds that the act of drawing helps her focus and offers a unique way to capture the essence of the person she's conversing with. These sketches often find their way into her personal journals, including sketches, annotations, and reflections. They serve as a tangible record of her intricate thought processes and observations. Lastly, she has a distinctive method of stress management: she often hums a unique melody when confronted with particularly challenging problems. Those who have noticed this habit find it strangely soothing, though none can recognize the tune.


Evangeline's life is structured around a well-defined hierarchy of priorities, each element meticulously honed from her experiences as "The Fixer" and her newfound foray into the political realm. At the pinnacle is her unyielding commitment to her profession. Whether it's resolving intricate problems for her clients or navigating the complex political tapestry of Andoran, she perceives every endeavor as an embodiment of her dedication, competence, and integrity.

Her immersion into politics with Elias and Harton has only magnified her insatiable appetite for knowledge. Recognizing that in the world of politics, information is the most potent weapon, she ensures she's always a step ahead. Her understanding spans the gamut from local Riverford nuances to broader Andoran dynamics, and she continuously updates herself on global trends and technological advancements. This continuous learning doesn't merely support her roles; it cements her position as an unparalleled force in both her original domain and the political arena.

Evangeline's ardor for art and dance, though once radiant, has dimmed under the shadow of her demanding dual roles. These passions, once outlets of self-expression, have now receded into the background, serving as bittersweet memories of a less complicated past.

Relationships, especially in the world of politics, hold paramount importance to Evangeline. In the corridors of power, trust is more than just an emotion—it's the bedrock of alliances and partnerships. Leveraging her expertise as "The Fixer", she meticulously cultivates a network of dependable allies in politics, from Elias Trand to other influential figures, ensuring she always has a solid support system when political tides turn.

However, amidst these unwavering commitments, Evangeline's personal well-being often takes a backseat. She challenges her own limits, often neglecting her health and mental sanctity to ensure the success of her assignments and political ventures. And in her relentless pursuit of these priorities, she is unafraid to employ every resource at her command. Whether it's utilizing her vast knowledge, exerting her newfound political clout, harnessing her persuasive abilities, or even deploying her physical allure, no strategy is off the table. She stands ready to navigate any course of action, fully aware of and undeterred by the personal toll it might exact.


Though she’s successfully established herself as the unrivaled "Fixer," Evangeline has her sights set on even grander achievements. She aspires to leverage her considerable skills and connections to enact meaningful societal change. Whether that involves influencing legislation or fostering cultural enrichment, she is committed to making a lasting impact. In addition to her short-term political goals, one of her lifelong dreams is to open her own art gallery or theater, which she envisions as a hub of culture and community engagement. In this place, art, conversation, and social advancement intertwine.


Evangeline has always been spiritually inclined, her personal beliefs deeply rooted in the teachings and principles of Shelyn, the goddess of art, beauty, love, and music. This devotion isn't merely ceremonial; it informs many aspects of her life, from her creative pursuits to her views on interpersonal relationships. She often frequents the local temple, and her residence contains a small shrine dedicated to the goddess. Evangeline's beliefs make her a passionate advocate for the arts and human rights, guiding her in her aspiration to leave a lasting impact on society. She even incorporates elements of the Shelynite faith into her paintings, many of which depict the goddess or explore themes of love and harmony.


Two years into Evangeline's foray into the political domain, the introduction of Toyama Reiko to Trand's team marked a pivotal turn. Reiko, a Tian woman of enigmatic origins, brought a unique blend of skills to the table—combining an intimidating presence with impeccable diplomacy. Her recent conversion to the faith of Shelyn didn't match the fervor of Evangeline's devotion, yet it offered a shared thread, an underlying bond, which facilitated their camaraderie.

Despite Reiko's inherent reticence about her past, she and Evangeline quickly found themselves on the same wavelength, driven by shared visions and objectives for Trand's political ascent. This alignment wasn't just philosophical—it manifested in the strategies they crafted. Their dynamic was akin to a well-choreographed dance; while one took an assertive, almost aggressive stance, the other would gracefully sweep in with a conciliatory approach. This juxtaposition of styles often caught their political rivals off-guard, rendering them vulnerable to the duo's carefully orchestrated maneuvers.

Behind the curtains of political meetings and campaigns, Evangeline and Reiko shared more than just professional ties. The walls Reiko built around her personal history, keeping most at bay, seemed to lower, if only slightly, in Evangeline's presence. In the maze of politics, where genuine friendships are rare, the bond between the two women was a testament to their mutual respect and trust. For Reiko, Evangeline wasn't just a colleague; she was a confidante, a rare beacon of genuine connection in an otherwise guarded life.


Over the years, Evangeline has earned several nicknames that reflect her complex personality and skill set. They are:

"Eva": The most common and straightforward nickname used by those closest to her. It's a term of endearment and familiarity.
"Gigi": Short for "Genius Girl," this nickname was given by her father, who recognized her sharp intellect from an early age. It’s a special name reserved for those close to her.
"The Maestra": A private joke among her close circle of friends, recognizing her skills in the arts, mainly painting and dancing.
"Evvie": A diminutive often used by her closest friends, it reflects a softer side of Evangeline that not many get to see.

"Lady Luck": A nod to her fortunate nature, this moniker highlights the seemingly effortless way she navigates through challenges.
"The Fixer": This straightforward moniker succinctly captures what she does best, and is often used by those in the political scene in Andoran.
"The Maestro": This artistic title not only highlights her aptitude for orchestrating complex operations smoothly but also underscores her artistic abilities, especially her love for painting and dance.
"Mistress of Masks": This nickname captures her mastery over disguises and roles, frequently mentioned in espionage and intelligence circles.