EntropyPlus's page

1 post. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

Hey everybody,

I've posted this on a Reddit and thought that the forums would be an awesome place to post this on as well.

Recently there was a lot of talk about DnD boxes. Well, me and a few of my gaming friends want to do a KickStarter project. We want to make boxes/containers that would not only hold your dice, but also hold your cards and even board game tiles (think multiple sizes and designs to accommodate for your needs and wants).
We already have some alpha stage designs, but after initial feedback both from fellow players (we went to a game store in Toronto to talk to a few people) and manufacturing people, we decided to do a market research questionnaire and reiterate our designs.

Who are we? We call ourselves EntropyPlus. I am an MBA student with previous marketing experience, another team member is an industrial engineer and we have a UX guy. The three of us have been working on this idea for the last two months. We want to create highly functional yet cheap storage containers for the gaming industry.

If you think that this is a cool idea, please show your support by filling out the aforementioned market research survey at: https://survey.researchcore.ca/index.php/586352/lang-en

We will analyze the data (did I mention that the UX guys is almost done with his PhD and is amazing at data analysis?), prototype and test the product and go to KickStarter as soon as possible.

We also have a small landing page, where you can subscribe for updates or contact us, at: www.EntropyPlus.com

Thank you very much!
