Queen Ileosa Arabasti

Eudoxia Sarini's page

45 posts. Alias of EmEss.

Full Name

Eudoxia Sarini


Tiefling (Pass for Human) | Vigilante (Teisatsu) 2


| HP 4/20| AC 16 (T14, F12)| CMB +5 CMD 17 | F +2 R +7 W+5/7(charm)| Init +4 Perc +6 | Ki points 1/3







Special Abilities

Cold Resistance 5, Fire Resistance 5, Electricity Resistance 5



Strength 14
Dexterity 18
Constitution 14
Intelligence 16
Wisdom 14
Charisma 15

About Eudoxia Sarini

Vigilante (Teisatsu) 2

Init +4 Senses Darkvision; Perception +6
AC 16/ 14 (social) Touch 14 Flatfoot 12/ 10 (social)
hp 20 (2d8 +2 con/level)
Fort +3 (+2 Con, + 1 Enchantment ) Ref +8 (+3 Class, +4 Dex, +1 Enchantment) Will +6 (+3 Class, +2 Wis + 1 Enchantment)/ +8 (on enchantment spells, +2 from Twisted Love)
Defensive Abilities Cold Resistance 5, Fire Resistance 5, Electricity Resistance 5
Speed 30ft.
Mwk Cold Iron Wakizashi +6/+4 1d6+2 18-20/x2
Silver Wakizashi +5/+3 1d6+1 18-20/x2
Mwk Mithral Dagger +6/+4 1d4 + 2 19-20/x2
Dagger +5/+3 1d4+2 19-20/x2
Hidden Strike - +1d8 / +1d4
Shortbow +5 1d6

Str 14 Dex 18 Con 14 Int 16 Wis 14 Char 15
Base Attk +1 CMB + 5 CMD 17
Feats Twisted Love, Two Weapon Fighting
Traits Child of Kintargo (+2 knw nob and +1 knw planes(Hell / Devils), both class skills), Mathematical Prodigy (+1 knw arcana knw engineering, knw arc class skill) and Secret Scrolls (Read Magic 1/day, +1 UMD to use scrolls)
Drawback Vain (-2 on char checks for 24 hours if fail opposed char check)
Ki Pool 2/3
Languages Common (Taldane), Elven, Infernal, Halfling, Shadowtongue


6 skill ranks per level from class + 3 skill ranks per level from int + 2 Background Skills + 1 FCB = 12 ranks per level
24 ranks total
Acrobatics 1 Rank + 3 Class Skill + 4 Dex = +8
Appraise 0 Ranks + 3 Int = +3
Bluff 1 Rank + 3 Class Skill + 2 Racial + 2 Char = +8 (+2 on Twisted Lover and Minions for +10)
Climb 1 Rank + 3 Class Skill + 2 Strength = +6
Diplomacy 1 Rank + 3 Class Skill + 2 Char = +6 (+2 on Twisted Lover and Minions for +8)
Disable Device 1 Rank + 3 Class Skill + 4 Dex = +8
Disguise 1 Rank + 3 Class Skill + 2 Char = +6 (+20 Seamless Guise to appear as current identity for +26)
Escape Artist 1 Rank + 3 Class Skill + 4 Dex = +8
Fly 0 Ranks + 4 Dex = +4
Heal 0 Ranks + 2 Wis = +2
Intimidate 1 Rank + 3 Class Skill + 2 Char = +6
Knowledge (Arcana) 1 Rank + 3 Class Skill + 1 Trait + 3 Int = +8
Knowledge (Dungeoneering) 1 Rank + 3 Class Skill + 3 Int = +7
Knowledge (Geography) 1 Rank + 3 Int = +4
Knowledge (History) 1 Rank + 3 Int = +4
Knowledge (Local) 1 Rank + 3 Class Skill + 3 Int =+7
Knowledge (Nobility) 1 Rank + 3 Class Skill + 3 Int + 2 Trait =+9
Knowledge (Planes) 1 Rank + 3 Class Skill + 3 Int = +7 (+1 for checks concerning Devils or Hell for +8)
Knowledge (Religion) 1 Rank + 3 Int = +4
Linguistics 1 Rank + 3 Int = +4
Perception 1 Rank + 3 Class Skill + 2 Wis = +6
Ride 0 Ranks + 4 Dex = +4
Sense Motive 1 Rank + 3 Class Skill + 2 Wis = +6
Sleight of Hand 1 Rank + 3 Class Skill + 4 Dex = +8
Spellcraft 1 Rank + 3 Int =+4
Survival 0 Ranks + 2 Wis =+2
Swim 1 Rank + 3 Class Skill + 2 Strength = +6
Stealth 1 Rank + 3 Class Skill + 2 Racial + 4 Dex =+10
UMD 1 Rank + 3 Class Skill + 2 Char = +6

Special Abilities:

Spell-like ability: Tieflings can use darkness once per day as a spell-like ability. The caster level for this ability equals the tiefling’s class level.

Social Talents
Ill-gotten Knowledge
Your family has concluded many dark pacts with devils to gain greater knowledge and power, and you have inherited some of this diabolic skill in emulating magic.
When using Use Magic Device to activate a scroll or wand you always count as having the spell required on your class spell list (even if you do not normally cast spells). You gain a +5 competence bonus to your skill check when trying to activate items blindly. In addition you may take 10 on UMD checks to cast from scrolls or wands, provided that you are not in a stressful situation (as defined by the GM - but basically normal take 10 rules).

Vigilante Talents

Stalker Specialization
A stalker gains an ability called hidden strike, which allows him to deal an extra 1d8 points of precision damage on melee attacks (or ranged attacks from within 30 feet) against foes who are unaware of his presence, who consider him an ally, or who are made flat-footed by startling appearance. This extra damage increases by 1d8 at 3rd level and every 2 vigilante levels thereafter. A stalker vigilante can also deal hidden strike damage to a target that he is flanking or that is denied its Dexterity bonus to AC, but in these cases, the damage dice are reduced to d4s. A stalker can deal hidden strike damage against targets with concealment (but not total concealment).

Ki Pool
At 2nd level, a teisatsu gains a ki pool, identical to the ninja class feature, using his vigilante level as his effective ninja level.

The number of points in the teisatsu's ki pool is equal to 1/2 her teisatsu level + her Charisma modifier. As long as she has at least 1 point in her ki pool, she treats any Acrobatics skill check made to jump as if she had a running start. At 10th level, she also reduces the DC of Acrobatics skill checks made to jump by 1/2 (although she still cannot move farther than her speed allows).

By spending 1 point from her ki pool, a teisatsu can make one additional attack at her highest attack bonus, but she can do so only when making a full attack. In addition, she can spend 1 point to increase her speed by 20 feet for 1 round. Finally, a teisatsu can spend 1 point from her ki pool to give herself a +4 insight bonus on Stealth checks for 1 round. Each of these powers is activated as a swift action.

The ki pool is replenished each morning after 8 hours of rest or meditation; these hours do not need to be consecutive.

This ability replaces the vigilante talent gained at 2nd level.


Masterwork Cold Iron Wakizashi (370gp)
Alchemical Silver Wakizashi (55gp) [i] Note: Doesn't possess yet but set aside funds to buy near the beginning of the AP. If one is not available will buy an alchemical silver short sword instead)
Leather Armour (10gp)
Shortbow (30gp)
Arrows (2o) (1gp)
Grappling Arrow (1gp)
Spring Blade (70gp)
Silver Dagger (22gp)
Cold Iron Dagger (4gp)
Concealable Thieves Tools (190gp)
Cloak of Resistance (+1)
Subversive Vest (45gp)
Silk Rope (50ft) (10gp)
Glass Cutter (5gp)
Gluepaper (10) (1gp)
Wristsheath, Springloaded (contains cold iron dagger) (5gp)
Scroll Case (2) (2gp)
Scroll of Mending (12.5gp)
Scroll of Detect Magic (12.5gp)
Scroll of Mage Hand (12.5)
Scroll of Comprehend Languages (25gp)
Scroll of Cure Light Wounds (25gp)
Scroll of Ant Haul (25gp)
Scroll of Expeditious Retreat (25gp)
Scroll of Protection from Evil (25gp)
Julianic Signet Ring
Total Cost 1000gp


Eudoxia is a petite young woman with fiery red hair and piercing green eyes. There are few visible signs of her fiendish heritage, apart from the unusual shade of her hair and the sharpness of her facial features, the only real possible giveaways are the way her eyes sometimes reflect light in the dark and the very slight point to her ears (easily hidden by her hair).

Her hair is usually elaborately styled and she favours green or grey dresses, but has been known to wear red on occasion. She is proud of her appearance but somewhat sensitive about her lack of height. Her clothing is expensive and finely tailored but usually not ostentatious or overly daring.

Vigilante Costume
Not put together IC yet
Dark leather armour, a dappled dark grey hooded cloak, a dark grey scarf covering the lower face, a leather 'bandit' style mask covering the upper face.


Eudoxia is rather self centered and can be vain and over proud but also generous when she sees somebody in need. Due the difficulties she had pleasing her family while growing up she feels a need to make people love her and to demonstrate her skills. (NB This plays a strong role in her decision to don a mask and become a champion of the people)
She has a keen mind and a strong sense of curiosity, but tends to be rather undisciplined and eclectic in her studies, focusing on a wide variety of topics rather than concentrating on just a few. She often discovers a passion for a certain subject before growing bored of it after a month or two.

Eudoxia is currently Chaotic Neutral, but her Vigilante Alignment will be Chaotic Good and her alignment will probably move in that direction as the adventure progresses


Eudoxia's mother died giving birth to her and that, coupled with the shame of having a tiefling in the family, meant that she received little affection, or even attention from her relatives growing up. Instead she was raised by a succession of servants and tutors, and inevitably ended up running slightly wild. The biggest influence on her during this time was her old halfling nursemaid, Lina, who taught her the value of kindness and generosity, as well as simple folk wisdom and her native language (halfling).

As she grew up, as well as classes on history, etiquette, spellcraft, and self defence, Eudoxia also learnt the importance of masks and pretending to be what you aren't. Xia, the willful child or climbed on the roof and brawled with the servants' children, was a very different person from the prim and proper Eudoxia Sarini, who appeared before her father or her aunt to demonstrate what she had learnt or attend a social event with members of the other noble families.

Recently, as Eudoxia has grown into an accomplished young lady Countess Urora, her aunt, has begun to see her as less of a potential embarrassment to be hidden away and more an asset to be used to the fullest. The fiendish taint in her blood provides her with a number of benefits, and so far has been completely hidden from anyone outside the family. Eudoxia has also recently attracted the interest of xXXx, a development her aunt is keen to push in order to increase Sarini influence with the new administration but Eudoxia is less sure about.

Note: Vigilante appearance should look something like this