
Eric Morris's page

RPG Superstar 6 Season Star Voter. Organized Play Member. 35 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 10 Organized Play characters.

Silver Crusade

In the APG, the couple of new monk weapons state in their descriptions that all monks are proficient in them (brass knuckles and temple sword).
It is worth noting that the cestus in the APG is listed as a monk weapon, but is not mentioned as being a weapon monks are proficient in.

However, nothing similar has been stated concerning the rather significant number of monk weapons in the new Ultimate Combat sourcebook. Does this mean that most monks do NOT get proficiency in ANY of the martial or exotic monk weapons without taking the Martial Weapon feat (or a dip into Fighter) or taking the Exotic Weapon feat for each exotic monk weapon on the list?

Would like an official ruling on this please (and would this official ruling have force within Pathfinder Society organized play)?

Silver Crusade


Silver Crusade 2/5

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Ok, this question basically applies to all Potions, Scrolls, and Wands.

While the Core Rulebook (and other sources) list values for these items at minimum possible caster level, I see no restriction on being able to purchase higher caster-level versions of these items in the PFS Organized Play Guide. In other words, purchasing a Potion of Cure Light Wounds (CL5) for 250gp (which would heal 1d8+5), or a Wand of Fireballs (CL10) for increased cost as well. This includes the application of Metamagic feats, the use of which increases the minimum caster leve, but the SPELL LEVEL (which is important for Potions and Wands) does not increase (with the exception of Heighten). The only real limitation I see here is the TPA purchasing level limit.

Would this be a correct interpretation?

Silver Crusade
