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Benchak the Nightstalker wrote:ThePuppyTurtle wrote:So you'd be willing to risk your life on the off chance that a goblin you encounter isn't a murderer just because they're well-dressed and equipped for the specific task of murdering things? The books specifically state that communities who tolerate goblins in their general vicinity pay the cost for it in pets and children. How little do you value the lives of those in your community that you'd risk them being slaughtered and cannibalized just because a goblin is walking into town with some human companions?Lions and tigers are dangerous beasts that kill people and destroy valuable livestock. Would you really risk your life or your children's lives by letting a lion or tiger walk around town--not even on a leash or anything!--just because some weird tree-hugger murder-hobo says it's their "animal companion" or some nonsense like that?
And yet, Big Cat animal companions are incredibly popular, and I almost never see GMs try to police them in settlements. Most seem to feel that the benefits of getting out of the PCs way and letting them get on with the adventure outweigh the costs of stretching verisimilitude a little bit.
Tame instances of normally wild animals are an established part of both Golarion and the real world. Non-evil goblins do not feature in anything Paizo has ever published.
Nor are tigers inherently malicious and sadistic in a way analogous to goblins. Tigers can be dangerous. Goblins are.
Actually there HAS been instances of Goblin slaves and other times within published material where goblins were featured within society...