
joshua neeley's page

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber. Organized Play Member. 54 posts (67 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters.


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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
James Jacobs wrote:
No plans to do so.

Thanks James!

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Are there any pawns planned to release for this AP?

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Thank you everyone!

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Phntm888 wrote:
Page 40, in the handout for the exploration charter, states that the charter is witnessed on the 24th of Calistril (February, in Earth months). Assuming the charter is witnessed on the same day it's issued, the Feast is on the 23rd of Calistril.

Thanks! You wouldn’t happen to know what year on Golarion it takes place?

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

What is the starting in game date for the campaign? I must be overlooking it if it is in the book.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

This is great stuff! Is it complete or are there more entries to add?

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
James Jacobs wrote:
joshua neeley wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:


** spoiler omitted **
Thanks James! That helps alot. I guess I’m just looking to find a way to make her a bit more present so the players have a face to know her by a little earlier in the game. Do you have any more tips or recommendations to accomplish that?

The whole point of Kingmaker, and the initial customer/reader feedback that prompted its creation in the first place, was a call for an Adventure Path that was a sandbox and that didn't put its main villain/primary story front and center–folks wanted a break from that model of Adventure Path, or so they claimed. Turns out that appears to be a vocal minority of Adventure Path customers, and that most people want each installment to obviously move the main story forward.

So my advice here is to first and foremost be honest with your players and find out what they want and expect. What a GM wants from a campaign and what the PCs want from the campaign aren't always the same!

But if you and your players are looking for something less of a sandbox and more of a tightly-scripted story from Kingmaker, I suppose the best suggestion would be to have the PCs themselves...

** spoiler omitted **...

Oh definitely. I don’t want a linear story at all. I believe I’ll be sticking to keeping her in the background and sort of tease this idea that there is something much larger at play. Then wait for the most opportune time to give a “face” to this threat. The open ended sandbox nature is a must imo, and is what really makes this adventure special.

And Cydeth, I really like that idea. Just a bit more to add to the idea of this Queen that seems to somehow be connected to much more than what she first appears to be.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
James Jacobs wrote:


** spoiler omitted **

Thanks James! That helps alot. I guess I’m just looking to find a way to make her a bit more present so the players have a face to know her by a little earlier in the game. Do you have any more tips or recommendations to accomplish that?

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Just an idea I’m tossing around in order to involve the bbeg a bit more in the story over all.

So Nyrissa wants to accomplish a few things

1. Destroy the last kingdom of 1000
2. Bottle the stolen lands as a gift to the fey lords
3. Reclaim Briar

So in essence she could stand to gain from assisting the player’s kingdom until it is big enough to “claim.” Maybe she could join them for a while as an advisor to the chaotic and fey filled nature of the region until she is found out or simply reveals herself after she feels the kingdom is “ready?”

Do you think this would work? Her motives feel a bit conflicted to me. Does she want the player’s kingdom to succeed or stop them before they ever get off the ground?

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I am also curious about this. The Kingmaker (2E) book references one as a spoiler free version for the players.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Yea it is a bit disappointing that already owning the PDFs doesn’t qualify for some sort of discount even if it is slightly less significant.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Is there any info on whether Kingmaker Anniversary Edition (at least the 2e components) will be supported in foundry?

I’m a backer for the project and plan to run it after it launches. Id love to use Foundry as a tool to do so.

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I’ve placed a handful of orders to geek grind but my last order was placed in July. I have yet to receive it. My first attempt at bringing this to their attention resulted in one of the founders of the company stating a replacement shipment would be sent with a vague excuse as to the usps not updating. Which is funny seeing as their own site says the order is unfulfilled. I’ve reached out three other times with zero response concerning my order and it still shows unfilulfilled.

Sadly, this doesn’t look good. Me and my group love pathfinder and love coffee and have been a consistent customer of theirs for a while now. But this last order may have soured my experience beyond redemption.

Maybe Paizo should partner with a different company in the future…

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Mergy wrote:
joshua neeley wrote:
I guess I’m not sure what people are wanting concerning this. Do we expect them to just say “yes, we are transphobic.” Or, “no, we are not transphobic?”

You know what? One of those would have been better than what Jeff wrote.

I didn't burn anything down, I'm just asking why a company known for inclusivity has responded to many allegations, just not the ones about transphobia. Me pointing to the fire that someone else set is not the same as burning something down.

Hi, I'm a trans person. When I see stuff like this, it makes me feel like a company doesn't see me as a person. I don't do business with companies like that unless I am required to, and I do not need to give Paizo another cent of my time or another good word: I can't foresee that changing without at least a response to this nonsense.

“From the day the company opened back in 2002 all the way to the present, POC and LGBTQIA+ contributors and staff have been a critical part of our creative and business operations, and our company has been at the forefront of these issues in the work we publish and the values we espouse.”

This is as good as it’s going to get. I’m not sure what else could be said. Expecting something more from a business statement is probably pretty close to expecting a brick wall to fall over if you blow on it.

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Mergy wrote:
joshua neeley wrote:
Mergy wrote:
All of that is poisoned now, if what Crystal said is true.
The word “IF” is what I’d focus on here.

We agree there. So I was stating how immensely dissatisfied I am with the fact that all responses thus far have completely ignored allegations about transphobic policies in the company.

You are correct that this private company owes no one anything, and all of the previously loyal customers currently "attacking" Paizo's management about this also do not owe this private company any support or money, especially if it turns out that we were duped about what kind of people run the company.

I guess I’m not sure what people are wanting concerning this. Do we expect them to just say “yes, we are transphobic.” Or, “no, we are not transphobic?”

I mean just 48 hours ago they were the company that supported these things more than most. Are just a few accusations all it takes for everyone to throw all that good will out of the window? Even if somehow it was proven that there is a person or group of people that are transphobic in the company is that enough to burn the whole thing down? And have it collapse in on even the champions still inside?

This is a company full of people and people aren’t perfect. When was the last time you worked somewhere where everyone was totally happy with the job and everyone they answered to? Why would Paizo be any different? This is why issues like this should be left in the private side of the business and those that take it to the public eye are looked at as unprofessional by me.

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I think this is a prime example as to why some companies do not have such close an open relationships with their customer base. Sure, it’s one of the reasons why I think Paizo is so cool but all it takes is some tweets and then the customer base turns on you like a pack of rabid and wild dogs.

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Haha it seems like everybody just wants Jeff to admit to the accusations regardless of whether they are true or not. News flash everyone….the internet is not a court of law.

The demands for people to “step down” are particular entertaining to me.

Sure wish someone would jump on a forum and demand my boss to quit. I’m sure that would go real far…

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
joshua neeley wrote:
I have noticed that both the Devil, Osyluth and the Devil, Hamatula pawns share the same art. Has anyone else noticed this?

To clarify, it is the 2E Bestiary 2 pawns.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I have noticed that both the Devil, Osyluth and the Devil, Hamatula pawns share the same art. Has anyone else noticed this?

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Was there any details on the support products?

I backed the game and picked up a few of the extras but I’m curious if there is more to come that was not included in the crowdfunding.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

So I’m curious how scalable the adventure can be. I’d love to run my current players through this as they are near Absalom but they definitely won’t be level 1.

Either way it’s a purchase from me even if I have to make them roll new characters!

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I have Paizo Advantage due to already having an Adventure Path sub well before the launch of 2E. Since then i have had two subscription orders that have had no discount applied to the adventure paths in them. I have not received the first one in the mail as of yet either. It's funny because i ordered a Korvosan Crown collector's coin that shipped in my sidecart and it got the discount but not the adventure path.

Any help would be appreciated.

Order 7986274 and Order 8129552 for reference. Thank you!

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I have Paizo Advantage as well due to already having an Adventure Path sub well before the launch of 2E. Since then i have had two subscription orders that have had no discount applied to the adventure paths in them. I have not received the first one in the mail as of yet either. It's funny because i ordered a Korvosan Crown collector's coin that shipped in my sidecart and it got the discount but not the adventure path.

Any help would be appreciated.

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I actually think the art is a giant step up from the 1E crb. I'm in love with it. Especially that image of Seoni and some drow (i think) on a rope descending into a treasure hoard!

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Lisa Stevens wrote:
joshua neeley wrote:
Does anyone know if Paizo is going to have the extra stand selling the PF2E stuff near where the society games are run this year. I remember they did at Gen Con 50 for Starfinder and i haven't heard anything about this year. Thanks in advance.

Yep, we will have that same stand up near the Sagemore Ballroom like we did the last two years. It will only have the new Pathfinder 2nd edition products and only takes credit cards for payment. You will also be able to do subscription pick-up there.


Thanks! That is where my group plans to get in line! Can't wait to see everyone there and to begin our journey with second edition!

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Does anyone know if Paizo is going to have the extra stand selling the PF2E stuff near where the society games are run this year. I remember they did at Gen Con 50 for Starfinder and i haven't heard anything about this year. Thanks in advance.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Both of them are very nice and pleasing to the eye! Super hyped to pick the game up at Gencon.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I'm totally confused. I have opted in to pickup my sidecart items at Gencon because i'm subscribed to Adventure Paths. It shows on that screen that i can pickup all of the 2E items i have preordered at Gencon. I'm not subscribed to the core rulebook or accessories but it shows those will be available to me for pickup at Gencon.

I keep getting mixed ideas on how this all works. In order to pickup these preordered items do i have to subscribe to those particular items or simply add them to my sidecart? Am i charged before i pick them up or once i get to the register? Are they guaranteed to be held for me to pickup at my leisure or will they sell them if i'm not in line to get them Thursday morning?

This whole process is getting a bit frustrating to understand and even after multiple emails to customer service to have some clarification I haven't had anyone explain all of it in a simple and easy to understand way.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Awesome! Two questions however:

1. If i added multiple copies to my sidecart will they all be available for pickup at Gencon?

2. When will we be charged for those that pickup at Gencon? When we pick them up at the stand?


Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I successfully got it setup for Gencon pickup.

I placed the order just now and went to My Account > Account Settings.

From there, scroll down and in the right column you should find "My Subscriptions."

Click the Manage Subscriptions button and you should have an option to pickup at Gen Con. You may have to select that option first before it shows you what items that you have purchased which are available to pickup. It shows all of mine.

However i still have two questions.

1. Can i preorder multiple copies to pickup?

2. Is this a means to guarantee myself a copy before they sell out? For example, do i still need to stand in line on Thursday to guarantee i get a copy before they sell out despite that i have already paid for the item or items?

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I have not received any email either.

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

If a subscriber was to preorder 2E products and choose to pick them up at Gen Con, will they be charged at check out on the site or when they pickup the product at the con?

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

So if I were to choose to pickup my subscriptions at gen con, and purchase the second edition material, and choose to have them ship with my subscription, would they be available for pickup at gen con? I might be a bit confused now...

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Waiting for an update as well.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I am also curious about this. I can't seem to find anything other than society games. I'd love to know if any seminars are planned so i can better plan out my trip to Gen Con before event registration begins.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I think all the new 2e designs are very well done. But i will also say that the vision for the characters in 1e are much more clear. You can distinguish who they are, see the fine details of what they are wearing, even get a good idea of what they are capable of and how different they are from one another. The 2E designs really come off looking like they wanted to cram so much on them (or clothe them more in Sajan and Seoni's case...bleh...) that it makes them less appealing. At least to my eyes. They all have a similar vibe and sort of blend together. I'm not trying to dump on them. They are good pieces of art but they overall seem less like individuals and appear to have all come off the same conveyor belt if you will. Just my 2 copper.

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I like this design overall. There is nothing wrong with it. However, I will miss the old design. It's obvious this was done for a pretty specific reason, which is sad to me. She also looks far younger in her 2E look compared to her 1E face. That and the overall design of most of the 2E iconics are extremely "busy," especially in this case. There are so many things strapped to her and such it's hard to focus in or be drawn to anything in particular. Sometimes less is more in my honest opinion. But to each their own. Seoni will always be my favorite and not just because of her visual appeal. Great job Wayne!

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

How did it work in the past? Pay for it on the website then they hold it for you there?

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I'm holding out on a preorder for info on this. Any news?

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I have qualms with the idea that just because you are part of a specific race then that automatically makes you evil or even good for that matter. Sure in game terms as a general concept as a description i understand but as a player you are the exception, within reason of course. We would never have gotten to meet characters like Drizzt if a race automatically determined your moral compass.

Bring on the Goblins! I look forward to the amazing flavor they can add to my game....not that they weren't an option to play as in 1E...

Players and the Gm make the game not the mechanics.

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Having pickup at Gencon would be amazing and way less stressful.

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Yaaaaaaasssss! I think the design Wayne Reynolds expounded on above makes complete sense! I'm also super glad he didn't cover her abs up. Super excited to see my favorite iconic....SEONI!

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Is there a way to preorder 2E products and pick them up at Gen Con? Forgive me if this is in the wrong section of the forum. I just can't remember if there is a way to do this or if it is a first come first server sort of deal.

7 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Yaaaaaaaaasssssss! Welcome to the core races/classes Fumbus!

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Was curious if it still existed? I can't seem to find anything on it anymore.

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

2E's release would be a perfect time to relaunch tales and reflect in the fiction the changes Golarion has seen.

I would LOOOOOVVVVEEEEE more books by Dave Gross in the Radovan and the Count Series.

I would pickup Chris Jackson's books currently being kept in the dark in a heart beat.

And more of Tim Pratt's Liars series would be a must.

Just my two copper though.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I just received an email from Paizo stating that amazon was incapable of sending my playtest order and that they will be sending me one from their own warehouse instead....curious how many customers this will affect...and how much longer I’ll have to wait...

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

It's hard keeping myself from losing excitement. I ordered maps to run the game. I'm not going to start the game and lose the ability to use those maps I already paid for. Highly frustrating when you send a message to customer service asking for some help and all I get in return is "we sent you an email about this happening." Of course i know what happened. I want to know when i can expect my shipment which is closing in on a week and a half late.

I digress...

Still wondering if i'm going to use Paizo for preorders in the future or not now...i typically don't even like to allow myself to be burned even twice.

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

WOW. US order here and still no delivery of my order today...I could have bought it all a dozen times over at local retailers...

Hopefully for future orders we can be informed on what delivery service Paizo plans to use because i honestly don't think i'll directly order if it is going through Amazon again...Highly disappointing.

That being said. Thanks for all the clarity and for informing all of us on what is going on. Hopefully you can get Amazon to give a lot back to you guys to make up for this GIGANTIC FAIL.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

In Arkansas and still don't have my orders. Thanks for all the work though Vic.

Any word on Order 4781211 (package 1110262)?

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