Gelatinous Cube

Esper Ranger's page

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Basically what the title asks. Is there an online map of the dungeon included with the Beginner Box? I'd like to run this adventure with some friends on Roll20 but would like a map that I can reveal room by room for them.

I'd consider scanning the one from the inside of the cover for the GM Guide but it is too marked up with hints of what to expect (and I don't want to risk tearing up my GM Guide with the scanner). I'd like a clean image like the fold up map that was included in the box. But large in size for a virtual tabletop.

Thanks in advance.

This has probably been asked before but what advantage is there to playing a human PC? I thought there used to be something like getting more skill ranks at creation but I don't see that now so maybe it was another game. Right now all I see is that humans get an extra Feat. Seems pretty lame compared to the dark vision all all the other bonuses that demi humans get.

I'm trying to decide what my first character for Pathfinder should be so that's why I'm asking. Thanks.

Instant Summons is listed as a Artifice Domain spell available to clerics at 8th level. However to use the spell you need to place your Arcane Mark on the target object. But as I understand it, clerics can't cast Arcane Mark. So how are they able to use the Instant Summons spell?

Of course I.S. wouldn't be available to clerics anyway if it wasn't a domain spell.

Any input will be appreciated.

One of the pawns in the Beginner Box (human cleric) appears to be a cleric of Torag? At least judging by the hammer, goggles and tongs/pliers. Is there a real mini of this character yet? I'm pretty sure my next player character is going to be a cleric of Torag. Thanks.

Does the Beginner Box explain grappling an opponent? I keep seeming to miss it and the game doesn't seem to have the Combat Maneuver stats like the full game.

Sword of Omens and Claw Shield... ready? GO!

After that maybe Tigra's whip.

I reckon Cheetara's staff is the same as Diana's from the old D&D cartoon.

How would a GM go about upgrading a monster and its Challenge Rating? Say a mad necromancer dips a skeleton in some sort of liquid metal that makes them stronger and harder to break. And or gives the skeleton a magic weapon such as a vorpal blade or a +3 weapon or armor. I did say he was MAD right?

How do you go about calculating the new CR for this creature?

Also are there any examples of necrotechnology in Pathfinder or D&D modules?

I've never been a big fan of the whole "memorize, cast, forget" way that magic works in RPGs so I've been toying with the idea of adding an extra stat to each character called "Magic Points".

They work pretty much like those used in video game RPGs. The character starts each day with a fresh supply of points and spends them to cast their spells. 1st level spells cost 1 point, 2nd level costs 2 points and so on. Spells may be cast multiple times as long as they have enough points left.

Would I be dramatically unbalancing the game? Should 0 level spells be free or cost half a point?

When a character levels up what would be a good way to increase their allotment of magic points? Roll a d20? Increase it by an amount equal to their INT or WIS score?

if players use diplomacy against the fueding goblins do they still earn the xp?

Does anyone have a Pathfinder conversion of Bargle the Infamous from the Mystara campaign setting? Would the version from the final issue of Dungeon Magazine convert easy or need more tweaking? I've been wanting to kill him since the original Red Box. Thanks.

Do clerics need the material components to cast spells that require them when arcane spell casters use them? Such as 50gp of ruby dust for the Continual Flame spell?

Also, if someone casts Continual Flame on an object, does just one point flame or the entire object? So we'd get a flaming sword (without heat or fire damage I know). Thanks.

I know that this is a touch spel but can a Light spell be caste on an enemy, such as on an eye or between the eyes to blind them? I imagine it would be a waste on a regular size foe but might be an advantage on a larger or more powerful one such as a ogre, troll or giant.

What if a group manages to subdue a town bully and just want to be mean in return and cast it on him?

Also, could it end up permanently doing damage to eyesight?

Does anyone have a Pathfinder version of the Sheet Phantom and Sheet Ghoul? Thanks.

Hi, just picked up the Core Rulebook this week and joined the website. Are there any Pathfinder steampunk adventures or creatures available. I'm thinking of running that sort of campaign this fall.