Elf Archer

Elric Aethelwulf's page

62 posts. Alias of havoc xiii.


Table 1 Slayer 3 FC 3/6 Slayer Talent (HP 30/30 AC 19, T 14, Flat 13 F+5 R+6 W+2 Init +4 Per +4

About Elric Aethelwulf

Male Slayer 3
CG Medium Humanoid (human)
Init +4; Senses Perception +7
AC: 17, touch 14, flat-footed 13 (+4 Dex, +3 Armor)
hp: 30/30
Fort:+5, Ref:+6 Will:+2
Speed 30 ft.
Longsword +5 (1d8+2; 19/20x2)
MW Composite Longbow(2) +8 (1d8+2; x2)
Cold Iron Arrows
Special Attack
Favored target targets/ 1 move action +1 atk/dam
Sneak attack 1d6
Str 14, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 13, Cha 10
Base Attack:+3; CMB:+5; CMD:19
Feats: PBS, Precise Shot, Rapid Shot, Deadly Aim
Traits: Hunter's Eye, Deadeye Bowman
Skills: Acrobatic +10, Climb +6, Craft(Alchemy) +6, Craft(Bows) +6, Craft(Traps) +4, Disable Device +10, Perception +7, Stealth +9, Survival +5
Track, Slayer talent: Ranger Combat Style (Ex) Archery

Combat Gear: CLW Potion(4)
Other Gear: MW Composite Longbow+2 Str, Efficient Quiver, Cold Iron Arrows(20), Splintercloud Arrow(5), Tangleshot Arrow(5), Blunt Arrow(10), Silver Arrows(20) Longsword, MW Studded Leather, Grappling Arrow, masterwork backpack, hooded lantern , mirror, oil, silk rope 100ft, whetstone, sun rod(3), bedroll, thieve's ring, Wrist Sheath, Dagger, Wire Saw, Wire, Flint/Steel, Masterwork Bow Tools, Alchemy Crafting Kit, 448 gold
Special Abilities:
Favored target, track, Slayer talent, Sneak Attack



Elric is generally calm and collected though he does like to joke and will often pick on his wife Edyssa. A smile is normally more common that a scowl for him but when in combat or his loved ones are in danger he shoots without hesitation.


Shoulder length brown hair often worn in braids decorated with metal and stone. Body is covered in tattoos depicting his life's journey. The one most important to him is the raven over his heart that matches Edyssa's


Elric was a mischievous and curious child, on more than one occasion taking apart expensive clockwork items. Easily bored he was always getting into trouble often dragging his unwilling accomplice Edyssa along for the ride. As he got older both he and Edyssa were trained to fight. The two quickly fell in sync their styles complementing each other. His arrows falling around her as she dances among her targets. It was pure insanity to fire while she was in the way and yet not a single arrow ever brushed her porcelain skin.

At the age of sixteen nearly a man grown (at least in his own mind). Sitting on a roof watching the sun setting behind Edyssa he confessed his love for her..or at least tried to before being interupted by Edyssa's lips as she threw herself at him giggling and laughing. As time went by the two were happy nothing could tear apart this feeling their families were ecstatic over their budding romance. It was during this tender time in their lives when Ragnarok shattered everything.

Both Elric and Edyssa were on the lines fighting to protect others so they could escape to the bifrost. Both would have died if not for the sacrifice of their fathers. When they told them to fall back Elric staunchly refused he'd never live down leaving others to fight when he still could. His one regret was the family he'd never have with Edyssa. His father called him over and before he could ask what he needed a mailed fist slammed into his head knocking him unconscious. When he awoke the first thing he saw was Edyssa's worried face her eyes bright with unshed tears. Theirs was the first wedding so soon after escaping, a moment of happiness amongst so much sadness.