Enkili |
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For the next game I'm running I am considering just giving out certain feats to anyone who meets the prereqs. I guess I'm wondering if anyone thinks this is a terrible idea and why. I get tired of the entirely formulaic characters when there are so many interesting feats out there, and this should allow characters to branch out. Most of the feats suggested have a penalty to use.
Combat Expertise - isn't a great feat by itself (usually just a gateway) and it has a penalty to actually use.
Power Attack and Deadly Aim - there is a penalty to use these and they are almost a feat tax on melee and ranged combatants.
Vital Strike feats - allows for scaling damage for high BAB, even when hitting a moving target.
Two-Weapon Fighting feats - two-weapon fighting damage on a full attack scales fairly close to the two-handed weapon fighting and it requires feats and it does MUCH less damage against a moving target when he can only make one attack. Why not?
Point Blank Shot - mostly something for the ranged attackers and why shouldn't you do a little more damage up close.
Metamagic Feats - these all have a penalty to use (higher level spell slot) and in some cases no one thinks the penalty is worth the boon especially if you have to spend a feat first.
Heighten, Maximize, Silent, Still, Widen
If you think this is the worst idea ever let me know why. If you think it's great, and should go even further with more freebies, tell me which ones.