About Ersica CenthoStatistics:
Female Half Elf Investigator (Empiricist) X / Swashbuckler (Inspired Blade/Noble Fencer) 1
NG Medium Humanoid (Half Elf) Init +5; Senses Perception +6 ------------------------------ DEFENSE ------------------------------ AC 18, touch 13, flat-footed 16 (+4 armor, +3 dex, +1 buckler) hp 13 Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +2 (+4 vs Enchantments) ------------------------------ OFFENSE ------------------------------ Speed 30 ft. Melee +4 (+5 Rapier) Ranged +4
Love Lost (Campaign):
Clever Wordplay (Social):
Elven Reflexes (Race):
Bitter (Drawback):
FEATS Fencing Grace:
Weapon Focus (Rapier):
SKILLS (11 points; 6 class, 3 INT, 2 Background) ----------------------------
*ACP applies to these skills
Bardic Knowledge: +1/2 Bard Level to All Knowledge Skills Languages Taldane, Elven, Varisian, Halfling, Special Abilities:
------------------------------ SPECIAL ABILITIES ------------------------------ HALF ELF Low-Light Vision:
Elf Blood:
Elven Immunities:
Keen Senses:
{COMING SOON!} --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----
Inspired Panache (Ex):
Inspired Finesse (Ex):
Social Panache (Ex):
Deeds: Derring-Do (Ex):
Opportune Parry and Riposte (Ex):
------------------------------ Formulae ------------------------------ 1st 2nd Gear/Possessions:
------------------------------ GEAR/POSSESSIONS ------------------------------ Rapier
Carrying Capacity
Money 15 GP 7 SP 4 CP
Ersica is a half elf adopted as an infant by her parents. Her father Delyan is an accountant employed by the Bank of Abadar in North Point. Yoana her mother owns her own bakery in Midland, the district where her family lives. Ersica was a curious and bright child from an early age. The parents were comfortably middle class and could afford to indulge some of her interests. These included a couple of years at a fencing school. She first began learning “alchemy” helping her mother with baking in her shop. Her mother was a baker of great artistry. As she taught the young Ersica her craft, Yoana endlessly emphasized the mastery of fundamentals: exact proportions of ingredients, precision in timing and temperature. It was those things, Yoana said, that can make even the plain loaf of bread stand above the most delicious looking pastry or tart. “Baking is edible chymistry” Yoana asserted. This interest led Ersica to a period of serious alchemical study with a tutor in her teens. In her teens Ersica also began to take an interest in her heritage. She studied Elven as a language and read on elven culture and society. For a while she tried to track down the identities of her birth parents. However her adoption was handled through the Bank Of Abadar, and the contract specified complete anonymity for her mother. She is aware that many of Korvosa’s native half elves are the products of liaisons between the elves of the Mierani Forest delegation in South Shore, and young women typically from aristocratic families. Ersica assigns a high probability for this to be her story as well. The fact that the adoption was handled by Abadar’s priests strongly suggests money on her mother’s side. As a young adult Ersica pursued a career in crime fighting, joining Korvosa’s Guard. Her desire to do so was not so much about crusading against crime, but an interest in solving mysteries. She found her time with Korvosa’s police force frustrating and disappointing. Her suggestions for improving the effectiveness of investigations were not taken seriously by her superiors or peers. Ersica also found the integrity of members of the Guard to often be lacking. Bribery was common. Worse, The Cerulean Society especially and other criminal gangs as well were practically treated as partners by the Korvosan Guard, where their activities were viewed as business as usual. It was outrageous to Ersica. Ersica stuck it out with the Korvosan Guard for almost three years before leaving. While it is true Ersica’s blunt zealousness and stubborn nature did not help her, most of the fault lay with the Korvosan Guard. Bigotry toward her as a half elf was the norm among its members. The idea that new methods or procedures could improve the Guard’s performance was scorned. During her time with the Korvosan Guard, Ersica also learned of the Bank of Abadar’s, and her father’s, role in handling the Cerulean Society’s accounts. This has led to a rift between Ersica and her parents. She moved out of her family home and took up lodgings in Old Korvosa. Given her father's employment for the Bank of Abadar, he is the deity worshipped at her parents' home. Ersica was never devout, but she has now completely foresworn Abadar. She has not taken up venerating any other deity in his place. Ersica has since gone into business for herself as a Detective and Investigator for hire. Business hasn’t been good, and she’s sometimes willing to take cases pro bono, especially if they are interesting ones or give her an opportunity to increase her profile. She is very anxious to show she is more effective at solving cases than the Korvosan Guard. Unfortunately for Ersica, the investigation she with which she is now trying to outdo the Korvosan Guard is the murder of her own lover Pavlos. She had first crossed paths with Pavlos while still in the Guard. He was an artistic type involved with theater. He acted, wrote a little, built sets, whatever he could find. When there was nothing better to be had, Pavlo did street performances, juggling or comedy. Ersica thought he was something of a scoundrel as well, but he was good looking and handsome and seemed harmless. They crossed paths again later, after Ersica had parted ways with the Guard, and she was freer to associate with whom she wanted than before. Ersica and Pavlos drifted into becoming a couple more or less. Ersica’s initial impression of Pavlos turned out to be correct. He wasn’t exactly an upright citizen, but hardly a real criminal and no danger to anyone but himself. Ersica was new to romantic relationships and probably tolerated more than she should have. She believed she could fix the problems though, and Pavlos would really be everything she was looking for. Pavlos had a serious weakness for gambling, for which he also had no talent. While Ersica can’t eliminate the possibility Pavlos was stabbed in the course of a robbery, the conclusion of the Korvosan Guard, she doesn’t believe it. She saw his body when she was taken to identify him. He had been stabbed numerous times, well beyond what was needed to kill him. To Ersica the stabbing looked personal, designed to make Pavlos suffer, or to vent anger. She thinks he was killed because of gambling debts. In the course of her own investigations Ersica found Pavlos’s ring for sale in a shop. She did manage to coax a name out of the shop owner by threatening to call the Guard to look into his inventory and its origins. From what she has been able to learn about that name, Gaedren Lamm, he doesn’t sound like a basic cutpurse. Her two main theories are that Pavlos owed money to Lamm, or agreed to do something for Lamm in return for the money he needed to pay off debts to someone else. She hasn’t been able to find out much so far, but Ersica is hurt, angry, and stubborn. She will find Lamm eventually. On her better days Ersica hopes she can find the evidence she needs to have him arrested. On worse days she hopes she doesn’t find enough evidence and has no choice except to feed Lamm’s corpse to the river or drop it down into the sewer.
Appearance and Personality:
Height: 5'7" Weight: 135 Hair: Honey Blonde Eyes: Blue Ersica doesn’t pass for a human all that readily. She is taller and more fined-boned in her build than is usual for a human woman. Her blonde hair and blue eyes stand out among Korvosa’s majority Chelaxian population, while her complexion is too pale to match that of Varisians. These cues aside, her ears favor her elven parentage, more elongated and pointed than usual for a half-elf. Only by very careful use of her hair can she hide them. Eriscia’s clothes are of quality materials and worksmanship, but they’re also well used and a close look shows minor repairs in places. A clever observer would conclude she used to live comfortably, but money is now scarce and has been for a while. Erisica favors darker or subdued colors. Her wardrobe is somewhat conservative and middle of the road, not in the least fashion forward. Her choices show risk-aversion in styles and the priority of comfort over other considerations. "Wait! Dry sense of 'humour', tinged with a whiff of disdain and superiority... Ersica must be nearby!" - An overused joke among Ersica's Korvosan Guard co-workers at her station. Ersica is intelligent and clever, but her interpersonal skills are weak. She relies on logic and evidence to a degree that can leave her myopic about the importance of emotional persuasion or the role of feelings in impressions or decisions made by others. Because of this Ersica tends to be naïve about the politics of social maneuvering or group power dynamics. While Ersica’s heart is in the right place, her frustrations can cause her to be stubborn and prickly, especially when her ideas or reasoning are questioned. She can appear aloof because she finds small talk difficult, especially with people she doesn’t know well. Likewise Ersica has a dry, sarcastic wit that not everyone appreciates. Ersica has trouble making friends, but when she does she is extremely loyal to them. |