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![]() IronVanguard wrote:
True and as I recall in the blog they talk about people not only making settlements but enough settlements banning together to form kingdoms and nations with different types of governments.. Different government styles should also have different titles. I mean think about it. Why would the leader of a democratic government call them selves a king or a queen? Aeioun Plainsweed wrote:
Such is the way things are in real life. In a combat zone its pretty much common sense to keep a low profile on who is where in the command structure. Hence why in the US Marines you don't salute officers in combat zones, and the queen of England doesn't go prancing around hostile anti-colonial nations. lol ![]()
![]() I'm not one for starting threads but this one has been kinda itching at the back of my brain for a while. I've been wondering what people think about character titles much like rift where you can have both prefix and suffix titles.
![]() I kind of have the same feelings for mounts as I do for flying. It all needs to be implemented correctly for it to work. Whats wrong with mounts/flight in wow. Everyone can do it and their is no drawback for doing it. When I think flight in pathfinder I think a system of adventure that is just as deadly as walking on the ground. I think mounts and flight should cost something and shouldn't be accessible at a moments notice. In wow your out in the middle of nowhere but with a press of a button you have giant flying monstrosity because you paid the gold to get it. In the system I would like to see. You have to go to a stable to pickup the animal to ride and when your done you have to put it back or let it go. I also think animals(Pets/Mounts) should be kill able. If its killed and you don't have the ability to resuscitate the animal. Then you have to walk back to a stable or find another one. ![]()
![]() Okay time for my two cents. Personally I think there should be flight in the game. The key to a good sandbox is to be able to do anything in it. Key word is anything. With enough time and jelly beans you can do anything. Advantages and disadvantages should be weight able to the amount of time spent being able to do it. Sorry but flight should not be for everyone. Want a special mount that you can ride that can fly. Well guess what you better have the handle animal time and training to even get it to like you let alone time spent getting a ride skill high enough. Want a caster that can cast flight. Cool doesn't mean you should be flying to high before your spell effect wears off you fall 200+ feet to your doom. Something hits you in mid-air and you cant keep control just like the table top game if you cant make the dice checks to regain control while your falling to the ground. Your going splat. There should also be enough monsters that fly high enough over the river kingdoms that keeps the very same amount of danger on the ground, in the air, and even in the water. ![]()
![]() Ravening wrote: Initially I was of two minds about this second kickstarter, initially I wasn’t pleased at the thought at the thought of shelling out even more money for the game. Then reality hit me and I did a few calculation for what I paid to play SWTOR, and what I’m currently continuing to pay. Suddenly I realised that the $100 Us dollar pledge isn’t such a bad deal. A digital copy of the game, plus a three month subscription, plus early entry, plus some extra goodies! I’ve already spent far in excess of that on a game that I find less than thrilling. So I very quickly pledged the $100 and now I’m feeling rather pleased with myself. So true. I've been sitting here thinking about my first pledge of $100. And trust me the debate for dropping the money for the $500 has been bouncing around in my head like mad. I mean that's early access for myself and 5 other friends. Plus that's even more money that goes to developing this game. Hopefully more staff means a slightly faster turn around with getting this game released. ![]()
![]() Nihimon wrote:
I shutter at the thought of a small female halfling with the voice of a 40 year old dude. ![]()
![]() DropBearHunter wrote:
It feels like the icon needs more cow bell. |