
Ermehtar's page

****Venture-Lieutenant, Kansas—Kansas City 67 posts. 2 reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 32 Organized Play characters.

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As today is the last day of June and the product is still tagged for release June 2019, any update on when this actually will be released?

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Personally, if my PCs leave animals unattended somewhere dangerous, I generally roll a percentage chance of something bad happening to them (chance dependent on locale). In combat with the PCs present, it mostly depends on the situation. A hungry predator will totally go after the pack animal, as it's an easy meal; an intelligent foe will most likely go after the guys with sharp, pointy things or magic (unless there's a benefit to attacking the pack animal).

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I really appreciated Vivianne Laflamme's analysis there. Definitely some good points. To be honest, I'd be far more OK with Folgrit's passivity if there were also male gods associated with passive roles. Like, what if Iomadae had a male consort whose only job was to support his crusading goddess/wife? I think there could be a really interesting story/deity there.

I feel that all the things Folgrit's portfolio includes are worthwhile, but as a guy who really doesn't fit the "male stereotype," I'd really like to see more male deities with supporting personalities and such. I love the empowerment of some of the female deities and applaud Paizo's efforts on the whole, and I'd love to see them apply that creativity to some male deities who push boundaries in the other direction and challenge some of the stupid aspects of "male stereotypes."

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These are great letters! I love a couple of your turns of phrase and hope you don't mind if I borrow a few ideas for my own CC campaign!

I, too, have used letters to make the main bad guy a more vital part of the campagin. I have him writing under the name "Death's Herald" to avoid any complications or name drops. I've also developed him into a long-time friend of Lorrimor's, someone Kendra thinks of as a surrogate uncle, and a member in good standing of the Palatine Eye before he went bad. This has allowed me to have him drop in on the campaign off and on, seemingly as an ally, and keep tabs on what the PCs are up to. He doesn't see them as a threat - yet - and he really does want to recruit such able people to his cause.

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Another possibility is actually doing archery. With the Snap Shot line of feats, you end up threatening a 15-ft radius, will have a high Dex as your prime attacking stat (so more benefit from Combat Reflexes), and still have lots of options if you can't make AoOs for some reason.

Obviously, this won't be helpful if you want melee AoOs.

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3.5 Loyalist wrote:
She doesn't have to be a bot, and if she lowers his guard, great revenge can come later.

That's not a bad idea; the reasoned conversation to lower his guard (because it would be a total lie - there's no way my character lets go of a slight before she's got even) and then proceed with a revenge scheme and have at least some level of plausible deniability (initially, at least) as to her involvement.

On the other hand, I want the payoff to be more than just murdering him. While my archer is certainly capable of that, everything I've read about Calistria seems to point toward more subtle methods of revenge (the trickery aspects of the goddess, etc). More importantly, I think humiliation would be more my PC's style - she'd want to give him enough time to realize how wrong he was to offend her.

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Adamantine Dragon wrote:

Totally agree though. Leaping forward into intimate physical contact with a level-draining hypersexual erotica-demon is something to discourage.

Unless you have cameras...

Heh, I can just see some dirty old man wizard, sealed away in his tower, finding novel new uses for Scry spells, just for situations like these...