![]() @LizardMage Its a third Party class from Rogue Genius Games. Its a great class! Very comprehensive. I even got a guy to code it into Hero Lab. Here is the link: ENGINEER Base Class ![]()
![]() Hey Pathfinder people, I am running a cool third party class called an Engineer. He is basically a construct builder. The relationship between the Engineer and his automaton is similar to the Summoner/Eidolon relationship. My Engineer uses Craft skills to build and repair his automaton and constructs. I am looking for feats and Magic items that can help boost his craft skills. Thanks in advance. Carl. ![]()
![]() The Skirmish team did an extensive beta testing this whole summer to work out a lot of the bugs. I think it was a smart move to bring a more stable and more fleshed out version of the software to market. The end result is pretty impressive. And the plans they have for the future definitely inspire confidence in backing the Skirmish Kickstarter campaign. ![]()
![]() The guard is OK. The Frost Giant is really cool. And yet again, the Pathfinder orcs suck the big one! Why are they painted that almost neon green color? An Orc should be way bulkier than humans not looking like a green painted human mini. And I'll always say Pathfinder Minis are great! Great concepts. Great manufacturing methods. Very inventive painting techniques. Good use of different types of plastics to gain a desired effect. Because they are...... but the Orcs always leave a lot to be desired. ![]()
![]() Hey Guys and Gals, We added more pledge levels. There are some higher level pledge levels that we are giving items away to make them more appealing. Here are the levels: Pledge $58 --- GRIM REAPER This pledge level gets you 5 "Ten packs" of Corpse Tokens AND 2 Potion Tokens of your choice. (You can add-on as many Corpse Tokens or any other add-ons as you want.) **** Include the price of any desired add-on items into your pledge and then after the Kickstarter campaign is complete we will e-mail you asking which add-on items you wanted. (((Domestic shipping is budgeted into the reward price.))) Estimated delivery: Nov 2014 Add $20 USD to ship outside the US Pledge $100 --- UNDEAD HORDE This pledge level gets you 9 "Ten packs" of Corpse Tokens AND a Body Bag. (You can add-on as many Corpse Tokens or any other add-ons as you want.) **** Include the price of any desired add-on items into your pledge and then after the Kickstarter campaign is complete we will e-mail you asking which add-on items you wanted. (((Domestic shipping is budgeted into the reward price AND INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING IS ONLY $15 TO MAKE THIS PLEDGE LEVEL MORE APPEALING.))) Estimated delivery: Nov 2014 Add $15 USD to ship outside the US Pledge $115 --- UNDEAD GOD This pledge level gets you 10 "Ten packs" of Corpse Tokens, a Body Bag , AND 5 Potion Tokens of your choice.(You can add-on as many Corpse Tokens or any other add-ons as you want.) **** Include the price of any desired add-on items into your pledge and then after the Kickstarter campaign is complete we will e-mail you asking which add-on items you wanted. (((Domestic shipping is budgeted into the reward price AND INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING IS ONLY $15 TO MAKE THIS PLEDGE LEVEL MORE APPEALING.))) Estimated delivery: Nov 2014 Add $15 USD to ship outside the US So it is to your advantage to pledge the higher levels. So tell your friends, Family, Fellow Gamers, Your dog, (lol), and lets get this wicked project funded!!! Thanks, Carl Bartoli -- TOKEN FORGE LLC ![]()
![]() Hey, Ross Campbell does it again. These next pieces are called HERO POINT Tokens. They can be used for either a Fantasy genre RPG or a Super hero genre RPG. Here are the links to both. The FANTASY genre HERO POINT Token The Super Hero genre HERO POINT Token The fantasy based HERO POINT Token can be used for any D20 Hero point system or Pathfinder Hero Point System. The Super Hero genre HERO POINT Token can be used for Mutants and Masterminds Hero Point System. These are available as ADD-ON's on our Kickstarter for Corpse Tokens here:
![]() Got an update. New Concept art. The Ogre Corpse Token The Skeleton Corpse Token ![]()
![]() Hey Mended Wall, Thanks for the feedback. MendedWall12 wrote:
![]() Hey Guys and Gals, We here at TOKEN FORGE have a new game accessory that we know every RPG gamer who uses miniatures will love. CORPSE TOKENS. A Corpse Token is a table-top RPG gaming accessory that is used to represent a dead Monster or Player Character on a battle-map in a combat scenario. Heres what one looks like:
Corpse Tokens have the following uses: 1.) A Corpse Token replaces a nicely painted metal miniature on the battlefield. Your nicely painted metal miniatures will never have to be tipped over again!! 2.) Corpse Tokens are flat. So they don't hinder movement on a tactical battlemap. 3.) At a quick glance of the battlefield, player and DM alike can easily tell which characters and monsters are dead or alive. Check out our Kickstarter here: Thanks for taking the time to check us out, Carl Bartoli
![]() Wow.....Just wow! Well, the PLASTIC Potion of Mage Armor is funded! That is awesome! We here at Potion Tokens Central are ecstatic. A little less than 2 hours to go and only $540 left to get the METAL version funded. It is possible and if anyone can get it done its you guys. :) -Potion Tokens Central. ![]()
![]() Hey Guys and Gals, 9 Hours to go and all we need is $286 to fund the PLASTIC Mage Armor Potion Tokens. Every Kickstarter campaign we start is always better than the previous one and we only have you guys to thank. Its been a fun ride and stay tuned after this kickstarter because we have some exciting news. Thanks - Potion Tokens Central. ![]()
![]() You guys and gals never cease to amaze us here at Potion Tokens Central. The METAL Cure Serious Wounds Potion Tokens has become funded!!! 29 hours to go. Its still possible to get the PLASTIC Mage Armor Potion Token funded. We know you guys will give that last stretch goal a good run for its money. One last push!! ![]()
![]() 50+ hours to go on the Potion Tokens 3.0 Kickstarter Campaign and only a little over $310 to go to hit the next stretch goal. One last pledging push should get us there. So like we always say, tell every gamer you know about Potion Tokens. Even if its only the $1 level, every dollar helps. Thanks. -Carl. ![]()
![]() Avatar-1 wrote: I can't view that kickstarter page from where I am (my fault, not yours), but if you want ideas - condition tokens and height/depth tokens might come in handy. Hey Avatar-1 I'd love to do something like that but those items already exist and are excellent products. :) Look here: Nice eh.... ![]()
![]() The METAL BULL STRENGTH POTION TOKEN has become funded!! The next Potion Token in line is the Plastic CURE SERIOUS WOUNDS Not too much more to reach the next funding level. Keep up the good work Guys and Gals. ![]()
![]() Hey Guys and Gals, We have another Add-on in the works for the Potion Tokens Kickstarter. The Add-on is called "Corpse Tokens" . A Corpse Token is a token with an image of a monster. The first being an Orc. The artwork was commissioned from Ross Campbell. His art can been seen here: http://ross-a-campbell.deviantart.com/ . Corpse Tokens are used to represent a dead monster on the battle field. Corpse Tokens serve 2 purposes: 1.) Corpse Tokens take the place of metal painted minis of dead monsters. Your nicely painted minis don't have to be tipped over anymore. They can be removed and replaced with a Corpse Token. 2.) Corpse Tokens are flat and don't hinder movement of the other minis on the battlefield. In fact, a medium mini's base fits perfectly inside of a Corpse Token's recessed area. ![]()
![]() Small update: The Plastic Potion of BULL STRENGTH Potion Token is funded. Next in line is the METAL Potion of BULL STRENGTH Potion Token. Check it out:
And maybe pledge to support our little project.
![]() Mythic Evil Lincoln wrote: This is probably not the place for feedback, but your englarge person token should be larger than the others... that way you can stick it under a miniature to make the base wider. This is exactly the place for feedback. And we welcome every little bit of it. That is an awesome idea! We were thinking of even recess an area on the coin for the minis base to fit into. ![]()
![]() We've been getting alot of questions asking if Cure Light Wounds and Potion of Invisibility are available. The answer to that is a resounding.........YES!!! Cure Light Wounds and Potion of Invisibility are available as an option to fulfill your rewards pledges or as an ADD-ON. From all of us here at Potion Tokens central, have a Happy New Year!! If you have any other questions or feedback, don't hesitate to ask. Thanks. Carl Bartioli ![]()
![]() We sure are moving along nicely. The Metal Cure Moderate Wounds Potion Token is funded. Now, on to the Plastic Bull Strength Potion Token. Keep up the good work Guys and Gals Tell your Friends, Family, and Fellow Gamers. :) ______ POTION TOKENS 3rd KICKSTARTER CAMPAIGN _____ ![]()
![]() Hello Gamers, The third installment of Potion Tokens Kickstarters is under way. Check it out: POTION TOKENS 3rd KICKSTARTER Campaign. We hope we can count on your support. ![]()
![]() Hey Guys and Gals, You guys did it. Alex Kammer gave another $100 just so we could get to that next level to get the METAL Potion of Invisibility funded. Thanks Alex. We'll definitely be at GameHole CON next year. We highly recommend going. GameHole CON 2013 was a blast!! https://www.facebook.com/GameholeCon Big thanks goes out to everyone for your generosity. You guys ROCK!! Sincerely, Carl Bartoli. ![]()
![]() Hello Gamers, There is only 5 days left on the Potion Tokens Kickstarter campaign. We only need $283 to fund the METAL "Potion of Invisibility" Potion Token. If everyone gives an extra $6 to $10 we can reach that goal by the end of the Kickstarter. WE CAN DO IT!!! Don't forget to tell your gaming group, fellow gamers, friends, hobby store owners,and anyone else who might be interested in Potion Tokens. Thanks, Carl. Heres the link: ![]()
![]() We have reached the Plastic POTION of INVISIBILITY Potion Token stretch goal!!!! POTION of INVISIBILITY Potion Token - Front POTION of INVISIBILITY Potion Token - Back The next stretch goal is for the **METAL** POTION of INVISIBILITY Potion Token at $1700. There is only 7 days left. So lets push to get more Potion Tokens funded!!! ![]()
![]() Hey guys and gals, Gonna be going to GAME HOLE CON (in Madison, Wisconsin) to promote Potion Tokens. Its a modest-sized gaming convention is Madison, Wisconsin. Should be a good time. ![]()
--The supporter sends me a message including the name of the person they referred. --And the referred person sends me a message telling me who referred them. --Once i have received both messages, the supporter will receive one free plastic Potion Token of the available Potion Tokens that have achieved their stretch goal dollar amount. To take advantage of this offer go here to the Potion Tokens Kickstarter Campaign:
![]() Hey Guys and Gals, I am re-launching a Kickstarter campaign with a more easily attainable funding goal. The product I am talking about is POTION TOKENS. What are Potion Tokens? A Potion token is a unique coin given to a player by the DM when they find a potion in an adventure. They are made out of both Metal and Plastic. Potion Tokens have many functions: * When a player uses (spends) a Potion Token, they can physically hand the Potion Token to the DM. No need to erase a potion from inventory!! * Players can reference the small spell description on the back of the potion token that tells the player exactly what to do to resolve that spell. To find out more or to pledge some money towards this Kickstarter go to this link: POTION TOKENS Kickstarter Campaign Thanks for taking the time to look through all the info and I hope I can count on your support. Carl Bartoli. ![]()
![]() Hello gamers, I have some more concept art for everyone to view. Some of the Potion Tokens included are:
Just click here: NEW POTION TOKEN CONCEPT ART Again....to see bigger images of the concept art you can go to the Facebook page here: POTION TOKEN FACEBOOK PAGE Or you can go to the Kickstarter page to pledge money towards the Kickstarter campaign here: POTION TOKENS KICKSTARTER CAMPAIGN ![]()