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Organized Play Member. 4 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters.


Yeah I felt that it would be best to do it prior to thistletop (give time to prepare spells and also buy new equipment) but I just had a fear they would walk through the maze easily and have all resources to plow through the second part after the bridge trap.

I'm glad that the responses have been a resounding prior to thistle, I will take in to account however the amount of the catacombs they clear, if I feel their short I will maybe write in an encounter for after.

I appreciate the responses, thank you very much guys!

Hi guys,
I just started running Rise of the Runelords for a group of friends.
I am a novice GM so I have been making sure to read ahead, prepare, have everything ready. Our first session went great but now in preparation for the second I'm having issues on when to give the level up to level 3.
The progression at the start of the Rise of the Runelords book says I can either give it at end of Catacombs or early in Thistletop...
I was hoping I could get some advice on when people think its optimal?

I have a pretty good min/maxer playing as a magus
A seasoned 2h fighter
Then 2 COMPLETELY NEW players playing as a witch and a paladin

The first 2 parts went smoothly for the most part, there was 2 knock downs that required stabilizing but one was due to the fighter being gung ho and the second was due to a party split coupled with an attempt at non-lethaling the goblin in the house.

If any additional information would help or any experienced GMs offering tips, its greatly appreciated.

That is how it seemed like it would go but as you said it goes against what I have known for the last 6 months. Really appreciate the quick response as well! Thanks.

Hi guys, I have just looked in to making a reach weapon user for pathfinder society play at my local gathering.
I like to try and think through my characters and read up quite a lot before I start committing to certain feats etc. I have been reading a lot recently and after googling still haven't found an answer to a question involving my planned build path.

Basically, I'm looking at combat reflexs (obvs) and greater trip more specifically. I have always been under the impression (I'm pretty new in the grand scheme of things) that you can only use one AoO on an enemy per turn HOWEVER greater trip allows me to use an AoO on a tripped target, if the mob moves through my threatened zone and I opt to go for a trip maneuver (AoO) and succeed does my greater trip allow me to then take precedence and allow me to make an attack role as it is all part of the same action or does the AoO rules stop that?

If I have somehow missed this when checking forums then SORRY.
Please leave tips if you have any experience or even if you want to question what I have planned ^^