Elvish Fighter

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I've ben wondering if npc's from adventures like shackled city or age of worms could be used in fiction based on fourth edition setting or are they characters owned by paizo and not wizards.... if greyhawk was to be brought back after time?

I am hoping to find any information and Ideas I can get to research the the inner workings of free city, city guards from first day training to climbing the ladder to cushy jobs or detective like law enforcement for the cities of Greyhawk and verbobonc.

We have just gotten to the end of the first adventure and after a few deaths and some patton like deja vu's along with some long drawn out side quests the party stands like tis so far.

Torgard: CN half-orc Barbarian: the longest surviving PC so far is a mistmarsh refugee who's clan was decimated by a long rivaled lizardfolk tribe and was taken in as a trapper by a diamond lake based ranger who's death he was framed for and rescued the waif like human woman who was a ward of Allustan Neff. subject to all type of gossip of the power struggles of the lake, and charmed to reguraly bathe, he now serves as a bodyguard of Allustans student. A stare down in the town square with Kullen has all but guaranteed a face off away from the law.

Chang Ping: LN human Monk: Orphaned at the door of the twighlight monastarey he travells to seek the true wisdom of the stars and sky as taught by his discipline, and to find the origins of the people who left him with the sandalwood figure on a necklace he was discovered with. Stopping in at diamond lake he overhears the towns mindless and paranoid gossip of it's wealthy and heads towards the obsrevatory long since disregarded by his order.

Fimblebak Humpledik: NG halfling cleric of pelor: With a giddy almost childish outlook on life he revels in pelors grace towards healing and an intense hatred of the evils of vecna, he proudly wears a full plate and sheild with pelors image, clanking and skipping down most roads you see him on, he is a stalwart defender against the undead and compassionate healer on pelors path, even if it leads through an experimenting dwarf wizards lab, with explosives.

Schmalnik Grobadore: LN Dwarven Wizard (Transmuter): The brother of the greysmere member represenitive has an obsession with earth based magic and explosives, which has helped develop his hair styles is on the radar of ragnolin as a possible threat to his secretive mine operations. A hopeful for the same college Allustan went to in Greyhawk he has gone to studying under him and resaerching the whispering cairn with his animal companion: a badger named dusseldorf and being the groups scheming heavy, heavy magic and alchemical artillery, a ways from the back.

Serena: NG human sorceress: rescued by Allustan from a vecna cult lead by her father who was working for the faceless one, she was brought up as a young oracle and prodigy to be for the glory of vecna with her clairvoyant powers and a power towards necromany. after her rescue at the age of ten she was unable to control her abilities and the nightmares attached to them, Allustan has worked with her and grown to look after her as his own daughter. Hoping to free her from a nightmarish fate she forsees, he helps her to channel not only her powers, but her fate to choose her own life.

These are not all original characters and probably due to change, many deaths and visions of spirits passing have revolved around these fated souls, and the world of the dead tuggs after them from every shadow.

PC: Anton Crowley
race and class: human CE warlock
LOD: Allustans guest room redecorated as a cell
Reason: Bad attitude at the wrong time

Anton survived as a refugee from the bandit kingdoms as a harsh and unforgiving man. With memories of growing up during the Iuz wars and the constant chaos of anarchy as his only true companion in life his final actions really were his true nature and character. Sent to the cairn hills region by his mentor a high level hexblade mercenary leader hired by the hextorian church in Alhastor to hunt down the heretic Theldrick, Anton spared no opprotunity to spread his depravity towards everyone around him to acomplish a goal. Acting on a hunch he got cozy in the feral dog and quickly picked up on a chance to get close to Allustan Neff and his group of buisness partners by hunting them down and raising a ghoul nest to give them a real bad day and an excuse for the mess, with the help of a smenk ranger "employee" they took along a 12 year old dishwasher as bait who had taken money from a hextorian preist to send a little girl towards the whispering cairn by daring her. At this time the ranger was really told to get rid of the nosey refugee and shot him. Anton wounded with thirtey ghouls on his bloody trail, grabbed the 12 year old and drug him along gashing his arm and sening him off in the other direction. fast forward past constant beatings and questioning by Allustans men, he found his way to the wizards residence being questioned for his motives. Beaten and weakened he saw this as the perfect time to kill the wizard and flee past his half-orc bodyguard. he was quick to dodge the orcs blows and grab his knife, but the ghotsly hand that grabbed him by the throat and fried his diseased brain was unexpected and the last thing he knew of life before the nightmares claimed him forever.

I'm a relatively new DM also, and am playing with vetran gamers who know how to work the system to get what they want. One thing I've noticed is everyone is generally just playing to have a good time with their character while driving the DM nuts. They are also motivated by their own goals, and grouping their needs together helps them use each other and play off one another. I also decide spontaniousley to throw in the chance for a player to prove their guys worth with a good deed or something that helps develop their character alignment towards the story. If they prove themselves enough I reward bonus points so they work to play their characters more personally. Like the whim of a god or apocalyptic force driving destiny.

I started with four, and two have been extremely unlucky, my halfling cleric got his head caved in by a rival hextorian bounty hunter after theldrick, and the other a chaotic evil warlock was put through the ringer betrayed by everyone before being put down by Allustan, my NPC usually keeps the group on track, barely