
Ephra'im's page

12 posts. Alias of eriktd.


formulae 3/3 HD 2/2 inspiration 5/5 MF 1/1 | conditions:[/ooc] none | effects: none


[ooc]M NG human investigator 2 | HP 17/17 | AC15 T12 FF13 | F+2* R+5* W+5* (+1 vs aberrations) | CMD12 PSD11 | init+2 | Per+6** SM+8* |

About Ephra'im

A young Mwangi man living in Ustalav must piece together the clues to recover his identity and discover what to do with his incredible gifts for medicine and chemistry.

Description Ephra'im is a tall and dark-skinned Garundi man, probably in his mid-20s, wiry and apparently physically healthy, with a deep voice and an infectious laugh. He is dressed in fine clothing and studded leather armor that was clearly made in Ustalav, and he speaks with no trace of an exotic accent. He carries a small collection of medical and chemical supplies, and wields an old-looking longspear that could be some kind of heirloom. His eyes are bright and his wits are uncommonly sharp. He seems to have extensive knowledge, as if he has studied for some years in a place of higher learning. Yet he also seems deferential and humble-- unusual for an academic. He seems to genuinely care about the other people around him, and wants to help them.

Str 8 (-1) Dex 14 (+2) Con 14 (+2) Int 18 (+2) Wis 14 (+2) Cha 8 (-1)
Str 10-2[optional] Dex 10+2[optional]+2[wild] Con 10+2[race]+2[wild] Int 12+2[background]+2[class]+2[race]+2[wild] Wis 10+2[background]+2[wild] Cha 10-2[optional]

Initiative +2 (+2[DEX])
Speed 30 (light armor)

HP 17 (8+5[2d8]+4[CONx2])

Fortitude +2* (+0[base]+2[CON], +1*[vs aberrations (trait)])
Reflex +5* (+3[base]+2[DEX], +1*[vs aberrations (trait)])
Will +5* (+3[base]+2[WIS], +1*[vs aberrations (trait)])

AC 15 (10[base]+2[DEX]+3[armor])
AC, touch 12 (10[base]+2[DEX])
AC, flat-footed 13 (10[base]+3[armor])

BAB +1

CMB +0 (+1[BAB]-1[STR])
CMD 12 (10[base]+1[BAB]-1[STR]+2[DEX])

MSB +0
MSD 11 (11[base]+0[MSB])

PSB +0 (+1[BAB]-1[CHA])
PSD 12 (10[base]+1[BAB]-1[CHA]+2[WIS])

cherry bomb: +3* vs touch (1d4 bludgeoning damage, 10' range, 20/x2)
(attack: +1[BAB]+2[DEX], +1*[Scout])

longspear: +0*** (1d8-1** piercing damage, 20/x3)
(attack: +1[BAB]-1[STR], -1*[Power Attack], +1*[Scout], +1*[studied combat]; damage: 1d8[base]-1[STR], +3*[Power Attack], +1*[studied combat])

splash weapon: +3* vs touch (20/x2)
(attack: +1[BAB]+2[DEX], +1*[Scout])

studded leather: armor +3, max Dex +5, ACP -1

Human Bonus Feat, Skilled
FCB (investigator) Add a +2/2 bonus on Perception checks to see through magical disguises or pinpoint invisible creatures.

Alignment Neutral Good
Deity none
Background none

Traits Adopted* (halfling) (social, from Additional Traits), Battlefield Disciple* (combat, from Additional Traits), Foe of the Strange (campaign)

Investigator 2 combat training (Proficient/Int), course of study (Medicine: Expert Medicine), inspiration (half level+INT), martial tradition (Field Medic), studied combat (move action, +half level attack/damage for INT rounds), studied strike +1d6; quick wits

Martial Tradition Field Medic

Combat Talents x8 (x1 combat training, x3 feats, x4 martial tradition); CAM INT; DC 14 (10[base]+0[half BAB]+4[INT])

Alchemy sphere (from martial tradition), Formulae
- Alternative-Brew drawback (Heal)
Cherry Bomb [formulae] (from investigator 2)
- Salve* [formulae] (from base sphere)
Prepared Formulae x3 (half Heal ranks + formulae talents) Cherry Bomb x1, Salve x2

Equipment sphere (from martial tradition)
- Fast Draw* (from base sphere)
Finesse Fighting (from Weapon Finesse*)

Scout sphere (from martial tradition), Scout
Advisory Scout (from martial tradition)
Find Gap (from Extra Combat Talent)
Identify Rhythms (from Extra Combat Talent*)
- Study Technique* (from Veteran Warrior drawback)
- Veteran Warrior drawback

Feats Combat Expertise* (bonus), Deadly Aim* (bonus), Extra Combat Talent (level 1), Extra Combat Talent* (race), Power Attack* (bonus), Weapon Finesse* (bonus, exchanged for Finesse Fighting talent); Additional Traits (level 2)

Skills (6 ranks/level, +4 INT, +1 Skilled)
Acrobatics +7** (2[ranks]+2[DEX]+3[class], -1*[ACP], +1d6*[inspiration])
Craft (alchemy) +9* (2[ranks]+4[INT]+3[class], +1d6*[inspiration])
Disable Device +7** (2[ranks]+2[DEX]+3[class], -1*[ACP], +1d6*[inspiration])
Escape Artist +7** (2[ranks]+2[DEX]+3[class], -1*[ACP], +1d6*[inspiration])
Heal* +12*** (2*[free ranks, from Alchemy sphere]+4[INT]+3[class]+2[course of study], +1*[identify poisons, medical evidence (half level)], +1d6*[inspiration], +2*[stabilize(trait)])
Knowledge (arcane) +8* (1[ranks]+4[INT]+3[class], +1d6*[free inspiration])
Knowledge (civilization) +8* (1[ranks]+4[INT]+3[class], +1d6*[free inspiration])
Knowledge (divine) +8* (1[ranks]+4[INT]+3[class], +1d6*[free inspiration])
Knowledge (dungeoneering) +8* (1[ranks]+4[INT]+3[class], +1d6*[free inspiration])
Knowledge (engineering) +8* (1[ranks]+4[INT]+3[class], +1d6*[free inspiration])
Knowledge (history) +8* (1[ranks]+4[INT]+3[class], +1d6*[free inspiration])
Knowledge (martial) +8* (1[ranks]+4[INT]+3[class], +1d6*[free inspiration])
Knowledge (nature) +8* (1[ranks]+4[INT]+3[class], +1d6*[free inspiration])
Knowledge (occult) +9* (2[ranks]+4[INT]+3[class], +1d6*[free inspiration])
Knowledge (planes) +8* (1[ranks]+4[INT]+3[class], +1d6*[free inspiration])
Linguistics +8* (1[ranks]+4[INT]+3[class], +1d6*[free inspiration])
Perception* +6** (2*[level]+4[INT], +1d6*[inspiration], +1*[vs magic disguises/invisible creatures (FCB)])
Sense Motive +8* (1[ranks]+4[INT], +1d6*[inspiration])
Spellcraft +8* (1[ranks]+4[INT]+3[class], +1d6*[free inspiration])

Languages Aklo, Azlanti, Common*, Draconic, Halfling, Mwangi* (Polyglot), Necril

Equipment acid flask 2/2 (20 gp), alchemist's fire 2/2 (40 gp), alchemy crafting kit (25 gp), belt pouch (1 gp), boline (10 gp), candle 2/2 (.02 gp), canteen (2 gp), chalk [x3 colors] (.03 gp), explorer's outfit (free), flint and steel (1 gp), healer's kit 10/10 (50 gp), lamp (.1 gp), lamp oil 6/6 (.6 gp), longspear (5 gp), masterwork backpack (50 gp), mess kit (.2 gp), string [250'] (.05 gp), studded leather armor (25 gp), thieves' tools (30 gp); 260 gp total