FORT: 1 -------|0 Base + 1 CON|
REF : 4 -------|2 Base + 2 DEX|
WILL: 3 -------|2 Base + 1 WIS|
MISC: +2 trait bonus on saving throws against spells and effects that would reduce your Intelligence score or cause you to forget something.
Bladed Scarf, +0 melee, 1d6 dmg, crit x2, Slashing *deals 1d6 damage to grapplers
Starknife, +0 melee OR +2 ranged, 1d4 dmg, crit x3, 20ft, Piercing
Disrupt Pattern, +2 ranged touch, 1d6+4 dmg, crit x2, 30ft, untyped deals half damage to creatures not of the Cryptic's active type
BAB +0
CMB +0
CMD 12
Gain Focus: full-round action that provokes attacks of opportunity
While Focused:
Expend Focus to do one of the following:
concentration check is treated as if you rolled a 15
See Powers > Talents
Ability Score Racial Traits: Human characters gain a +2 racial bonus to one ability score of their choice at creation to represent their varied nature. INT
Size: Humans are Medium creatures and thus receive no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Base Speed: Humans have a base speed of 30 feet.
Languages: Humans begin play speaking Common. Humans with high Intelligence scores can choose any languages they want (except secret languages, such as Druidic). See the Linguistics skill page for more information about these languages.
Bonus Feat: Humans select one extra feat at 1st level.
Skills: Humans gain an additional skill rank at first level and one additional rank whenever they gain a level.
Powers Known: A cryptic begins play knowing one cryptic power of your choice. Each time she achieves a new level, she unlocks the knowledge of a new power.
Choose the powers known from the cryptic power list. (Exception: The feat Expanded Knowledge does allow a cryptic to learn powers from the lists of other classes.) A cryptic can manifest any power that has a power point cost equal to or lower than her manifester level.
The total number of powers a cryptic can manifest in a day is limited only by her daily power points.
A cryptic simply knows her powers; they are ingrained in her mind. She does not need to prepare them (in the way that some spellcasters prepare their spells), though she must get a good night's sleep each day to regain all her spent power points.
The Difficulty Class for saving throws against cryptic powers is 10 + the power's level + the cryptic's Intelligence modifier.
Maximum Power Level Known: A cryptic begins play with the ability to learn 1st-level powers. As she attains higher levels, she may gain the ability to master more complex powers.
To learn or manifest a power, a cryptic must have an Intelligence score of at least 10 + the power's level.
Pattern Designs (Su): Unlike normal manifesters, a cryptic manipulates the world around her by creating tattoos and patterns that alters reality in different ways. Cryptic powers show up on the cryptic's body in the form of tattoos. The cryptic's known powers can be identified via Spellcraft checks with a DC equal to 10 + double the power's level. These tattoos do not count against the number of psionic tattoos that the cryptic can safely wear.
When a cryptic manifests one of her powers, it creates a visual pattern of energy during the action taken to manifest the pattern. While the cryptic's powers have the normal displays for psionic powers – auditory, mental, and the like – this visual pattern unique to the cryptic cannot be suppressed as normal displays can be suppressed.
Altered Defense (Su): A cryptic learns early on to modify the patterns around her to grant her protection as a swift action. The cryptic chooses from the options below and may only have one such effect active at any given time. The cryptic can use this ability for a number of rounds per day equal to 4 + her Intelligence modifier. The cryptic can maintain this ability as long as she wants as long as she has rounds available, or dismiss it at any time as a free action.
---- Absorb: The cryptic gains DR 1/-.
---- Deflect: The cryptic gains a +1 dodge bonus to his AC.
---- Retaliate: The cryptic gains a +1 bonus on his attack rolls against any opponent that successfully hit him since his last turn.
Every four cryptic levels thereafter, this bonus increases by 1 (to 2 at 5th level, 3 at 9th level, 4 at 13th level, and 5 at 17th level).
Disrupt Pattern (Su): All cryptics are able to disrupt the patterns they can perceive, although the potency of this disruption is based on the cryptic's focus. When a cryptic gains psionic focus, she selects one creature type as her active type (she does not need to select a subtype). As a standard action, the cryptic can make a ranged touch attack with a range of 30 feet, firing a ray of black energy at the target. If the attack is successful, the cryptic deals 1d6 points of damage + additional damage equal to the cryptic's Intelligence modifier. This attack deals half damage if the target's type is not of the cryptic's active type. Like some other rays, if the attack roll of this ability would indicate a critical hit, the damage is doubled. This ability can only be used once per round, even if an item or other effect would duplicate it.
Lesser Insights: Cryptics learn minor powers they can use at will to aid them in a variety of ways. The cryptic gains 2 talents from the cryptic talent list.
Scribe Tattoo: At 1st level, cryptics receive Scribe Tattoo as a bonus feat. A cryptic can scribe tattoos of any power she knows (up to 3rd level). The power must be one that can be made into a tattoo. The cryptic does not need to meet the prerequisites for this feat.
Insight of the Madman: The lost mind’s thoughts grant him unusual intuitive ability. He gains a bonus to Perception and Sense Motive equal to 1/2 his class level (minimum +1). This ability replaces trapfinding.
Decipher Secrets: The lost mind’s glimpse into the void has allowed him to see the patterns in all writing, granting him a bonus on Linguistics checks to decipher a writing equal to his class level. This ability replaces trapmaker.
Appearance: Eran's look is immediately eyebrow-raising. Despite the darkened complexion he got during his travels beyond Magnimar's walls, he has a number of varicolored tattoos, mostly forming interlocking geometric patterns on his skin. He wears ornate armor complete with his favorite geometric pattern motif and a sigil of his house over the vestments of a scholar. What is truly odd is that he carries starknives and wears a colorful scarf that contrasts with his otherwise dull clothes. The knives and scarf are a remnant of his time spent among the nomadic Varisian tribes, having spent time among them studying their tattoos and the ritual of harrowing. People find conversing with him disconcerting at times, as Eran seems to look past them as if they weren't there at times.
History: Eran had grown up in Magnimar, a child to wealthy parents who could afford to send him to one of the better universities and even having allowed for his study abroad. One night, when studying and cataloging heavenly bodies, Eran attempted to draw a dusty astronomy tome when the bookshelf itself opened backwards into the wall leading him to a room that had been untouched for some time. The door closing behind him, Eran was drawn to a telescope of incredibly delicate craftsmanship. Upon using it to continue his studies, Eran's vision was assaulted with lines drawn from points of stars, forming patterns that he couldn't hope to comprehend. Lines intersected and overlapped in layers upon layers until all of his senses were overwhelmed. He sensed himself standing in a forest with trees made of black shadows and leaves of emerald glass. A warm wind rustled the leaves, the resulting cacophony having a dark vocal undertone that spoke to Eran's now-fractured mind.
Eran woke up on the floor in the back aisle of the library, head resting on the dusty tome of his dreams. When he lifted his head, the blank spaces between the letters meant more to him than the subject matter ever could. Try as he might, he could not find a way to open the shelf as he had done before.
Since that day, Eran had slowly garnered a reputation as being somewhat mad. Experiencing the reactions of others taught him to jealously guard his insights, for the "learned" minds of his contemporaries were simply not ready for the revelations he had experienced. Nonetheless, he has proven among the most adept at translating documents and understanding complex formulae than all but the most wizened sages. It was for this reason, he was told, that he was hand-delivered the letter from House Caedmon.
I imagine he was a pretty bright student, a prodigy even, which made his spiral towards madness all the more tragic.
I havent really decided on a race yet, i will likely go with Human.
I imagine his focus of study would have been history, but as it relates to all things. He would have sought to find patterns and cycles in the turning of time to better anticipate the things that may come in the future.
-For instance, through history the occurrences of planar crossovers, on a long enough time scale, might show patterns.
-or for Arcana, on that same long time scale, the prevalence of particular schools of magic.
-the particular styles of buildings or advances in engineering.
-changes in geography on the large scale, weather patterns, etc.
-trends in the rise and fall of governments and empires.
-trends in population change over an area, the general ebb and flow of people across the known lands.
-the rise and fall of various religions.
all of these things have the potential to display patterns on the long scale, and perhaps prophecies may come to light or predictions come true that others might miss.
I was thinking that the voice he didnt understand would be that of a deity or an older or even more foreign entity, perhaps. It could just have been madness, though. He lives with that doubt, but i plan for his doubt to go away over time as he becomes more sure that he is seeing the truth (whether that is the case or not). With his doubt waning, so too would his seeming madness wax in the eyes of others.
I am thinking for my character's parents, they would be well-off but not necessarily noble. His father something of a merchant-politician on the Council of Ushers (by virtue of owning a few stores/factories/mills/ships or a shipping company/etc.) His mother would have kept ledgers or something in her free time (perhaps for the office of the lord-mayor), which would have given Eran an early introduction to an important piece of education (math).
This would put their family home somewhere in Bridgeward/Capital District.
Eran himself would be in the business of tattoos, both magical and mundane. I imagine him running the gamut from scribing psionic tattoos on wealthy patrons to drawing colorful tattoos on sailors while inebriated.
I'm not sure if he would have his own dedicated shop for tattoos (not sure how in-demand they would be)(his tattoos for sailors would certainly be in dock-side bars), so that might put him working in one of his father's recently-vacant stores in between managers or perhaps working out of a small apartment paid for by part of his earnings. I doubt he would work out of his family's home, as that would expose them to too many strangers. He might even simply do house-calls and advertise via flyers posted at storefronts his father owns. Not sure if his living in his family home would be customary, if so, he wouldn't be working from an apartment.
He would likely also have a sibling, likely going into the family business (business management). This would have freed Eran up to attend university. Perhaps his brother is younger, and being given more of an apprenticeship-based education after seeing the crazy ideas Eran brought back from his time in the university.
Eran's parents are disappointed in him that he is not going to take up business management under his father, but ultimately they know he could have ended up much worse.
Cryptic Insights sorted by level they become available:
Branding Pattern (Su): As a swift action, the cryptic can manipulate the pattern of one enemy to “mark” them as a ranged touch attack. Until the cryptic’s next turn, each time the cryptic makes a successful attack against that enemy, she deals an additional amount of hit point damage equal to her Intelligence modifier.
Bypass Pattern (Su): The cryptic learns how to temporarily displace a pattern without damaging it. As a standard action, the cryptic can treat one trap or lock as if it did not exist for a number of rounds equal to her Intelligence modifier, although the object to be affected must have a weight under 100 lbs and the cryptic must make a successful Disable Device check on the trap or lock to be affected. When the cryptic successfully uses this ability, her allies also ignore that trap or lock. After the effect expires, the lock or trap functions as normal, although if the trap would have been triggered due to the cryptic not returning everything to its original state, such as a trap triggered by a door opening, the trap immediately activates. Otherwise, the trap is left untriggered.
Discerning Pattern (Su): When fighting a creature that is not of one of her active enemy types, she may attempt to identify that creature with a Knowledge check appropriate to the creature’s type as a swift action; if successful, she may treat the creature as if it was one of her active enemy types until the target is dead or unconscious or until combat ends. Whether or not discerning pattern is successful, the creature cannot be the target of this ability for 24 hours.
Disrupted Healing (Su): When a cryptic with this insight uses her disrupt pattern ability, if the creature struck is of her active type, any healing that creature receives for a number of rounds equal to the cryptic’s Intelligence modifier is reduced by half (minimum 1).
Empower Trap (Su): The cryptic can, as a standard action, cause a trap’s effect to be empowered, dealing 50% additional damage when activated. This insight can only be used on traps that have not yet been activated and that the cryptic is aware of.
Enhance Tattoo (Ex): A number of times per day equal to her Intelligence modifier, the cryptic can cause any tattoo she taps to function at a manifester level equal to her class level.
Extend Tattoo (Ex): A number of times per day equal to her Intelligence modifier, the cryptic can cause any tattoo she taps that does not have an instantaneous duration to function at twice its normal duration.
Fast Stealth (Ex): This ability allows a cryptic to move at full speed using the Stealth skill without penalty.
Fold Trap (Su): A cryptic can ‘fold’ the pattern of a trap she has personally crafted, compressing the trap into a light-weight projectile which can be thrown at a later time. As a standard action, the cryptic can throw the folded trap at an unoccupied square up to 30 feet away. No attack roll is necessary and the trap is immediately ‘unfolded’ and ready to be triggered as normal. The trap affected must have a CR no greater than half the cryptic’s level (minimum 1). A trap that has been folded cannot be folded again, even if it was not triggered after being thrown. The cryptic must have the Quick Trapsmith insight before selecting this insight.
Quick Disable (Ex): It takes a cryptic with this ability half the normal amount of time to disable a trap using the Disable Device skill (minimum 1 round).
Quick Trapsmith (Ex): As a full-round action, a cryptic with this talent can set a simple trap with a CR no greater than 1/2 her cryptic level. To do this, she must purchase the components, spend the required time constructing the trap in advance, and have its components at hand. The type of trap that can be constructed in this way is subject to GM discretion.
Recognize Pattern (Ex): A cryptic with this insight can recognize and prepare against the same behavior from creatures. Any time the cryptic is subjected to the same effect or combat maneuver by the same creature, she gains a bonus against that effect’s saving throw (if any) or to her CMD equal to half her class level (minimum 1). The effect or combat maneuver must have previously been used against the cryptic within a number of rounds equal to her Intelligence modifier (minimum 1).
Shatter Pattern (Su): The cryptic learns how to break a minor pattern with her touch, allowing her to destroy a non-magical unattended item with hit points equal to double the cryptic’s level. This effect ignores any hardness the object might have. The cryptic may attempt to use this insight on an attended object, but doing so provokes attacks of opportunity and she must make a successful touch attack with a -4 penalty against the target’s touch AC.
Social Pattern (Ex): The cryptic develops a deeper knowledge of patterns of speech, behavior, and deception. The cryptic adds Bluff and Diplomacy to her list of class skills and gains a +2 bonus to Diplomacy checks to improve initial reaction attitudes.
Steal Pattern (Su): The cryptic can attempt to steal a pattern from a creature by making a touch attack. If the attack is successful, the cryptic can choose one psionic tattoo or one spell-like, psi-like, or supernatural ability the target has and makes a manifester level check against the target (DC 11 + the target’s manifester level or hit die, whichever is higher). If the cryptic succeeds on the manifester level check, the target loses the tattoo permanently or the ability for 1 minute and a daily use of the ability and the cryptic gains the tattoo or one use of the ability stolen. Powerful abilities like a creature with a spell-like ability of wish cannot be stolen in this fashion.
Steal Tattoo (Su): A cryptic with this insight can attempt to steal the psionic tattoo of a creature within 30 ft. by making a ranged touch attack against that creature. If the attack is successful, the cryptic makes a manifester level check against a DC of 11 + manifester level of the psionic tattoo. If the check is successful, the psionic tattoo is immediately teleported onto the cryptic’s body. The cryptic must have space on her body for an additional psionic tattoo or this ability automatically fails.
Swift Trigger (Ex): A cryptic with this insight can use a swift action to set off any trap within 30 feet that she constructed.
Trap Spotter (Ex): Whenever a cryptic with this insight comes within 10 feet of a trap, she receives an immediate Perception skill check to notice the trap. This check should be made in secret by the GM.
Binding Pattern (Su): A cryptic with this insight can cause creatures struck with her disrupt pattern ability to become entangled for a number of rounds equal to the cryptic’s Intelligence modifier, although the disrupt pattern damage is minimized (all dice rolls are treated as 1s). Entangled creatures can attempt to break free as a move action, making a Strength or Escape Artist check. The DC for this check is equal to the 10 + 1/2 the cryptic’s level + the cryptic’s Intelligence modifier. A cryptic must be at least 4th level before selecting this insight.
Bleeding Pattern (Su): A cryptic with this insight can choose to make her disrupt pattern ability deal bleed damage. This attack causes the target to take 1 additional point of damage each round for each die of the cryptic’s disrupt pattern (e.g., 4d6 equals 4 points of bleed). Bleeding creatures take that amount of damage every round at the start of each of their turns. The bleeding can be stopped by a DC 15 Heal check or the application of any effect that heals hit point damage. Bleeding damage from this ability does not stack with itself. Bleeding damage bypasses any damage reduction the creature might possess. A cryptic must be at least 6th level before selecting this insight.
Explosive Pattern (Su): A cryptic with this insight can cause her disrupt pattern ability to explode upon impact. If the cryptic’s disrupt pattern attack successfully hits, it causes splash damage to nearby creatures. The splash damage is equal to the minimum damage of the disrupt pattern. A cryptic must be at least 6th level to select this insight.
Ranger Trap (Ex): A cryptic with this insight learns how to create one ranger trap of her choice. The DC for the trap is equal to 10 + 1/2 the cryptic’s class level + 4 the cryptic’s Intelligence bonus, and it lasts 1 day per two cryptic levels. The cryptic may set either extraordinary or supernatural traps. The cryptic may use ranger traps a number of times per day equal to 1/2 her cryptic level plus her Intelligence bonus. The cryptic must be at least 6th level before selecting this insight. This insight may be selected multiple times; each time, the cryptic selects another ranger trap to learn to create.
Repair Pattern (Su): A number of times per day equal to the cryptic’s Intelligence modifier, she can heal one creature touched for a number of hit points equal to her class level plus her Intelligence modifier. This can alternatively be used on a non-magical object, repairing the item instead of healing a creature. A cryptic must be at least 6th level before selecting this insight.
Claim Pattern (Su): The cryptic can attune a trap to herself as a standard action and by making a successful Disable Device check against the trap’s DC, after which the trap only triggers when the cryptic decides it can be triggered. If the trap is attuned in a similar fashion to another creature, the cryptic must make a manifester level check against a DC of 11 + the current owner’s manifester level or the attunement fails. If the attunement is successful, the cryptic can trigger the trap as a swift action at any time in the future. A cryptic may only have one such attuned trap at any given time. The cryptic must be at least 8th level before selecting this insight.
Dislocating Pattern (Su): When a cryptic with this insight makes a successful disrupt pattern attack, she causes the target to take a -2 penalty to all attack rolls, damage rolls, skill checks, and saving throws until a successful DC 15 Heal check is made. A cryptic must be at least 8th level before selecting this insight.
Shining Pattern (Su): When a cryptic with this insight makes a successful disrupt pattern attack, all creatures within 15 ft. of the creature struck must make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 the cryptic’s level + the cryptic’s Intelligence modifier) or be blinded for 1 round. A cryptic must be at least 8th level before selecting this ability.
Efficient Trapsmith (Ex): When a cryptic with this insight constructs a mechanical trap, she only pays 75% of the normal cost. A cryptic must be at least 10th level before selecting this insight.
Improved Evasion (Ex): This works like evasion, except that while the cryptic still takes no damage on a successful Reflex saving throw against attacks, she henceforth takes only half damage on a failed save. A helpless cryptic does not gain the benefit of improved evasion. A cryptic must be at least 10th level before selecting this insight.
Light-bending Pattern (Su): The cryptic learns how to mask her pattern entirely. As a standard action, the cryptic can become invisible for one round per cryptic level. The effect ends as soon as the cryptic attacks any creature. This insight can be used a number of times per day equal to 3 + the cryptic’s Intelligence modifier. A cryptic must be at least 10th level before selecting this insight.
Redirect Trap (Su): A cryptic with this pattern has learned how to alter the pattern of reality to psychoportively redirect the effect of a trap. As a standard action, the cryptic can redirect the effect of a trap that the cryptic has claimed by Claim Pattern. The effect can be redirected up 60 ft. away from the location of the trap. The destination must still be in the cryptic’s line of sight and this insight cannot be used on pit traps. A cryptic must have the Claim Pattern insight and be at least 10th level before selecting this insight.
Summoning Pattern: A cryptic with this insight learns how to create a unique pattern at her current location as a full-round action and then to send a creature to that pattern at a later time by making a touch attack as a standard action. Unwilling creatures may make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 the cryptic’s class level + the cryptic’s Ingelligence bonus) to negate this effect. The pattern created in this way lasts for a number of days equal to the cryptic’s Intelligence modifier, although a cryptic may only have one such pattern active at any time. The cryptic and the creature to be affected must be on the same plane of existence as the pattern to send a creature to it. A cryptic may use this insight on herself. A cryptic must be at least 12th level before selecting this insight.
Throw Pattern (Su): The cryptic learns how to throw a link to her own pattern, giving her the ability to teleport up to 50 ft at will as a standard action. A cryptic must be at least 12th level before selecting this insight.
Join Patterns (Su): The cryptic links two creatures touched (or herself and another creature) as if affected by affinity field for a number of rounds equal to the cryptic’s Intelligence modifier. A cryptic must be at least 14th level before selecting this insight.
Eternal Tattoo (Ex): If a cryptic taps a tattoo that she extends, the effects of that tattoo become permanent until she chooses to make another tattoo effect permanent. A cryptic must be at least 16th level and must possess the extend tattoo insight before selecting this insight.
Rebuild Pattern (Ps): Once per day, the cryptic can restore the pattern of a slain creature. The target is brought back to life as if the cryptic had used psionic revivify, but with 1 hit point instead of -1 hit points. A cryptic must be at least 16th level before selecting this insight.
Reforming Pattern (Su): A cryptic with this insight has learned to modify her own pattern so it will reform if she is killed. The cryptic must make an anchor pattern to activate this ability, a process which takes 24 hours of uninterrupted concentration. When the cryptic is slain, she can reform as if affected by astral seed, although she suffers two permanent negative levels once her physical body is reformed and the storage crystal is formed at the site of the anchor pattern. The cryptic may only have one such anchor pattern at any given time and it lasts a number of days equal to her Intelligence modifier. A cryptic must be at least 16th level before selecting this insight.
Supreme Insights: At 20th level, the cryptic makes astounding leaps of insight. She immediately learns two normal insights, but also learns a third insight chosen from the list below, representing a truly astounding breakthrough in understanding how patterns work. For many cryptics, the possibility of this sort of discoveries is the driving force for their studying of patterns.
Awakened Insight: The cryptic’s constant efforts to understand the patterns of the world around her expanded her mind. Her Intelligence score permanently increases by 2 points.
Discerning Vision: The cryptic sees all things as they truly are and is always treated as if under the effect of pierce the veils. In addition, the cryptic automatically succeeds on any saving throw against spells or powers of 8th level or lower that deal with modifying vision or some sort of visual pattern, such as symbol of pain.
Eternal Pattern: The cryptic has discovered how to fix her physical pattern into its prime state, and from this point forward she takes no penalty to her physical ability scores from advanced age. If the cryptic is already taking such penalties, they are removed at this time. A cryptic with this insight does not die from old age.
Greater Disruption: The cryptic’s ability to disrupt patterns has become exceptionally advanced. When using the disrupt pattern ability, the cryptic adds 1 additional point per die of damage rolled. In addition, the cryptic has learned how to channel her psionic power into the disruption, allowing her to spend 4 power points and expend her psionic focus when using her disrupt pattern ability to maximize the damage of that attack.
Personal Design: The cryptic increases the maximum number of psionic tattoos she can have on her body to thirty. In addition, the cryptic automatically identifies any visible psionic tattoos on other creatures. Finally, as an immediate action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity, the cryptic can activate any psionic tattoo on her body.
Secret Knowledge (Su): The cryptic discovers a series of patterns previously outside of her perception. The cryptic learns two powers of 6th level or lower from the cryptic or psion/wilder power list. In addition, the cryptic’s Intelligence modifier is treated as 4 higher when determining her power points per day.
Toughened Pattern: The cryptic has learned to solidify her own pattern against physical attacks, gaining a +4 bonus to her natural armor bonus.
Unravel Pattern: Once per day, the cryptic can permanently unravel a creature or object’s pattern as a ranged touch attack. The creature or object struck must make a Fortitude save (DC 20 + the cryptic’s Intelligence modifier) or be destroyed. The target must have 150 or fewer current hit points or this ability has no effect. Creatures killed in this manner leave behind no trace of their body. This is considered a death effect.