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![]() Hey Guys and Gals, We here at TOKEN FORGE have a new game accessory that we know every RPG gamer who uses miniatures will love. CORPSE TOKENS. A Corpse Token is a table-top RPG gaming accessory that is used to represent a dead Monster or Player Character on a battle-map in a combat scenario. Heres what one looks like:
Corpse Tokens have the following uses: 1.) A Corpse Token replaces a nicely painted metal miniature on the battlefield. Your nicely painted metal miniatures will never have to be tipped over again!! 2.) Corpse Tokens are flat. So they don't hinder movement on a tactical battlemap. 3.) At a quick glance of the battlefield, player and DM alike can easily tell which characters and monsters are dead or alive. Check out our Kickstarter here: Thanks for taking the time to check us out, Carl Bartoli
![]() Hello Gamers, The third installment of Potion Tokens Kickstarters is under way. Check it out: POTION TOKENS 3rd KICKSTARTER Campaign. We hope we can count on your support. ![]()
![]() Hey Guys and Gals, I am re-launching a Kickstarter campaign with a more easily attainable funding goal. The product I am talking about is POTION TOKENS. What are Potion Tokens? A Potion token is a unique coin given to a player by the DM when they find a potion in an adventure. They are made out of both Metal and Plastic. Potion Tokens have many functions: * When a player uses (spends) a Potion Token, they can physically hand the Potion Token to the DM. No need to erase a potion from inventory!! * Players can reference the small spell description on the back of the potion token that tells the player exactly what to do to resolve that spell. To find out more or to pledge some money towards this Kickstarter go to this link: POTION TOKENS Kickstarter Campaign Thanks for taking the time to look through all the info and I hope I can count on your support. Carl Bartoli. ![]()
![]() This posting is for my Kickstarter campaign for a new gaming accessory for any D20-based Fantasy RPG. POTION TOKENS What are Potion Tokens? A Potion token is a unique coin given to a player by the DM when they find a potion in an adventure. Potion Tokens are compatible with: -- Pathfinder RPG
Potion Tokens have many functions: * When a player uses (spends) a Potion Token, they can physically hand the Potion Token to the DM. No need to erase a potion from inventory!! * Players will never have to flip through books to find the spell description of the potion their character is trying to use, because the small spell description on the back of the potion token tells the player exactly what to do to resolve that spell. To find out more or to pledge some money towards this Kickstarter go to this link: ![]()
![]() I saw this project on Kickstarter and after reading all the info and watching the pitch video I am very excited to see the end product. I also spoke to the Inkarnate guys at GenCon and they said they were probably going to switch from a subscription fee system to another system because of feedback from players who would like to see another revenue model. Heres the overview: InKarnate is a video-game-like interface for playing the world's most popular fantasy RPG. This fully-integrated web application frees GMs and players from tedious number-crunching and stat-tracking, so more time is spent weaving epic tales of saving the world and exploring dark, deadly dungeons. InKarnate also helps you visualize your adventures with character portraits, item portraits in an equip screen, custom made maps, and more. With InKarnate, our goal is to make it easier and more fun for you and your friends to sit around a table and role-play. Here are the key features we are currently building for our launch product: •CREATE AND RUN CHARACTERS--Roll characters in minutes. Pick a portrait, select skills, and equip your PC with illustrated items. Then run your character with the playable character sheet while the rules are calculated under the hood. •BUILD INTERACTIVE MAPS--Create world, wilderness, city, and dungeon maps. Then link them all together to quickly and easily navigate through your entire campaign. •LIVE EPIC CAMPAIGNS--Run your games in a shared, virtual space around a physical table or over the internet. Roll dice (or input physical rolls if you prefer), place character tokens, and more. The $100,000 funding goal will allow us to deliver the features above with a target date of August, 2013. If we can raise additional money, estimated at $200,000, then we will also deliver: •WRITE GRAND ADVENTURES-Writing and organizing simple encounters or epic dungeon crawls has never been easier. You'll be able to bring in and edit encounters, monsters, treasure, and NPCs, write descriptive text, and link encounter keys digitally to your maps for easy navigation.
We already have the first of these components--the Character Creator--up and running and so we can share some specifics on its features: •InKarnate currently supports the 3.5 rule set of the original medieval fantasy role playing game. We hope to add other rule sets in the future. •As a web app, InKarnate will run on all major browsers and platforms: Safari, Chrome, Firefox, etc., and will work on PCs, Macs, iPads, and Android Tablets. InKarnate has not yet been optimized for smartphones, although this is a feature we are currently working on. •The Character Creator allows you to roll up heroes from any of the core classes and races in a quick and intuitive manner. Choose a portrait and equip illustrated items as you prepare to slay dragons and dungeon delve. •With the flexible, Playable Character Sheet, keep track of every bit of information related to your character. Roll initiative, skill checks, damage, etc., while rules are calculated for you. Memorize and access spell information from your spellbook. Buy new items and goods and add them to your inventory. I highly recommend investing in this Kickstarter. Heres the site:
Heres some links to some screen shots of InKarnate: Works on Several Different Platforms There is some potential for Battle-Map cartographers to ge some work from the Inkarnate guys because they are going to need Battle-maps for their software. ![]()
![]() Did Paizo ever consider developing a Battle Map Creating software? I have Hero Lab and it is Spec-Freakin-Tacular thus proving that an RPG software accesory like Hero-lab makes cash all day long. I see the quality of product you guys put out with Pathfinder and all its secondart accessories, just imagine what Paizo could do with a battle map creation software. With the owner of Dundjinni gone awol and assumed fallen off the planet because the inability of anyone able to get ahold of her, and the over-complicated interface and bloated price of Campaign Cartographer this is a great opportunity to put out a simple to use, eye catching battle map creation software. You could sell the base software and to keep making money on the software Paizo could sell Add-On packs. Item Packs, creature packs, building packs, texture packs.........the list goes on and on. Thanks for reading guys. Later. Carl. ![]()
![]() I was browsing through other miniatures sites and noticed that some miniatures companies sell a regular line of mini's and a "Masterpiece" series.
I think Paizo could do the same with their pre-painted line. The original pathfinder Battles could stay in production for the Pathfinder players who need mass minis for DM'ing an adventure. And the "MASTERPIECE" series of Pathfinder Battles could just be "Large" sized minis to retain detail in sculpts. And then also could have more intricate paint jobs to deserve the MATERPIECE title. The price would be more expensive obviously but well worth the price. Initially, Paizo could release only a 5 or 10 "MASTERPIECE" set to see how well it sells. ![]()
![]() Hey guys and Gals at Paizo, I have a SPECTACULAR business proposition for you. Ready for it...... It'll be the best thing since "Self Rolling Dice" ITS.........The DUNDJINNI REPLCEMENT PROGRAM. I can see it now......Create your own Battlemaps on the Paizo branded Battlemap creator. Could sell it in 2 different versions. **Paizo Battlemap creator Basic.
Simplify the user interface so someone could belt out a battlemap in no time. Have Battlemap Templates where DM's could start out with a blank building or dungeon with a themed template......
Put a really nice user interface skin on it with paizo art or advertisements for new Paizo products to come out soon with every update to the software. The opportunities are endless!!!! So what do you say guys??? ![]()
![]() Hey guys and Gals, I am selling my 3.0 D&D, 3.5 D&D, and 2.0 D&D BOOKS on EBAY. DIRT CHEAP!!!! The Books are in Great shape!!! Heres the links: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=150582767358&ssP ageName=STRK:MESELX:IT http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=150582768146&ssP ageName=STRK:MESELX:IT http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=150582768832&ssP ageName=STRK:MESELX:IT http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=150582770001&ssP ageName=STRK:MESELX:IT http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=150582770675&ssP ageName=STRK:MESELX:IT http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=150582771457&ssP ageName=STRK:MESELX:IT http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=150582772199&ssP ageName=STRK:MESELX:IT http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=150582772751&ssP ageName=STRK:MESELX:IT http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=150582773301&ssP ageName=STRK:MESELX:IT http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=150582774018&ssP ageName=STRK:MESELX:IT http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=150582774735&ssP ageName=STRK:MESELX:IT http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=150582775100&ssP ageName=STRK:MESELX:IT Thanks in advance for Bidding and looking!!! :) ![]()
![]() Greetings true believers, (gotta love Stan the man) Picture it sitting in front of you and your gaming group. The ultimate computerized RPG game table using your ideal gaming software that would both speed up your games prep work and look phenominal doing it. Now think of the features that would make all that possible. Heres the Game Table I use D20Pro (A VTT Software) on:
I won't list all my ideas right away so as to give others a chance to put in their two cents worth. Heres mine:
2.) A dynamic spell casting system that would place a spell template according to pertinent info about your characters stats that would effect size, duration, and range.........and then play the appropriate spell animation like a fireball or lightning bolt. 3.) It would work with virtual animated or non-animated NPC and monster tokens. It would also work with actual miniatures. 4.) it would have a interactive Initiative tracker that the players could easily see and know who's initiative it is. 5.) It would have a Map support program where initially the software would come with the basics like campsite, a generic city map, and other generic maps that are needed for gaming. All of which are beautifully rendered in HD to emerse the players. And then later have more maps available in map-pack formats for a nominal fee. 6.) I-Pad compatible character sheets. And if you don't have an I-pad, basic character sheets with info so certain aspects of the game can be effective such as spells, abilities, and familiar or animal companions. 7.) A very aesthetically pleasing, easy-to-use control panel. Who knows, maybe some game company or someone with the right skill-set could develope this type of product if they see feedback from the gaming community as to what we all want to see in a computerized RPG gaming table software. And who knows how many people would be inspired to build a computerized RPG gaming table if there was a software that would compliment their design. Post your feature ideas. ![]()
![]() Is there a way to purchase Flip-mat PDF's for use with a Virtual Table Top? I use D20Pro Virtual Tabletop software for my Computer Game Table pictured here:
Theres a synopsis of how it works here:
It would add a tremendous amount of detail if I could use Paizo Flip-Mat PDF's for D20Pro. For those of you not aware of D20Pro, heres a link to their site:
D20Pro maps have their own file extension so If you wanted to control piracy of the maps just submit the Paizo PDF Maps to the D20Pro guys and they could convert them into D20Pro format and sell them at their site or on the Paizo site. All the D20Pro users would have to do after download is import the map files into D20Pro for use. Its a win any way you look at it. :) |