![]() About Elmora, Elven SummonerActive spells
Melee:+4 Keen Holy Elven Curved Blade +23/+18/+13[+15BAB,+4 STR,+4 enh] 2d6+10+2d6(19-20/x3)+2 disarm Vital Strike:+4 Keen Holy Elven Curved Blade +23/+19[+15BAB,+4 STR,+4 enh] 4d6+10+2d6(19-20/x3)+2 disarm Ranged:+4 Mighty Keen Holy Composite Longbow +27/+22/+17 [+15BAB,+6DEX,+4enh,+2focus] 1d8+8+2d6 P(19-20/x3) Vital Strike:+4 Mighty Keen Holy Composite Longbow +27/+22 [+15BAB,+6DEX,+4enh,+2focus] 1d8+1d8+8+2d6 P(19-20/x3) Rapid Shot:+1 Mighty Holy Composite Longbow +25/+25/+20/+15 [+15BAB,+6DEX,+4enh,+2focus,-2rapid] 1d8+8+2d6 P(19-20/x3) Vital/Rapid Shot:+1 Mighty Holy Composite Longbow +25/+25/+20 [+15BAB,+6DEX,+4enh,+2focus,-2rapid] 1d8+1d8+8+2d6 P(19-20/x3) Ranged Touch:acid dart 1d6+2acid Ranged Touch +20 [+14BAB,+6 DEX] ------------------------------------------------------------- Combat-Giant form (large) Giant Form (large) ACTF:40/18/33 [10+9armor,5DEX,5deflection,2DODGE,9nat,1INSIGHT-1size] Spoiler:
Melee:+4 Keen Holy Elven Curved Blade +22/+17/+12[+15BAB,+4 STR,+4 enh, -1 size] 3d6+10+2d6(19-20/x3)+2 disarm Vital Strike:+4 Keen Holy Elven Curved Blade +22/+17[+15BAB,+4 STR,+4 enh,-1 size] 6d6+10+2d6(19-20/x3)+2 disarm Ranged:+4 Mighty Keen Holy Composite Longbow +25/+20/+15 [+15BAB,+5DEX,+4enh,+2focus,-1 size] 2d6+8+2d6 P(19-20/x3) Vital Strike:+4 Mighty Keen Holy Composite Longbow +24/+19 [+15BAB,+5DEX,+4enh,+2focus,-1 size] 2d6+2d6+8+2d6 P(19-20/x3) Rapid Shot:+1 Mighty Holy Composite Longbow +22/+22/+18/+12 [+15BAB,+5DEX,+4enh,+2focus,-1size,-2rapid] 2d6+8+2d6 P(19-20/x3) Vital/Rapid Shot:+1 Mighty Holy Composite Longbow +22/+22/+17 [+15BAB,+5DEX,+4enh,+2focus,-1size,-2rapid] 2d6+2d6+8+2d6 P(19-20/x3) Ranged Touch:acid dart 1d6+2acid Ranged Touch +19 [+14BAB,+5 DEX] ------------------------------------------------------------- Combat-Giant form (huge) Giant Form (huge) ACTF:41/21/34 [10+9armor,5DEX,5deflection,2DODGE,11nat,1INSIGHT-2size] Spoiler:
Melee:+4 Keen Holy Elven Curved Blade +22/+17/+12[+15BAB,+6 STR,+4 enh, -2 size] 4d6+13+2d6(19-20/x3)+2 disarm Vital Strike:+4 Keen Holy Elven Curved Blade +22/+17[+15BAB,+6 STR,+4 enh,-1 size] 8d6+13+2d6(19-20/x3)+2 disarm critical:16d6+13+2d6 Ranged:+4 Mighty Keen Holy Composite Longbow +23/+18/+13 [+15BAB,+5DEX,+4enh,+2focus,-2 size] 3d6+8+2d6 P(19-20/x3) Vital Strike:+4 Mighty Keen Holy Composite Longbow +23/+18 [+15BAB,+5DEX,+4enh,+2focus,-2 size] 3d6+3d6+10+2d6 P(19-20/x3) Rapid Shot:+1 Mighty Holy Composite Longbow +21/+21/+16/+11 [+15BAB,+5DEX,+4enh,+2focus,-2size,-2rapid] 3d6+10+2d6 P(19-20/x3) Vital/Rapid Shot:+1 Mighty Holy Composite Longbow +21/+21/+16 [+15BAB,+5DEX,+4enh,+2focus,-2size,-2rapid] 3d6+3d6+10+2d6 P(19-20/x3) Hand of the Apprentice
------------------------------------------------------------- Caster Level18 (19 with ioun stone) prohibited: none 0:4 DC20 1:4+3=8 DC21 2:4+3=7 DC22 3:4+2=6 DC23 4:4+2=6 DC24 5:4+2=6 DC25 6:4+1=5 DC26 7:3+1=4 DC27 8:3+1=4 DC28 9:2+1=3 DC29 Typical Spells: Spoiler:
1st: O grease OOO true strike OOO magic missile O shield 2nd: OO glitterdust O mirror image O acid arrow O touch of idiocy OO web 3rd: XO haste X flame arrow XX protection-energy O blink O Fireball 4th: O greater invisibility O Dimension Door O Solid Fog O stoneskin O Rainbow Pattern 5th O Feeblemind OO Baleful Polymorph OO Hold Monster 6th X Dispel Magic, Greater xx Heroism, greater XO Disintegrate 7th O Summon Monster VII O Reverse Gravity O Forcecage O Prismatic spray 8th O Incendiary Cloud O Irresistible Dance X Summon Monster VIII X Maximized cone of cold 9th X Shapechange X Summon Monster IX O Maximized Chain Lightning ----------------------------------------------------------------- Skills:(2+4)x18=108 +12 from 18-20 + 5 Escape Artist(0r+5dex) +18 Craft (alchemy)(5r,10int,3class) +10 Acrobatics (10r,5dex) +24 Knowledge (planes)(12r,10int,3class) +16 Knowledge (dungeon)(4r,10int,3class) +16 Knowledge (religion)(4r,10int,3class) +17 Knowledge (arcana)(5r,10int,3class) +16 Knowledge (nature) (4r,10int,3class) +33 Spellcraft(20r,10int,3class) + 7 Appraise 3 +20 Perception 20 + 5 Swim 1 + 5 Climb 1 + 9 Ride 1 +26 Fly 20 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Magic Items: Belt of Physical Might +6 Headband of Vast Intellect +6 -knowledge(arcana) -spellcraft -linguistics +4 Celestial Chain of fire resistance +3 Keen Holy Mighty Composite Longbow Bond Item +4 Keen Holy Burst Elven Curve Blade efficient quiver slippers of spider climbing cloak of resistance +5 left glove of storing right glove of storing Manual of intellect +3 Restorative ointment amulet of natural armor +5 dusty rose ioun stone orange ioun stone instant fortress ring of protection +5 ring of spell turning Shield Guardian 20 adamantine arrows (in efficient quiver)
5 potions of cure serious 3750 3d8+9
die type changes
Giant Form I Spoiler:
School transmutation (polymorph); Level sorcerer/wizard 7 Casting Casting Time 1 standard action Components V, S, M (a piece of the creature whose form you plan to assume) Effect Range personal Target you Duration 1 min/level (D) Description When you cast this spell you can assume the form of any Large creature of the giant type. You gain the following abilities: a +6 enhancement bonus to Strength, a –2 penalty to Dexterity, a +4 enhancement bonus to Constitution, a +4 natural armor bonus, low-light vision, and a +10 foot enhancement bonus to your speed. If the form you assume has any of the following abilities, you gain the listed ability: darkvision 60 feet, rend (2d6 damage), regeneration 5, rock catching, and rock throwing (range 60 feet, 2d6 damage). If the creature has immunity or resistance to any elements, you gain resistance 20 to those elements. If the creature has vulnerability to an element, you gain that vulnerability. Giant Form II Spoiler:
Description This spell functions as giant form I except that it also allows you to assume the form of any Huge creature of the giant type. You gain the following abilities: a +8 enhancement bonus to Strength, a –2 penalty to Dexterity, a +6 enhancement bonus to Constitution, a +6 natural armor bonus, low-light vision, and a +10 foot enhancement bonus to your speed. If the form you assume has any of the following abilities, you gain the listed ability: swim 60 feet, darkvision 60 feet, rend (2d8 damage), regeneration 5, rock catching, and rock throwing (range 120 feet, 2d10 damage). If the creature has immunity or resistance to one element, you gain that immunity or resistance. If the creature has vulnerability to an element, you gain that vulnerability. Shape change Spoiler:
School transmutation (polymorph); Level druid 9, wizard/sorcerer 9 Casting Casting Time 1 standard action Components V, S, F (jade circlet worth 1,500 gp) Effect Range personal Target you Duration 10 min/level (D) Description This spell allows you to take the form of a wide variety of creatures. This spell can function as alter self, beast form IV, elemental body IV, form of the dragon III, giant form II, and plant shape III depending on what form you take. You can change form once each round as a free action. The change takes place either immediately before your regular action or immediately after it, but not during the action. Primary Tactics... -------------------------------------------------------------
Level 20 build: