
Elluin of the Sparkling Glass's page

50 posts. Organized Play character for sraun.

Envoy's Alliance

I'm trying to figure out exactly how this works.


Usage worn; Bulk 1

Worn as a contact lens, spectacles, or other eyewear, these
magically treated lenses project a special data display that
uses rudimentary AI and rapid eye tracking to quickly cycle
through information until you find what you want to know. [u]It
grants you a +1 item bonus to Recall Knowledge checks made
with the skill chosen when you use Database Scan.[/u]
Activate—Database Scan [two-actions] Frequency once per 10 minutes;
Effect The lens casts a 1st-rank akashic download that uses
the lens instead of a comm unit.
Type commercial; Level 3; Price 555 credits
Type tactical; Level 9; Price 5,555 credits
The akashic download is 3rd rank.
Type advanced; Level 15; Price 55,555 credits
The item bonus is +2, and the akashic download is 4th rank.

Every 10 minutes, I can Database Scan for some skill, with a bonus dependent upon the level of the appropriate akashic download spell.

Does the underlined text mean I get the listed bonus to any Recall Knowledge check using that skill after I have used Database Scan, until I use Database Scan for a different skill?

Envoy's Alliance

Using references from AoN:


Precious Materials -

The Price entry for each material gives the Price of a simple non-magical item made of that material, based on its Bulk (if the item is lighter than 1 Bulk, use the price for 1 Bulk), as well as Prices for different amounts of the material itself. Prices for armor, shields, and weapons made of precious material are in the Armor (page 555), Shields (page 586), and Weapons (page 599) sections of this chapter.

Cold Iron -

Price 250 gp (per Bulk)

Cold Iron Weapons -

Price 880 gp (+88 gp per Bulk)

A Light Mace is Light Bulk. In general, one through nine Light counts as Zero Bulk, ten Light counts as One Bulk.

Does a Standard Grade Cold Iron Light Mace cost 880 GP (880 + 0*88), applying the general Bulk Rules, or 968 GP (880 + 0*88), applying the special case of the Precious Materials '(if the item is lighter than 1 Bulk, use the price for 1 Bulk)'?

Obviously a Standard Grade Cold Iron Weapon is more expensive than a Standard Grade Cold Iron Smith's Hammer - the latter is probably 250 GP, maybe 500 GP, while a Mace (bulk 1) would be 968. Where does that leave the Light Mace?

Envoy's Alliance

I was allowed to buy the digital LOAG early, not realizing it was so. Now that it's been released, the release version has not been added/updated in My Downloads.

Envoy's Alliance

Lost Omens: Legends says

A witch with Baba Yaga as their patron can choose an inanimate object as a familiar. If they do, they still can gain master abilities and some familiar abilities that don’t require movement. The object familiar has no Speeds and must select a Speed familiar ability before it can move, coming to life in a way appropriate to the chosen Speed and using the statistics of a normal familiar for that day.

To me, this implies that it should be possible to give a Land Speed to an Inanimate Familiar. The only thing that I can find in the list of Familiar Abilities that would grant this is kind of tortuous - you could make a case that Fast Movement adds 15' to whatever kind of movement, so granting it would give an Inanimate Familiar a Land Speed of 15'.

Should there be a "Land Speed" Familiar Ability? The other case where I could see someone wanting it would be with usually purely water-bound familiar, like a fish, shark, or dolphin.

For that matter, I'm kind of of the opinion that, in general, a familiar should one type of movement at 25' for free - birds, butterflies, bees could get a Fly Speed, fish a Swim Speed, etc. This would not apply to one of Baba Yaga's Inanimate Familiars, because the specific text would override the general.

Envoy's Alliance

Page 18 says:

You can attempt to change the modifications on your innovation by spending 1 day of downtime tinkering with it and attempting a Crafting check with a high DC for your level.

I'll be mentioning this when I leave feedback - but should "high" actually be "hard"? I cannot find a low/high modification to level DCs, I can find incredibly easy/very easy/easy/hard/very hard/incredibly hard.

Envoy's Alliance *

Does the access to Learn a Spell also apply to spontaneous spellcasters with appropriate feats? I'm thinking of a Sorcerer with Arcane Evolution as one example.

Envoy's Alliance *

What is it? I would have expected it to be a 5th level consumable, but I can't find it anywhere.

Envoy's Alliance

1st Level - get a Familiar (2 master/familiar abilities)
2nd Level - take Familiar Master Dedication (4 master/familiar abilities)
6th Level - take Improved Familiar (The number of abilities required to make your
familiar a specific familiar (page 147) is two lower than normal.)

You now have four abilities and can take the Fairie Dragon Familiar, which requires six abilities.

10th level - take Incredible Familiar (You can select six familiar or master abilities each day, instead of four.)

Does Incredible Familiar + Improved Familiar mean I can give two *optional* master/familiar abilities to my Fairie Dragon each day?

Envoy's Alliance

Is "go to sleep" is equivalent to "fall unconscious" for things that end at "fall unconscious"?

Envoy's Alliance

The Wand of Manifold Missiles - - says:

Effect: You cast magic missile of the indicated level. After you cast the spell, an additional missile or missiles are released from the wand at the start of each of your turns, as though you cast the 1-action version of magic missile. Choose targets each time. This lasts for 1 minute, until you’re no longer wielding the wand, or until you try to activate the wand again.

The end conditions are one minute elapses, the wand is no longer in my hand, or I try to use it again. I assume that either being knocked unconscious or disarmed would satisfy the 'no longer wielding' condition. Or I could voluntarily put it away and that would end it.

Does it or does it not take an action to target the free missile(s) at the start of my turn? "Choose targets each time." - it doesn't list an action type associated with this.