
Euphemia Lasro's page

2 posts. Organized Play character for Tim Emrick.



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When this got scheduled locally, I made a point of running the previous two Elytrio adventures so that some of our group would have the full history. (#1-03 was one of the first SFS scenarios I ever played, but I'd never played #1-21. My wife and one of our other local GMs had never played either one.) I just played 'Hope tonight, and it was a blast! Thanks, HMM, for a fun adventure! I am eager to run it for the couple of players who played the first two with me but couldn't join us online tonight.


Sanityfaerie wrote:

Sadly, weaponized prosthesis is not available for the Brain augmentation slot at this time.

...well, unless you got a friendly GM to house-rule it in for you, I suppose.

That's because they're in the eye slot.