Silver Dragon

Elorebaen's page

Goblin Squad Member. Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber. Organized Play Member. 4,022 posts. 1 review. 29 lists. 1 wishlist. 3 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.

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Our Price: $25.99


Great product


I have used the mat for two sessions of PACG, and I have been playing PACG fairly regularly since it came out last year.

- The design of mat seems follows the "everything in its place" approach that the boxed set does. Excellent sense of design!

- Logical placement for the card piles that make up normal play positions. They felt good, and complimented play. See below*

- Attractive visuals. The mat itself has great artwork, and then when you add the cards it just makes for a very attractive play area.

Ambiance. Adds a certain ambiance to the whole proceeding. Who doesn't love a cool game room with great "stuff" in which to play DnD??

- Dice rolls. The mouse pad-like material makes for easy dice-rolling that is quiet and contained (dice do not bounce all over the place).

- Price. At $25.99 it isn't cheap, but it is also a quality product. I do not feel cheated, or that I wasted the money one bit.

* One (minor) criticism I have is that placing your character card at a location could've been better delineated and accommodated for. I want to be able see the picture on the location and in order to do that you have to partially cover other cards, or place it further towards the edge.

Overall, a great quality product that I will continue to use in perpetuity.