
Elrinides SilverSnow's page

75 posts. Alias of pdprong.

Full Name

Elrindes Silvermoon


Male Elven Sage Sorceror-3 | Hp:20 /20 | AC:14 T:13 FF:11 | CMD: 16 | Fort:+4 ,Ref:+3 ,Will:+3, (+2 enchantments; Immune to sleep) | Init:+3 | Perc:3


Arcane Bolt 7/7 ; 1st-6/6



About Elrinides SilverSnow

Male Elven Sorcerer(Sage)-3
Lawful Neutral Medium Humanoid(Elf)
Init: +3; Senses:low light; Perception: +1

AC: 14-22); Touch 13-22; Flat-Footed 11-19; (+1 armor,+3 Dexterity, (+4 armor/ +5 Shield))
HP: 18(8+5+5)
Fort: +2; Ref: 4+; Will: +4
Defensive Abilities: Elven Immunities: Elves are immune to magic sleep effects and gain a +2 racial saving throw bonus against enchantment spells and effects.

Speed: 30 ft.
Melee : dagger +1 (1d4 /19-20 x2)
Ranged: light-crossbow +4()1d8/ 19-20 x2) 80 ft.
Arcane Bolt (Sp): +1 Touch (1d4+1 force) 30ft.

Str 10, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 18, Wis 12, Cha 8
Base Atk +1; CMB +1; CMD+14
Languages: Azlanti, Celestial, Draconic, Elven, and Sylvan

Special Qualities:


Situational bonuses
+1 Knowledge (Planes) when identifying demons
-2 Diplomacy and Sense Motive with non-elves
+2 spell-craft to identify items

Trained2 class +4 Intelligence +2 Background per level

10 :(b)Appraise [3]Ranks+ 4 Intelligence +3 Class
12 :Knowledge (Arcana)[3]Ranks+ 4 Intelligence +3 Class +2 Bloodline
5 :Knowledge (Dungeoneering) [1]Rank +4 Intelligence
5 :Knowledge (Geography) [1]Rank +4 Intelligence
10 :(B)Knowledge (History) [3]Ranks+ 4 Intelligence +3 Class
5 :Knowledge(Local) [1]Rank +4 Intelligence
11 :Knowledge (Nature)[3]Ranks+ 4 Intelligence +3 Class +1 Trait
11 :Knowledge(Planes)[3]Ranks+ 4 Intelligence +3 Class +1 Trait
11 :Knowledge (Religion)[3]Ranks+ 4 Intelligence +3 Class +1 Trait
12 :Spell-craft[3]Ranks+ 4 Intelligence +3 Class +2 Bloodline

+0 :Climb, Swim
+3 :Acrobatics, Disable Device,Escape Artist, Fly, Ride, Sleight of Hand, Stealth
4:Craft, Knowledges(Untrained), Linguistics
1:Heal, Perception, Profession, Sense Motive, Survival
-1:Bluff, Diplomacy, Disguise, Handle Animal, Intimidate, Perform ,Use Magic Device


Concentrated Fire (Combat, Teamwork): If you and a single ally who also has this feat both ready an action to each make a ranged attack against the same opponent and choose the same condition for the readied action, when you and the ally make those attacks, each of you can use the highest of the two attack rolls for your attack roll. Furthermore, if you and your ally both hit the target, you can total the damage for both attacks before applying the target’s damage reduction or energy resistance.

Eschew Materials: You can cast any spell with a material component costing 1 gp or less without needing that component. The casting of the spell still provokes attacks of opportunity as normal. If the spell requires a material component that costs more than 1 gp, you must have the material component on hand to cast the spell, as normal

Merciful Spell (Metamagic): You can alter spells that inflict damage to inflict nonlethal damage instead. Spells that inflict damage of a particular type (such as fire) inflict nonlethal damage of that same type. Level Increase: None (a merciful spell does not use up a higher-level spell slot than the spell’s actual level.)

Combat Casting: You get a +4 bonus on concentration checks made to cast a spell or use a spell-like ability when casting on the defensive or while grappled.

Racial Traits:

Standard Racial Traits
•Ability Score Racial Traits: Elves are nimble, both in body and mind, but their form is frail. They gain +2 Dexterity, +2 Intelligence, and –2 Constitution.
•Size: Elves are Medium creatures and thus receive no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
•Type: Elves are Humanoids with the elf subtype.
•Base Speed: Elves have a base speed of 30 feet.
•Elven Arrogance: Some elves are so convinced of elven superiority, or else otherwise so xenophobic, that they have difficulty seeing the point in communicating with “lesser” races. Their racial bonus on saving throws against enchantments increases by 1 (to +3) against such effects from non-elf humanoids, but they begin play speaking only Elven, and if they have high Intelligence scores, they can select bonus languages from only Azlanti, Celestial, Draconic, and Sylvan (or Senzar instead of Sylvan if they hail from Tian Xia).

Defense Racial Traits
•Elven Immunities: Elves are immune to magic sleep effects and gain a +2 racial saving throw bonus against enchantment spells and effects.

Feat and Skill Racial Traits
•Illustrious Urbanite: City elves have a remarkable ability to combine magic harmoniously with their surroundings. They gain Spell Focus with conjuration, illusion, or transmutation spells as a bonus feat. When casting spells of this school, the elves can choose to have the spell leave undamaged any building or structure that would normally be affected. This racial trait replaces keen senses

Magical Racial Traits
•Elven Magic: Elves receive a +2 racial bonus on caster level checks made to overcome spell resistance. In addition, elves receive a +2 racial bonus on Spellcraft skill checks made to identify the properties of magic items.

•Arcane Focus: Some elven families have such long traditions of producing wizards (and other arcane spellcasters) that they raise their children with the assumption each is destined to be a powerful magic-user, with little need for mundane concerns such as skill with weapons. Elves with this racial trait gain a +2 racial bonus on concentration checks made to cast arcane spells defensively. This racial trait replaces weapon familiarity.

Senses Racial Traits
•Low-Light Vision: Elves can see twice as far as humans in conditions of dim light.

Character Traits:

Demon Scourge: You have spent decades, if not centuries preparing to fight demons, knowing of the ever present threat of Treerazer and and his minions. You gain a +2 bonus on Knowledge (Planes) checks to recognize demons and their powers. In addition you gain a +1 morale bonus on attack rolls and caster level checks to penetrate spell resistance made against creatures with the demon subtype and Knowledge (Planes) is always a class skill for you.

Elven Polytheist(Religion any elven deity): Benefit(s) You gain a +1 trait bonus on Knowledge (religion) skill checks, and Knowledge (religion) is a class skill for you.

Spiritual Forester(Regional): You gain a +1 trait bonus on Knowledge (nature) and Knowledge (planes) checks, and one of these skills becomes a class skill for you.

Xenophobic(Drawback): You have a hard time understanding and trusting those with unfamiliar ways and appearances. You take a –2 penalty on Diplomacy and Sense Motive checks made against creatures of a different race or from a different culture.


Spells Known/Prepared (CL 3, Concentration +8, +2(+3 vs demons) to overcome SR)
1st (6/day,3+1)— color spray, identify, Mage Armor, Shield
0 (at will, 5)— Dancing Lights, Detect Magic, Mending, Message, Ray of Frost

Combat Gear:


Height: 5'6"
Weight: 115 lbs
Eyes: Silver
Hair: Silver

Ten-Minute Background:

Points that capture the concept and story of the character.
1. Ellrinides childhood abduction has left him traumatized and Xenophobic.
2. Takes great pride in his ability to cast spells without having to memorize them from a book like most elven wizards. He sees this as a sign that he is more gifted than most elves.
3. Venerates Yuelral as THE elven god of magic.
4. A bit of a know it all, he likes to show off his knowledge.
5. Spent allot of time studying after he was rescued as a child, so he's not very good with people/

Goals that you'd like the character to accomplish in-game
1. Develop a little bit of an understanding that he's not quite as amazing as he thinks he is.
2. Maybe make friends with a non elf, but that's asking for allot of emotional growth for Elrinides.

Secret the PC keeps to himself
When he was abducted he was "used" by a human. This is where his deep seated distrust of non-elves really began.

Secret kept from the Pc
Elrinides father is still alive... but was captured by the cultists. Where he is now is an unknown, and the powers that be, have seen it unfit to tell Elrinides things that may upset him and that he has no ability to do anything about.

4)people that are tied to your PC by blood, love, rivalry, honor, etc.
1. Barrentian Rivenspell... the teacher that taught Elrinides everthing he knows about arcana and magic. While his skillset is different from Elrinides the young elf still respects the wizened wizard for his vast knowledgebase and magical acumen.
2. Belennys Greentree... a young elven wizardress that Elrinides admired but could never work up the guts to talk to.
3. Carrimus Redblade... one of the queens many Castellans. One of his duties was to make sure that Elrinides and several other orphans were taken care of and pursuing their educations. Elrinides always viewed him as s well meaning but incompetent caretaker.
4. Darriant Nightmaker... A young acolyte in the temple of Yuelral. He was one of the other kids Carrimus would look after and the only friend of his own age that Elrinides has ever had.
5. Liadris Goldenarch... Librarian in liadral who would help Elrinides study various topics as he was growing up. He always thought she looked and acted like his mother, although he never told her that.

5) Key memories that define your character as the person they are.
1. The day the Cultists came and took him from his home. It was the first time he had seen non-elves, and they killed his parents as they tried to save Elrinides.
2. The first time one of his instructors told him to study his spell book and he was able to show the teacher he didn't need a spell book. Not feeling like he needed to study Magic, he spent hours in libraries reading and studying other topics.
3. Queen Telandria... who could forget her terrible and beautiful wrath against those who would take advantage of those she cared for. Who could forget the compassion she showed on a young orphaned elf in need of a new home.

Background Blurb:

As a young elf Elrinides grew up in a small forest village. There he was surrounded by a small group of faces that made his life simple and easy to live.

Then the events of his abduction took place. A band Cultists attacked the village. Among the cultists were several humans. This was the first time that Elrinides had ever seen a nonelf. He was amazed at how big, terrible, and savage they were. There had not been very man people in the village but when they left there were none.

The only survivors of the attack were four children that were left alive. The Cultists played a game of chance to see which ones would be in charge of their captives. Elrinides will never forget the Human man that won him. Elrinides never knew the mans name because he did not speak the language they used... but he abused Elrinides, drew his blood for unknown reasons, and would do unspeakable things to the young elf. This went on for nearly a week until Telandia Rescued Elrindes along with the other three children taken. Elrinides and anther child Darriant Nightmaker were taken back to the capital and entrusted by the queen to one of her castellans Carrius Redblade. Carrius took care of the boys and placed each of them into schools that he felt would fit their abilities.

In a wizards school Elrinides discovered that he had a knack to do magic without studying it the way that the other kids would. He simply learned spells and cast them without the spell components the other children required. Because of this he was able to spend many hours in the library supplementing his education with other topics of study.

Now many years later he is no longer a child but a sorcerer capable of defending himself and would use his abilities to defeat the enemies of his people.


Sage Bloodline:

Class Skill: Knowledge (any one).

Bonus Spells: identify (3rd), invisibility (5th), dispel magic (7th), dimension door (9th), overland flight (11th), true seeing (13th), greater teleport (15th), power word stun (17th), wish (19th).

Bonus Feats: Combat Casting, Improved Counterspell, Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Scribe Scroll, Skill Focus (Knowledge [arcana]), Spell Focus, Still Spell.

Bloodline Arcana: Unlike most sorcerers, whose innate magic is powered by force of personality, you use your intellect to understand and master your mystic powers. You use your Intelligence, rather than your Charisma, to determine all class features and effects relating to your sorcerer class, such as bonus spells per day, the maximum spell level you can cast, the save DCs of your spells, and the number of daily uses of your bloodline powers. You gain a +2 bonus on all Knowledge (arcana) and Spellcraft checks.

Bloodline Powers: Magic comes naturally to you, but as you gain levels you must take care to prevent the power from overwhelming you.

Arcane Bolt (Sp): Starting at 1st level, you can unleash a ray of magic force as a standard action, targeting any foe within 30 feet as a ranged touch attack. This ray deals 1d4 points of damage + 1 for every two sorcerer levels you possess. This damage is treated as a spell of a level equal to half your sorcerer level, and is a force effect. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Intelligence modifier.

Metamagic Adept (Ex): At 3rd level, you can apply any one metamagic feat you know to a spell you are about to cast without increasing the casting time. You must still expend a higher-level spell slot to cast this spell. You can use this ability once per day at 3rd level and one additional time per day for every four sorcerer levels you possess beyond 3rd, up to five times per day at 19th level. At 20th level, this ability is replaced by arcane apotheosis.

New Arcana (Ex): At 9th level, you can add any one spell from the sorcerer/wizard spell list to your list of spells known. This spell must be of a level that you are capable of casting. You can also add one additional spell at 13th level and 17th level.

School Power (Ex): At 15th level, pick one school of magic. The DC for any spells you cast from that school increases by +2. This bonus stacks with the bonus granted by Spell Focus.

Arcane Apotheosis (Ex): At 20th level, your body surges with arcane power. You can add any metamagic feats that you know to your spells without increasing their casting time, although you must still expend higher-level spell slots. Whenever you use magic items that require charges, you can instead expend spell slots to power the item. For every three levels of spell slots that you expend, you consume one less charge when using a magic item that expends charges.