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1 post. Alias of William Bryan.

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Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Hi yall,

I'd like to cancel my AP subscription after I receive the 3rd book in the 3-part series.

Thank you!

Dark Archive


I'm wondering if Paizo will be releasing APs on Roll 20 to support 2e.

I'm also wondering if yall are doing bundle deals for the 3 core rulebooks?

Thank you!

Dark Archive

Hey folks,

Wishing wellness to all of you in these hard times.

I was looking for some of my older PF1e APs that I've purchased over the years but many of them are no longer there. How can I access them again?

Thank you!

Dark Archive

Hey everyone!

If you are a fan of the Pathfinder Adventure Paths AND a fan of D&D5e, there are some sweet perks for you inside of our new rewards revamp. Wanted to give you all a heads up about that...and much more as well.

Check it out here

Happy gaming y'all!

Dark Archive

I'm brainstorming into what practical everyday businesses a group of specialist wizards would excel at.

For example....

Necromancers would be great in the fertilizer business (gross but effective)

Evokers would excel at making fireworks or arms dealers.

Any ideas about the other schools of magic?

Dark Archive

I'm brainstorming into what practical everyday businesses a group of specialist wizards would excel at.

For example....

Necromancers would be great in the fertilizer business (gross but effective)

Evokers would excel at making fireworks or arms dealers.

Any ideas about the other schools of magic?

Dark Archive

Our first episode is up on YouTube! Give it a watch!! Our goal is to build a world from scratch, then play in that world using D&D5e.

Episode 1---------->
Hope you enjoy watching as much as we enjoy making :)

Instagram @criticalmissfits
Twitter @criticalmissfit
Our website

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Our first episode is up on YouTube! Give it a watch!! Our goal is to build a world from scratch, then play in that world using D&D5e.

Episode 1---------->
Hope you enjoy watching as much as we enjoy making :)

Instagram @criticalmissfits
Twitter @criticalmissfit
Our website

Dark Archive

Thank you!

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.

"Discover the truth about the great conflicts of the D&D multiverse...." ome-foes

I for one am excited for 5E to expand upon the fiendish part of the multiverse. And I hope it leads into a planar campaign!

Dark Archive

I'd like to cancel my AP subscription. Thank you!

Dark Archive

Concentration spells were a godsend to me coming from the 3E model of spellcasting--cast as many spells as you can. And still I love how reigned in it is. I have however heard from other people that only being able to concentrate on one 'Concentration' spell at a time is their least favorite thing about 5E. And I certainly see their point.

Has anyone opened the spellcasting system up to being able to have more 'concentration' spells up and running at the same time? I can see that maybe casting that second 'concentration' spell (and keeping it up) could require an ability check (INT for wizards, WIS for clerics and druids, etc.) with a DC of 10 plus 5 per extra 'concentration' spell up beyond 1.

If damage is taken, maybe the CON save uses the same equation (The DC equals 10 or half the damage you take, whichever number is higher) plus 5 per extra spell.

Has anyone tried anything like this? If so, any comments about it?

Dark Archive

FYI.....GM's should be the only one's reading this.

This is a 5E imagining of Eyrilium's Lair. Considering how long she's been in the catacombs, it would stand to reason that she has some sort of command over said cathedral and some kind of connection to the Shrine of Lamashtu along with a sort of blending of the two. Here's what I wrote up for her Lair and the Minor Runewell...

Minor Runewell of Wrath (20 wrath points): If someone were to touch the freezing orange waters of the Runewell, they would need to make a WIS save DC 15 or enter a barbarian rage and attack the nearest creature. Any creature that fails this save may make another one at the end of every turn. Once successful, they cannot be affected for the next 24 hours.
The runewell can also disgorge a Sinspawn as an Action when allowing a drop of blood to fall into the pool.

LAIR ABILITIES (one per turn going on Initiative 20)
—Erylium can use the barest amount of telekinesis to make the runewell bubble and flare, causing the water to splash on 1 creature standing next to the rune well (see above).
—Any one female character must make a CHA save DC 15 for the next 3 rounds. If the target is pregnant, they roll the save at a DISADVANTAGE. A success means they cannot be possessed by the runewell for the next 24 hours.
The first round means the target retreats back to the Shrine of Lamashtu (provoking AO's when applicable).
The second round means the target pulls out a sharp implement and begins to slash their belly doing their weapon damage. If they have no weapon, they claw at their belly doing 1 damage.
On the third round, they invoke the Mother of Monster’s dark name and draw a curse upon themselves. CURSE: If ever you give birth, you will give birth to a monster. In addition, you gain the Flaw (Indefinite Madness), “Looking at a beautiful person makes me want to kill it”.
—The Runewell flares to life causing everyone in the room to make a WIS save DC 10 or use their reaction to attack the nearest creature.

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Hello few-and-far-between Planescape fans!

I am currently running a PS campaign (5E) that takes my players through a variety of PS adventures. The two that I'm putting the most emphasis on is The Great Modron March and Dead Gods.

My request for any GM that has run these adventures....please tell me how that experience was for you--reviewing them as much as possible. Also, did you add anything/drop anything pertaining to the story? If you were a player, please let me know your experiences as well!

Curious how many people out there actually have experienced these wonderful adventures.

Dark Archive

In the past, there was an option in my 'account settings' that allowed me to "ship right away" or "ship with next grouping". (I'm not sure if those quotes are accurate but you get the point)

I'm not seeing this anymore. Can someone point this out to me if it still exists? Thank you!

Dark Archive

I don't know if anyone will find this useful. I've been stuck in a bind of loving 5E and still choosing Golarion as the world that I choose to RP in. With that said, I've been working on this conversion and I hope someone gets some use out of it.

Dark Archive

Hello all,

Please cancel my AP subscription. Thank you!

Dark Archive

Greetings Paizo staff!

What is the difference between Paizo and WotC in terms of PDF production? In other words, why does Paizo not only flawlessly offer great PDFs but work it in to subscriptions and the like, and WotC doesn't even touch it (aside from the free basic D&D PDF).

I've been made aware that their D&D staff is a lot smaller than your staff and as such can do less. That being said, I was wondering if any of you would be able to shed a clearer picture for me.

Thank you!

Dark Archive

Request: Can I combine this order with my Pathfinder AP subscription coming up? I know I've accomplished this before but cannot figure out how to do this again.

Is this possible?

Dark Archive

9 people marked this as a favorite.

Once upon a time, I fell in love with the TSR Planescape campaign. And while I could go on and on gushing and praising that campaign setting, there is one book that stands out for me as stroke of RPG genius--UNCAGED: THE FACES OF SIGIL by R.A. Vallese.

Not only are their over 40 fully fleshed out multidimensional NPC's (plus many more minor NPCs) but Vallese did something (in my experience) no other NPC book has ever done. He created interconnected flowcharts in the back of the book relating said charts to the metaplot that all of the NPCs in each flow chart are apart of.


That's all I got. My request is short and sweet.

Dark Archive

Please cancel my Pathfinder RPG subscription. Thank you.

Dark Archive

My credit card was declined. It's not expired and I always have plenty of room on it. I did just recently change my address. Is this why? How can we fix this? I'm wanting to buy things! :D

Dark Archive

If my Druid caster is blind and casts Eagle Eye, would he then gain his sight albeit from the birds-eye-view described in the spell?

Dark Archive

Has anyone attempted to do this yet? I am reading up on the Burning Wheel RPG currently but am curious if anyone has made an attempt at this.

Dark Archive

Please cancel order number #1441900. I don't know how this happened. I also want to know where this is shipping to. Because if it isn't my address, I have a problem.


Dark Archive

Hey Liz!

While playing your absolutely fabulous game at PaizoCon (Blood of Kings), you mentioned gifts, handing out a sheet and having us choose what we wanted.

I chose a Mythic Adventures PDF and was wondering when I could get my hands on that in my downloads. Let me know. Thanks Liz!

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.

It's been almost 2 years and my players are knee-deep in the 6th chapter of the AP. This campaign began out of losing 3 amazing players all at once forcing our Kingmaker campaign to disband leaving myself and 2 other players with the question, "what's next?" and "Who else are we playing with?"

Enter 3 amazing ladies employed at my local coffee shop trusting in a complete stranger to provide something that they've never experienced before. And so 3 newbies--although each of them were already obsessed with the fantasy genre--set out to learn the Pathfinder system, but more importantly, they learned to role play. One had life take her to Arizona for schooling. The other two? Well, lets just say that their characters are now powerful forces within the country of Minkai as well as joining me in PaizoCon festivities for the last 2 years. It's been an absolute pleasure becoming their friends. How has that translated into our game? Amazingly well! I count them among my closest friends and love planning things with them both inside and outside our game.

Brinewall Legacy spoiler:
Not including the fact that we began the campaign with WE BE GOBLINS! YOU BE FOOD!! as the players playing the treacherous goblins as their first foray into RPing, BL was a fantastic first adventure that breathed much life into the plot, NPC interaction, and the slow but inevitable transition between a variety of cultures. All my players experienced all of those qualities to be superb.

Night of Frozen Shadows spoiler:
Given that the majority of the AP was a "railroad" AP (no negativity intended), the fact that this adventure was very much that didn't bother me in the slightest. In fact, the Noteriety Point system was a brilliant mechanic for determining key events while showing the PCs how their actions will have consequences. It also had AMAZING opportunities for dynamic NPCs (Lute Haggersly was my personal favorite following the heroes all the way to Kasai).

Hungry Storm spoiler:
HS had some amazing components, awesome battles, and cinematic gold within. It had two major failings however. The caravan rules and the diverging story from the metaplot. Otherwise, a fine concept. Who wouldn't think of a journey accross the North Pole as anything but HELLA exciting? I do commend the author for attempting to create alternate pathways in the journey as well, mixing it up as much as possible.

Forest of Spirits spoiler:
I thought this adventure to be sub par on my first read through. However, that is NOT how it was played out. The first part within the city of Ordu-Aganhai was culture shock RPing GOLD!! The PCs had so many frustrating and creepy culture shock moments, they were so relieved to be gone from that place. You can tell though that my players had a great time trying to do something other than hack their way out of a situation (although they almost tried =}

Then on to the House of Withering Blossoms. I gauge this dungeon crawl on something that my most experienced player said. "Bill, I HATE dungeon crawls. But this one is A. not annoying, and B. got a lot of historical flavor." The major villain was rather weak but I spruced her up by having her be able to multiply every time she got to half HPs as a reflection of her shattered mind combined with the magic of the underground pagoda. FUN!!

Tide of Honor and The Empty Throne spoiler:
I really considered these last two adventures the same adventure as it for the first time gave the PCs a "sandbox" to wander in. My PCs created many things that were not written in the AP that directly affected the way Minkai related to them. Invading gaijin or rightful liberators? Hmmmmmm. I am finding the 6th adventure to be choc-full of historical RPing opportunities. As we are still finishing up this AP, this is all I'll go into about #6.

All-in-all, an amazing and bold AP! I found it to be just the challenge I needed as an experienced GM. Many people expressed their overall disdain for creating the PCs as essentially NOT the main characters. I experienced just the opposite. It meant that instead of the party's "liege lord" in a fixed location, she was traveling along side her most trusted friends and bodyguards. It meant that if the party was having trouble sussing out a dilemma, you almost always had a multitude of NPCs to share their varied points of view thereby creating a richness and an aliveness to the campaign. And it meant that personal loss was never far away. I don't mean that last statement in a villainous way. I mean it from a storytelling perspective. Frodo and Sam lost so much before accomplishing their goal and that's what made the story. Not their end goal but their loss along the way.

Thank you James Jacobs and the whole JR crew. Well done!

Dark Archive

Is there any reason why a ghost would choose Freedom of Movement as a spell? I can't think of one.

Dark Archive

Hey all! I was thinking about bringing the board game ECLIPSE. Does anyone have any interest in playing Sat evening during the banquet?

Would ideally like to play with experienced players. Let me know if you're interested!

Dark Archive

Please cancel my Pathfinder Roleplaying Game subscription. Thank you.

Dark Archive

Hey all!

I have a hankering for a high level throw-down of epic proportions. And since I'm not attending the banquet this year, I'm spurring this event forward, extending it to 12 (including myself) max.


The setting: End boss/Arena-like area where the battle will take place.
The players: YOU playing either...
-- A high level PC chosen out of the NPC Codex, OR
-- One of six villains from the Various Paizo adventure paths.
It's villains vs the hapless heros. And....FIGHT!

My intention is to have a blast of a battle all the while delving into the insanity of high level combat.

If this interests you, let me know. We have plenty of time to work out the logistics. So don't panic if replies are not sent right away.


I'm looking for any advice as to what class/archtype I could use to create a character that specializes in creating patchwork golem-like minions (ala Frankenstein's monster or smaller) to do his bidding. Has anyone explored this route before?

Dark Archive

That's about it :)

Dark Archive

Hey folks!

I'm running a Jade Regent campaign. My players a taking a detour into north of Minkai into naga territory. Is there any dungeon adventure any of you would see as a good fit for this? Thanks for any and all suggestions!

Dark Archive

This seems to be a unique AP. My group switches GMing between me and another. One of our players expressed that he wants to give the GM seat a try. How "GM beginner friendly" is RoW?

For example, Kingmaker and Skull & Shackles were IMO not GM beginner friendly. Rise of the Runelords and Legacy of Fire were.


Dark Archive

Hey y'all,

I realize that this may be the wrong forum for this area. BUT....I'm looking into any and all tabletop game market analysis for the purpose of opening up my own game store. Can anyone point me in the right direction?


Dark Archive

Please cancel this line for me. Thank you.

Dark Archive

Wanted to start this thread in hopes of seeing what everyone's planning to play.

I have 3 character options and choose one that fits what everyone else chooses.

1. Human paladin with Divine Hunter archetype.
2. Halfling life oracle with alignment channel and ROTTING SKIN!!
3. Human fighter that fights with two-handed reach weapons, controls the battlefield up to 15 feet away from him, and is the bane of combat casters.

Whatchoo got? :)

Dark Archive

WOW! Thank you Paizo for creating this. This drastically improved upon the speed of me bouncing from PDF to PDF on my tablet. Thank you! What a difference!

If that was but 1 of 3 wishes in my ring of wishes, my second wish would be to be able to operate the interactive maps on my tablet. That was a huge disappointment when they came out.

Again, thank you SOOO much!

Dark Archive

Please cancel my Pathfinder Campaign setting and Pathfinder player companion subscriptions.

Thank you!

Dark Archive

Hey all,

We would love for you to come and see us perform an original screenplay performed LIVE ON STAGE this next week (March 15, 16, and 17th)at DaVinci Arts Middle School in northeast Portland, OR. Admission is $7 at the door or $15 for reserved seats.

Here's a link...

Tom Beckett is directing this play. You may know or have heard of Tom, as he directed the Pathfinder adaptation "Burnt Offerings" in 2010, based on the James Jacobs adventure. He was also at PaizoCon2010 showing the video of said play.

In case you were wondering, we've gotten full permission from Paizo to put on this performance. If you have any questions, ask away.

Dark Archive

Please cancel my Pathfinder Campaign Setting subscription. Thank you.

Dark Archive

Is anyone doing anything differently with Helgarval? I feel that there could be some foreshadowing that I'm missing out on that might be in a future installment.

James J. and crew... What were your thoughts putting this entity within this chapter of the story? I just need a little more info so I can decide whether or not to keep it in the story or change it somehow to better fit my players.

Thank you!

Dark Archive

One of my players is a cleric of Pharasma. During Racing to Ruin, the PC daughter aid from his church asking one of the higher-up clergy members. Now the church of Pharasma isn't that big in Eldeer. I was thinking on either having this small branch of Pharasma succumb to the idea of fame and fortune (more the latter) requesting aid from one of the larger Pharasmin cells OR having this small cell of clerics team up with one of the 5 factions that exist currently in the story.

I'd love to hear any thoughts or ideas on how I could better utilize the church of Pharasma as an antagonist somehow wilst still somehow aiding their brother in the field (the PC). Thanks for any contributions you make!

Dark Archive

...and if so, what AP number was it? I've been searching through all of mine. I could have sworn this existed somewhere. Am I wrong?

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