Ellegos's page

Organized Play Member. 2 posts. 1 review. No lists. 1 wishlist. 1 Organized Play character.


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So far I like it! The only suggestion I have so far, (and it's a tiny one) would be regarding the red dragon portrait on the top corner of every left page. It's the same portrait on every single page, and while there's nothing wrong with that, it's one more piece of printing real-estate where some utility can be added.

Maybe in future reprints, it might be worthwhile to change up that portrait with each book section, adding a bit of variety to the aesthetics while simultaneously adding another visual cue when flipping through the book for quick-reference. You could even use portraits taken from the artwork already used in each of those chapters.

Anyway, loving the product so far. Can't wait to find a group to see if I like the new mechanics just as much!

I’m extremely interested in finding out if there’s any chance of a follow-up performance for Pathfinder’s Second edition. Any plans on another Kickstarter or, dare I dream, any chance Paizo might pick your brains if they decide to update the Occult Medium class?