DISCLAIMER: I know what happens here isn't legal, but I allowed it because it was a smart idea and I wanted to reward creative thinking and strategizing.
The party:
Zaigan, Aasimar Synthesist/Hierophant/Archmage
Riddik, Human Cavalier/Marshal
Varren, Human Two-Handed Fighter/Champion
Orion Ocrian Perceval Sullivan (OOPS), Elf Alchemist/Trickster
So this is early in SoV. They've just made it past the lost chapel, and are marching onwards. It doesn't take them long to see and identify the Vescavor swarm ahead. After some brainstorming, they realize they do, in fact, have to go after the queen. So they find the opening. Nobody wants to go in first, so Zaigan calls up an earth elemental to go map the place out. It's a simple map, so I allow it. Here's where things get crazy. They climb down into the caves, and OOPS presents his plan: He'll drink the Spider Climb potion they found a while back, and an Invisibility extract, climb along the ceiling, and drop every last bomb he can make on the queen at once. Knowing the thing has fire resistance 10, I tell him to go ahead and start making stealth checks. He succeeds every last one. He reaches the queen, and starts rolling damage. If the thing didn't have resistance, it would have died three times over. But it did, so it hung on at about 25% HP. Hearing the massive explosion on the other side of the cave, everyone leaps into action. Zaigan casts Haste and teleports the next round, Varren and his Impossible Speed sprint halfway across the cavern, and poor Riddik is just chugging along behind everyone else. Meanwhile, OOPS is running away and trying not to die. He's not doing great at it, and loses about a third of his HP to an AoO. Things carry on, and Varren eventually hits the queen for just under its remaining HP. OOPS is up next, just barely manages to hit it, and it goes down. Swarms disperse, and everyone gets out fine. By far the coolest player strategy I've seen thus far.
Finally getting around to playing this thing! However, the Player's Guide seems sparse on information compared to other APs I've seen, and I thought you guys might be able to lend a hand. The party:
Human Empiricist (me)
Human Fighter (polearm build)
Gnome Bard (face/archery/buffs)
Some kind of Druid (player hasn't given us much info)
So, without spoilers, what are some general tips for the campaign that aren't in the Player's Guide? Skills to invest in, strategies to remember, etc. We're playing the anniversary edition.
Building a Warlock for an upcoming game, but I'm unsure of what spells to give him. 16 INT, 1st level. I do plan to make use of Mystic Bolts. So what are the best four or so spells of each level for a Warlock?
I'm aware of the PFS ruling, but this is more concerned with general use. The consensus seems to be that Pseudodragons can use wands, but what about their more brutish cousins? They can speak Draconic, and they *seem* to be capable of holding wands. Does this mean they can use them? Does that apply to any familiar capable of holding a wand and speaking?
So I'm building a Kobold Witch. Right now, he's level 5 with a scorpion familiar. I'm planning to take Improved Familiar at 7th, with one caveat: the new familiar must be a dragon (because kobolds). Initially, I was going to choose the Pseudodragon, but it seems they can't use wands. So, here's all the available dragon familiars I'm aware of and whether or not they can use wands:
Can use wands: Calligraphy Wyrm, Faerie Dragon, Pyrausta
Cannot use wands: Pseudodragon, Pseudowyvern
I'm aware the Pseudodragon is likely the best of these, but I don't particularly like it. Pseudowyvern is my favorite fluff-wise, but it can't use wands. Is that a large enough drawback that it shouldn't be taken? Is Faerie Dragon so powerful that you're crippling yourself if you don't take it?
I recently discovered the trait "Demonbane Summoner" from the Monster Summoner's Handbook: "Your line is derived directly from the god callers of Sarkoris. You adamantly oppose the demonic forces of the Worldwound in hopes of reclaiming your lost lands. The attacks of creatures you summon are treated as cold iron for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction." A Summoner's Eidolon is definitely a summoned creature, and this would work RAW, but is that the intent, and does this apply to the manufactured weapons of the Eidolon? What about weapons of things like a Hound Archon?
Playing one of these soon, and need some help/advice on the build. Here's what I've got to work with:
25 point buy, starting at 5th level, and could very well go all the way to 20.
Trying to build around fighting defensively, so looking to get high AC, and reduced penalties from fighting defensively, especially as Spell Combat is already a -2.
DEX build, obviously, unless you can make an EXTREMELY good argument.
Specifically looking for help with race and feat selection. We are using traits. Bonus points for dex-to-damage without costing two feats. I'm well aware of Crane Style, but unsure if multiclassing or just taking it as a feat is a better option.
I'm currently running WotR for a group of four, and we've just begun SoV (cleared the Gibbering Swarm last session). After consulting the players, I've decided to replace several minor bosses (Barrid, Jestak, etc.) with an anti-party of my own design. My problem is balancing them, especially in the face of mythic PCs. Given the party below, what level and/or tier should the antis be at? What about at higher levels? (1 encounter per module, alternating solo fights and all at once). I've got the antis pretty much built, with each being an evil version of one PC, and a direct counter to another. They're currently built at level 10, with no tiers. Any other general suggestions are welcome, and more information can be provided upon request.
Starting the anniversary edition of ROTRL soon, and decided I wanted to play an Arcanist (because flexible metamagic is amazeballs). Problem is, I'm super indecisive about how to build him.
The rules:
Traits are allowed, but one must be a campaign trait
As a general rule, all paizo books are legal, but most additional rule systems are not (e.g. Mythic, Hero Points, etc.).
25 point buy, or roll, player choice. I chose point buy.
The party:
Human Knife Master/Scout
Human Brawler (class, not archetype)
Halfling Bard
Whatever the heck I'm going to be
My current inclinations:
Get Quick Study ASAP, for obvious reasons. I'd take an archetype, but that would mean losing out on 1st level exploit, meaning not starting with QS. Extra Arcanist Exploit looks good for a feat, probably for Potent Magic, or maybe Dimensional Slide. For race, either Samsaran or Elf. My GM is allowing me to use Mystic Past Life to grab spells from the Summoner list at an earlier level (e.g. Summon Monster VIII as a 6th level), but the ability bonuses, FCB, and Longbow proficiency from elf are also really nice. I'm also dumping Charisma. The only thing I'd use it for is Consume Spells, anyway.
Tl;dr, Is Elf or Samsaran better? Is delaying exploits worth taking Occultist or School Savant? If not, which exploit(s) should I take? General tips for surviving low levels would be nice, too. If there's any critical information I've left out, don't hesitate to ask.