Evan Darrow's page

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It seems to be a virtually unanimous reaction that the concept of these is great, but the implementation needs work. Alot of the special attack feats require a FRA for one attack (means you're trading them for a full attack), and many of them you can only use once, *maybe* twice in an encounter because of the chaining.

That said, if iteratives were removed, they'd become a better option (and I support removing iteratives regardless), but if you're leaving iteratives in, most of these feats should chain in place of an attack (so for example you might be able to do Overhand Chop, Backhand and Devastating Blow, or PA, Cleave and Gr. Cleave in one full attack).

Something like this would likely increase the power of melee combat by quite a bit (at least potentially), which would be a good thing given the gulf between melee and casters.