
EtsuElfRanger's page

Organized Play Member. 112 posts. No reviews. 2 lists. 1 wishlist.

Liberty's Edge

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I would say that most of the languages can be learned by anyone who wants to take the time. Probably some of the race specific ones can't be spoken by others, but they can be understood. I would look at the individual monster entry. Generally the ones that can only communicate in their language are mentioned specifically, and those are the ones that you would have trouble learning/speaking.

For example,I seem to remember there was something that communicates by scent. Humans probably couldn't learn that language, but another creature with the scent ability could learn but not speak it.

Liberty's Edge

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Ok, here's Burnt Offerings. I've listed the monsters per encounter.

Spoilers, sweetie:

Goblin Pyros x3
Goblin Warchanter
Human Skeletons x2
Ven Vinder
Tickwood Boar
Gresgurt (Goblin Commando)
Shalelu Andosana
Tsuto Kaijitsu
Sinspawn x2
Koruvus (mutant goblin)
Human Zombie x11
Wren familiar (?)
Goblin Refugees x10
Goblin Dogs x4
Tangletooth (firepelt cougar)
Gogmurt (goblin druid)
Goblin commandos x3
Shadowmist (horse)
Warchief Ripnugget
Stickfoot (giant gecko)
Bruthazmus (bugbear ranger)
Goblin wives x4
Orik Vancaskerkin (human fighter)
Yeth Hounds x2
Lyrie Akenja (human wizard)
Nualia (aasimar cleric/fighter)
Giant Hermit Crab
Shadows x3
Malfeshnekor (greater barghest)

Liberty's Edge

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I am about to reintroduce my players to Aldern Foxglove. I took the opportunity to put my and my girlfriend's special fx makeup skills to use. A mutual friend of several of my players agreed to model for me. Both of the possible Aldern obsessions know him well, so there should be a very good reaction when they realize who he actually is.

Going with the mask theme that's so prevalent in Skinsaw Murders, I gave Aldern a second (non-magical) mask to play with. I see him as using one mask for His Lordship and the stalker's mask for the Skinsaw Man, while leaving his face uncovered for the Hurter. I also added a few spots of mold on his face, tying him in with the mold and disease in the house. And his fingernails are green to suggest the same disease.

I am planning on adding a few final touches to this on Photoshop before I show my players (probably make it look more like night and make his eyes red), but I couldn't wait to share this.

Without further ado, I present to you The Skinsaw Man

Liberty's Edge

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I would add that your party is probably going to have company sooner than they expected. Probably at least Lyrie and Orik coming up to investigate/yell at the stupid goblins/put out the fire. Nualia herself would eventually also show up, probably with yeth hounds in tow. And then you have the other goblin tribes, some of whom might be willing to rush to the Thistletop tribe's aid, or try to come take over the best lair/keep it from burning down. Of course, eventually someone from Sandpoint will come investigate, but by then it will probably be too late for them to help.

All in all, if your party is burning it down so they can rest and recover safely, it's probably not the best way to go about it.

Liberty's Edge

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So, I know there are certain people on here that have very fond memories of a monster from a free D&D adventure called "Something's Cooking." I want to adapt it to Pathfinder for a Runelords campaign I'm running. Problem is, I've never built a monster for Pathfinder before. Anybody have any advice, or actually converted this guy?

Liberty's Edge

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Rough idea for a script, if gran rey will agree to let me use it. Most definitely will credit.

Lyrics by gran rey de los mono from the Paizo messageboards.


spoilered for length:

Tryin' to not work (GOBLINS CHLLIN' BY THE CREEK)
Bring me some wood that is covered in oil (GOBLIN WITH A TORCH!!)

Sharpenin' a big knife (GOBLIN SHARPENING A BIG KNIFE)
To end me a dog's life (GOBLIN CHEWING ON A BIG BONE)
Smell the pot, its beginin' to boil (POT BEGINS TO BOIL, GOBLIN DROPS IN THE BONE)

Wastin' away again here in Goblinville (GOBLINS JAM SESSION)
Lookin' for my last few fireworks (GOBLIN SEARCHING THROUGH BOXES, BAGS. SIGHT GAGS)
Some people claim that theres a human to blame (CLIP: GUY FIGHTING ORC, PART 1)
Its Lockjaw's fault (LOCKJAW DOES A SPIT TAKE)

Don't know how to write (GOBLIN HOLDS DND 4TH ED BOOK UPSIDE DOWN)
But that is alright (TOSSES IT ASIDE)
'Cause I know where to get a tattoo (REMOVES BELT)

And its a real good'un (PULLS UP SHIRT, SHOWS TATTOO ON BELLY)
A house, and its wooden (CLOSEUP OF TATTOO)
See the fire blazing all 'round the flue?(FINGERS THE FIRE ON TATTOO)

Wasting away again here in Goblinville (MORE GOBLIN JAM SESSION)
Lookin' for my last few fireworks (STILL LOOKING, BIG SIGHT GAG)
Some people claim that theres a human to blame (CLIP: GUY FIGHTING ORC, PART 1)
Its Lockjaw's fault (CHASES LOCKJAW)


Sold him a ring toss ( HE LIKES IT.)
He gave me some cash and sent me back home (GOBLIN TAKES BAG, DANCES OFF)

My heads starting to swell (HITS HIM OVER HEAD WITH GUITAR)
Got hit on the head, nearly caved in my dome (MAKES BIG DEAL OF HOLDING HEAD, ALA FAMILY GUY)

Wastin' away again here in Goblinville (GOBLIN JAM: LEAD & DRUMMER ONLY, LEAD HAS ICE PACK/ BIG STEAK ON HEAD)
Lookin' for my last few fireworks (FINALLY FINDS THE FIREWORKS!!)
Gonna find Lockjaw (SNEAKS UP ON LOCKJAW), shove them right up his bum (C/U: LOCKJAW’S EYES GET REALLY BIG!)

The clip of the guy fighting orcs is from another project of mine.

Liberty's Edge

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So I was reading through some of the old DnD downloads I had on my laptop, and I came across the Deity Do's and Don'ts. It had some useful ideas, along with a chart of the FR deities and what their sacred attributes were. Things like favored colors, animals, etc. So, that got me thinking about what the Pathfinder deities might list if they had a chart like that.

I will post some of what I come up with here, but I'm also interested in community response. (or response from James, since they were from his home campaign originally.) Was looking for something like this. Feel free to add more categories if you think of any.

Monsters: What the deity likes or dislikes
Gems/Metals: Either what is sacred to the deity or popular among followers.
Misc: Other specific signs that the deity uses to convey favor or lack thereof.

Will post Desna as an example in the morning. Getting too sleepy to make sense.

Liberty's Edge

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liondriel wrote:

I'll put this here in case other GMs wonder about the same thing :)

** spoiler omitted **

I believe this was answered elsewhere. Basically, the Splatter Man is recreating his MO in life, where his victims would find their names spelled out in blood one letter at a time. It's not the fact that it stays written, but the fact that it was written to begin with.

Liberty's Edge

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Cesare wrote:

Has anyone written up who Nualia's real parents are? Where are they? What are they up to? Are they both aasimars? If they are dead, how did Father Tobyn find her? My PCs are all graduates of Turandurok Academy and I am sure that they'll ask the above question when they begin investigating the goblin attack.

On the same note, who is Tsuto's real father? Where is he? What is he doing?

Not sure about Tsuto, but I believe Nualia was found on the church steps as an infant. Don't have the book in front of me, so maybe I made that up? I would imagine it would be relatively common to leave infants in the care of a church. Clearly the baby was blessed by Desna, where better for her to be raised than the church.

As for Tsuto, are there any prominent male elves in Sandpoint? Hannah and Shalelu are the only elves coming to mind, and they're both women. Doesn't mean he was local, though. Could be fun to have him be Ironbriar's kid, for example.

Liberty's Edge

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Ok, so I did a little digging and I found the thread that was talking about Chopper's victims.

That should help you some if you want to customize your own list. It doesn't have a complete list, so I'm going to post my own for you and anyone else to use.


Bruno (one of Gorvi’s boys)
Amois Bebbo+
Garrick Mason
Wade Deverin*
Valeros (or PC relative)
Regnos Visjiri
Andre Calderon+
Harsk (or PC relative)
Sasha Korvut (Das Korvut’s wife)
Seoni (or PC relative)
Leland Champano (Previous Grocer’s Guildmaster*)
Amiri (or PC relative)
Marvin Suggs
Jacob Oliver
Jonovan Weatherton(owner, Iron Dragon Inn)+
Laurel Weatherton(wife)+
Mallory Glossen (barmaid)+
Pearl Quinn (Jargie’s wife)
Preston Meyer
Sarah Kestor (actress, Sandpoint Theater): +
Vernah Povalli*
Norah Quinn (Jargie’s sister)
Derrick Weiss
Casp Avertin*
Jarvis Stoot* (aka Chopper)

+RL references

I had to add in a bunch of random names, and as you can see, I left the option for my pcs to be related to several of Chopper's victims. If your players aren't super knowledgeable about the iconics, like mine aren't, you can leave them as their actual relative's names.

If you're looking to add to the list for the skinsaw man, consider what type of obsession you're dealing with. If he's in love with them, have him kill off npc's that he sees as competition for affection. If he wants to ruin their reputation, have him hunt down people that have done them wrong. Just see what potentially greedy npc's you've already built. I find that killing off npc's has more of an effect on your players if they've built a relationship with them. try to come up with someone that your players will miss, but hopefully won't derail the campaign if they die.

Liberty's Edge

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So, since the goblins of golarion are so wonderfully insane, I thought it would be fun to come up with as many crazy things that goblins might be found doing. I'm a little surprised that I couldn't find anything like this on the boards already.

I'm going to start with some fun goblin moments for

the initial raid on sandpoint

I'm sure you can come up with some really fun things for the goblins to be doing in their own lairs.

1. You see a goblin menacing a small puppy with his dogslicer. The puppy darts away down an alley. The goblin follows, cackling maniacally. A second later, the laughter turns into a scream of terror. The frantic goblin bolts out of the alley, chased by a pack of stray dogs.

2. A stealthy goblin is sneaking along the roofline towards an unsuspecting victim below. As he climbs down onto a second story windowsill, the window is flung open and a chamberpot is emptied out of it, knocking the poor goblin into the street. A maid with very thick glasses looks out the window, "Stupid pigeons."

More to come later. Brain fried after looong week at work.

Liberty's Edge

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I'm going to be running the RotRL campaign in the near future, but I thought I'd start it off with a short mini-campaign set during the Late Unpleasantness. I don't know yet what all of my players are going to be playing, but I know that some of them won't be Sandpoint locals. I'm thinking about having my local characters playing themselves five years younger. But, for the out of town characters, I think I'm going to let them play some of the major npcs involved in saving the town.

My plan for the story is to split up the group. One plot will be for the town militia, trying to hunt down Chopper, which will be more martial pcs. My second plot will be likely be shorter. For younger pcs (under 21), or more vulnerable characters, I plan on having the prologue focus more on the fear of Chopper.

I know that I want to end both prologues with the Sandpoint Church fire, because that is the event that sets up the start of the actual campaign.

I want to play up the darkness and fear in this prologue, so I can contrast it with the brightness and happiness of the Swallowtail Festival. It's more of a celebration if the players actually have something to celebrate as well.

I guess what I need help with is some ideas for how to fill out each mini-campaign. I know I want to run each in one session or about 4 to 5 hours. I haven't really run that much horror or mystery type campaigns, so I'm at a loss here.

Any advice on how to introduce Stoot himself would be great, also. I don't want him to be too obvious; my players tend to latch onto any really detailed npc as important. So, should I try to put as much detail into several minor npcs as well, just to throw them off track?

I was also wondering about including Nualia briefly. What is she up to during this time? Was she in her coma during the whole thing or had she woken up?

I'm going to be working on a timeline for the Late Unpleasantness and an actual list of chopper's victims. If anyone else is interested, I will post it once it's done. I will try to come up with some ideas for how they may have wronged him.