
Erelannon's page

11 posts. No reviews. No lists. 3 wishlists.


Zootcat wrote:
Erelannon wrote:
Can someone who *has* read the submission please explain what makes "Clash of the Kingslayers" different from Moria? Besides the multitude of monsters?
Read it yourself. Here: Christine's Winning Submission.

Well I'll be turned into a toad ...

I'm sorry - it was never made clear that submissions were *publicly* available. I thought only Paizo employees running the contest were able to do that, for copyright reasons.

I worked Internet copyright abuse issues for a long time ...

So, by extension now, are all submissions, in all rounds of the contest, also available? Both winners and losers?

Thanks for the correction!

And special to Christine:

Congratulations from this curmudgeon on a winning (and highly original!) concept.

;) :-p

Ungoded wrote:
Erelannon wrote:

Waitaminnit here. This idea is nothing more than Moria, from Lord of the Rings, with the names changed to protect the innocent ... and multiple monsters instead of just one Balrog.

Does this mean none of the other finalists had an acceptable & more original idea?

Just curious ...

Did you read the actual contest submition?

No, of course not ... but the lengthy synopsis above makes it sound very similar to Moria of Middle-Earth. Can someone who *has* read the submission please explain what makes "Clash of the Kingslayers" different from Moria? Besides the multitude of monsters?

Waitaminnit here. This idea is nothing more than Moria, from Lord of the Rings, with the names changed to protect the innocent ... and multiple monsters instead of just one Balrog.

Does this mean none of the other finalists had an acceptable & more original idea?

Just curious ...

Erelannon wrote:

Most likely. I've been going the wrong way & crashing into stone walls ever since I tried this thing the first time.

(... cut to end of quoted message ...)

FINALLY! Dear God I finally got it! Very, very, very, good puzzle. (Took me long enough, though ... )

And you know what? I'm not p.o.'d - that was a lot of fun... frustrating, but still a LOT of fun :)

Vic Wertz wrote:

Perhaps you're going the wrong direction?

Have you considered that the instructions for combining the letters might be related to the colors?


Most likely. I've been going the wrong way & crashing into stone walls ever since I tried this thing the first time. No, I hadn't considered that. So now I am. Now what :) ???

I'm still stuck on a basic fact. I don't know why you say there are *30* stones. I count, horizontal to horizontal, *13* in the front half of the circle. Multiplied by 2 that equals *26* stones....

Is that even important?

Where are the other 4? <oops!>

Vic Wertz wrote:
Erelannon wrote:

I'd call them "stones next to the T stone."

This puzzle requires you to take a couple of logical leaps. This particular area is where you must make one such leap. At this point, it's really, really hard to guide you further without just making that leap for you, but I've got one more try.

Let's say you've decided that one of the adjacent stones is the stone that comes before the T stone, and one of the stones is the stone that comes after.

So what might you call the stone that comes before T?

I'd call those two stones on either side "S" & "U" ... I know that and knew it then ... but no combinations of letters which make logical sense (to me at any rate) work.

Gawd. I'm so stupid I'm gonna start wearing a helmet and ride the short bus...

:: bangs head against wall ::

Vic Wertz wrote:

We're nearing the time that we reveal the solution, so here's a big hint for you....

Mousing over one stone causes the Titanic T to appear. So let's henceforth refer to that one as the "T" stone.

So what would you call the stones adjacent to the T stone?


I'd call them "stones next to the T stone."

How is that supposed to help?


:: cry :: Been trying to figure this out for two weeks.

I *still* just cannot get it ... one post says you have to go clockwise. Anyother clue says you have to go *counterclockwise* .... one clue says "it's no combination of ROYGBIV". Another clue says "count from horizontal line to horizontal line and double it to get the number of capstones" ... 13 ... x2 ... = 26 !!!

And Vic says there is 30 capstones.


How in creation is it even *slightly* possible to even GUESS at the $%(&*W$*()Q#& ANSWER ????

I don't understand either of the two OFFICIAL clues. I don't understand ANY of the 5 pages of posts clues.

I am officially clueless and very, very very depressed.

And I'm a member of Mensa too.

:: grumble ::

Josh Frost wrote:
Scott Knowles wrote:
... another clue please?
A source from deep within the Druidic Order informs me a clue should appear tomorrow.

Wondermous !!! Thanks for the clue to a future clue ;)

R Lawrence wrote:

Here's a hint:

What do you get when you combine all the colors of the visible spectrum?

You get white light.

"" ??
"" ??
"" ??
"" ??
"" ??

all --> "You have not found the key."

This is fun -- but too frustrating ... another clue please?