Elsenseifrak's page

Organized Play Member. 2 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Michael Sayre wrote:
I'm going to put you in touch with Tonya, the head of organized play. Keep an eye out for a PM from her here on the website, or feel free to PM me with your e-mail address and I'll pass it along.

Thank you Michael, i will send you my email address.

Hello, probably this thread dont goes here but im new to the forum, but not the game.
Im from Mexico, and in my city im the head of a large group of roleplayers called "Heroes de Victoria". A group that has more than 500 players, in my city only. We make like 2 or 3 events a year where people come together and play roleplaying games, news and veterans. And i want to know, how can i make one of these events with the blessing of Paizo Inc. This events are free, everything comes from our pockets to the community that is growing more every year. And we hope to make one of this events fully Pathfinder and Starfinder, so im asking for advice, how can i make it official, or get blessing from Paizo Inc.

(English is not my nat lenguage, sorry for any misspellings)