Emanuel Matos 267's page

Organized Play Member. 2 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters.


I've tried to find a clarification on the forums, but was not successful.

So here goes. Please correct me if I'm wrong or confirm if I am correct.

When two characters are at the same location and encounter a monster, the character whose turn it is (assuming that he/she wants to fight it) must encounter it and roll a combat check. (Naturally, all other players may help by playing supportive cards).

When can the second character "pitch in"?

My understanding is that they can roll a subsequent combat check only if the monster requires 2 (or more) checks to defeat.

Is this correct?

Also, if the monster only requires 1 check and the encountering character loses the encounter, can the other character (who is not on his/her turn) encounter the monster and try to defeat it? My understanding is "no".

Is this correct, too?

Thanks all!

Emanuel Matos

I've just started getting into RPGs again and have a question about a monster state block. (Pathfinder)

It reads: Poison (Ex) Sting--injury; save Fort DC 10; frequency 1/round for 4 rounds, then 1/ten minutes until cured; effect 1d2 Con; cure 2 consecutive saves

I read this as: Fort DC check once per round for 4 rounds. Fail means suffer 1d2 Con loss. When healed magically or after 2 successful checks, PC is healed of all effects.

Is this right?
