EndgamerAzari's page

6 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Is there a set of non-marked maps I can purchase somewhere? I've got the hard copy of the adventure which I can scan, but I heard mumblings of interactive/editable maps without the grids or notations on them.

Codanous wrote:
I thought it was like 50% in the beginning, which drops to 20% I think at scrapworth 4, then 0% at Scrapworth 5+. I don't have my book on me at the moment though, so I can't clarify that with 100% certainty.

Same on the "don't have the book" front, but I'll check when I get home. Thanks!

Okay, I can't tell if I'm being phenomenally poor at reading comprehension here, but I can't for the life of me figure out how you're supposed to determine if the PCs get into an altercation with the roving gang members (aside from the "they leave you alone if you've got enough scrapworth" stuff). Is there supposed to be a particular percentage chance of a fight or is it just "if you go here, you get jumped"?

Papa-DRB wrote:

Format -> Sheet -> Show

and select the sheets you want to show from the pop-up

-- david


Okay, I feel like an idiot here, but my Google-fu has failed me. How do you open/find/view hidden things? Specifically I'm trying to find the printable building sheet.

Okay, I'm planning on starting Kingmaker sometime in the next couple weeks, and I think I'm almost ready, but I have one little question:

When horses are included in an encounter, do the PCs gain their experience value at the end, despite the horses not actually fighting/being ridden? For example, the first encounter at Oleg's.