Silver Sorcerer

Enjego Montoya's page

22 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

I'm not looking for a fight here, as I love D&D in all it's incarnations; I'm just looking for a little help. I'm DMing a group through the Age of Worms (in 3.5) and we are starting The Prince of Redhand finally. All of the group agrees, after much discussion, that when we finish the AOW adventure path, we are converting to 4th edition.
I would like to try to run Zeech's Banquet as a series of skill challenges, in preparation to converting editions. What I'm looking for is some advice on how to accomplish this. Ideally, I would describe each stage of the banquet as written in the module and then run some sort of skill challenge, incorporating the Authority Points schema for successes.
Has anyone else done this, and if so could you give me some pointers? If you haven't done this, but have run skill challenges, I would appreciate pointers on doing that as well. I plan on using the errata for skill challenges that came out earlier this month, or the Obsidian skill challenge system--I'm not sure what would be best. I only ran a little bit of 4th edition (1st half of Keep on Shadowfell) so I would like to use this opportunity to get my ducks in a row before converting full time.
Sorry for being so long winded.
Looking foward to receiving any help
Hope this isn't double posted---seems my first one got ate!

Hey all. I recently downloaded the DL maps (pdf versions as I don't have Campaign Cartographer) from the RPG Genius site. When I try to copy and paste the maps from the pdf to another program, the resulting image is "squished", that is, not the proper aspect ratio. Does anyone know a way to do this so the resulting image is correct? Better yet, does anyone know where I can get the maps as jpgs or bitmaps?

Darn...I thought I was posting on the other General Discussion.

Sorry about the fox paw (faux pas)


This may have been covered before, but if the PCs are on another plane (Carceri for example); the PCs are considered outsiders there, right? What about other creatures on that particular plane (slaadi, demodands, etc)? Do I have to figure out what the native plane is for every creature encountered or are they all native to that plane since they are not on the material plane? Any help please.

I have some questions concerning what WOC and Paizo will allow people to post on websites.
I have been playing and DMing for many year now (started when AD&D was all the rage) and have amassed quite a bit of player and DM materials. I realize that I cannot take other author's adventures and source books and post them on my web site, but what is allowable (for example, Lilith's monster lists - do you have to be careful about listing certain creatures and races?)
Also, can I post links to many of the other excellent sites on the web, such as the aforementioned Lilith's and the Paizo and WOC sites? Is there guidelines somewhere on what I can and cannot do?
If anyone has any input on this it would be appreciated.

Hey members I need some input. My PCs just foiled the Cagewrights plans and shackeled the tree and we start Strike on Shatterhorn tommorrow. Well, I have a couple of questions/ concerns.

1) My PCs were long term guests at the Drowning Murkoth Inn and had gone to great lengths to secure valuables and treasure in their rooms there (Various glyphs, etc.). Well now that the city has massive damage from earthquakes and lava eruptions, what do I do about their treasure? Do I say the inn was destroyed and they cannot find any of it? To I make up a %chance of what they can find (if so, what chance do you think is fair?) Or, do I leave it alone and allow them access to all of their wealth?

2)I am running SCAP from the mags, so I don't know if this is addressed any differently in the hardcover, but the hook between Thirteen Cages and Strike on Shatterhorn seems kind of lame to me. There is only a short blurb about Jenya locating the remaining Cagewrights via divinations. My concern with this is that now the threat of Cauldron turning into a gate to Carceri is over, what is her motivation for divining this information and how does she know that there are remaining Cagewrights to divine in the first place. There has to be a better hook that one of you guys have used, or maybe it is done differently in the hardcover.

Well, I didn't mean to be so long winded, but if anyone has any thoughts on these subjects, it would be very helpful.

Hey guys, if anyone can help on short notice, you guys can. The moltenwing description in Thirteen cages states that his disintegration BW is Fort DC 28 or death. Well I was going to change it to the spell which deals 2*CL d6 Fort for half. What CL do I use? His spell-like abilities are at CL 7, which would be 14d6. Is this right? It seems too low. Help, we play in 2 hours.

The DMG says that time does not pass on the astral plane, so my players were in the middle of an adventure where time was an issue. After many battles they were in need of rest and spells, so they plane shifted to the astral plane on the assumption that when they returned it would be at the same moment on the material plane. (of course they had to teleport to the correct location upon their return)
I ruled that while they were on the astral plane they could rest and meditate/pray for spells, but any other class abilities that reset on a day by day basis would not reset.
My question is, did I handle this correctly? Would the spellcasters be able to rest eight hours? Should I have let the other abilities reset? Any feedback would be helpful.