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Elkar's page

23 posts. Alias of Darkmeer.


"Commander, with all due respect, please allow him to explain himself, as I'd certainly like to expedite any way we can get our delivery made as well as get you to your ship."

"Certainly, Commander, we are happy to help. Jeho, make sure that they have what little we have to assist him with that task."

Turning back to the comm:
"Acid, I'll need a hand landing the ship once we get there, be ready once we have coordinates for the landing."


Sending Jeho is an attempt to make sure they don't try to hack any systems. Elkar certainly isn't going to take any more unneccessary risks if he can help it.

"I agree, Reesla, that we should help the Commander with the problem of arriving back on the Parascaptor. However, I do have deliveries to make in the meantime. Perhaps you could assist the Commander with obtaining the work order, and I could make my delivery, then we could repair the ship and return Commander Tarkin to his ship. Does that work for everyone?

Nodding as Lidian and Jeho head towards Lid's quarters, Elkar addresses Adolphos. He steadies himself as the hull groans, feeling the wrong-ness of the vibrations.

"Commander Tarkin, I would very much like to help you get you and your men off of my ship and onto yours, but, unfortunately, we are a cargo ship as well as a prison ship at this time. We have some goods that are in the hold that are due for delivery. I would very much like to maintain what little reputation I can and deliver them on-time, even if they are damaged from the crash. Is there a place that I can help get you to in order to facilitate your arrival on the Parascaptor? I'm sure that you are much more adept at getting places than depending on my damaged ship to begin with.

I certainly would appreciate any help you would provide to get the ship into serviceable order, and I'm certainly willing to help you get back to your ship, but we do have paying customers who are waiting for their shipment."

Turning back to Reesla, and ignoring Adolphos' dismay entirely.
"How about it? I see you aren't one for civilization and all, but our ship is certainly not civilized at all, at the moment."


I would like to avoid what the shipment is with Tarkin if possible, bluff or diplomacy as necessary to avoid/deflect what the goods are, let alone who the clients are. Also, does the central computer of the ship hold the data for the delivery, or does Acid? If it's on the CPU, then I'll have Acid download it and remove it from the ship's logs ASAP.


OOC is there a remote chance Reesla would join Elkar's crew?

"Well, Reesla, it seems that your timing worked out wonderfully. If you are in need of a way off of the planet, let me know. Your... skill with a blade could come in handy in a number of ways. If you are ever looking for good, honest work, I'd be glad to have you on my ship. We're fairly diverse as is, and I'm always looking for someone with a skill not currently possessed on ship."


Is the delivery of goods to this planet? This makes a difference in what I say to Adolphus.


Doc's got his stutter back, yay! This time, it wasn't because he's been reprogrammed for firearms... yet.

Elkar seems mildly relieved that his angry wookie has left the room, and begins to speak, somewhat uncertainly at first, but confidence rises as he speaks, and he places his blaster into its holster after the second gesture.

"Commander, I thank you for assisting with Lidian, but we have another matter to resolve. Unfortunately, due to the damages sustained in the crash, my ship is no longer spaceworthy. Is there, by chance, a way to assist us in repairing our ship? I mean, Gesturing towards Tarkin it's not like we helped save you, Gesturing towards the prisoners traveled with dangerous criminal prisoners of the Empire, and delivered you to safety as best we could. All I ask is to assist in patching the gashes, we will make do with the rest. If the medical treatment for Lidian is all we gather from this, that is just as well as I couldn't bear to let one of my crew die on me, let alone Lidian."

I await an intro from Reesla, so Elkar can use his name.

Over the comm to Acid
"Acid, stop the descent, softly, and set a course for town. We've got deliveries to make, namely pirates and whatever survived the crash."

Turning to Tarkin
"Commander, I have no clue who this is."

Turning towards the dervish of death, keeping the blaster in hand, but not threatening with it.
"Who are you and what in the heck is going on here? I have to say thank you for the assistance, as we would have surely been lost without your help. I have to ask, however, how do you know Ser?"

Eyeing the stranger warily, Elkar is going to check Lidian for any injuries, and to make sure she's still breathing after that firefight


Well, I guess a strategic ambush is out of the question. I'm pro-pirate slashing, so I'll follow Boo's lead, but the as soon as I shoot my targets I want to bead the leader or whomever (pirate-wise) is nearest Lid. She's the concern.

Rolls (no bracing or aiming attempt here, so I'll be taking my standard penalty)
Initiative: 11 + 6 (dex & class)= 17
Attack roll 1: 16+8 Dex & BAB -2 for recoil= 22
Attack roll 2: 14 +8 Dex & BAB -2 for recoil= 20

No idea on damage (I don't have that anymore, and I didn't put it up on the Groups page). If I can't take 2 shots, then I'll take a shot and duck behind the door.

Elkar aims and fires at a pirate, as well as takes a strong dislike to the new "passenger" on his ship.

Sorry about the delays all... been an interesting week. Thanks for advancing, as I didn't have anything else I needed to do up to this point :)


To Acid "Acid, land the ship, and help get me the >expletive deleted< out of the bridge. If I'm dying, then I'm dying on my terms, not the Imps or the >expletive deleted< pirates."

Elkar stands up after her response, and prepares his pistol, wishing he had something a wee bit larger... But then, he muses, he'd be compensating like the pirates :P He smiles and starts trying to open the lock between the bridge and the rest of the ship.

That which does not kill you has made a gross tactical error.



Drive (pilot/maneuver) roll of 20 (natural) for a total of 34 (14 Ranks [7 wheelman, 7 scientist] +4 Dex +2 Speed Demon) I will spend my action die to activate this critical threat. I want the ship to be ascending as fast as possible (heading towards space, but not quite that high, as even I'm not that crazy) but a still be making a good bee line towards town. If I get to add the result of the action die, then I got a 37 total. Further down I am talking to the pirate, and I want to sound very calm and collected intimidate (wis) (same mod) roll of 11 (10+1, untrained). Elkar is not bluffing.

To Acid & Boo
"Get any life support systems offline now Acid. We're going to a low oxygen zone here. I know I can draw them to me, so once they break in my door keep going up. We have a better chance with lower oxygen and them passing out and our mayday than anything else. Once they get here, take control back there and complete this for me. I'll draw them to me, and that's how this will end, I hope. I'm going to have to call the Imps for help to do it, but d@mmit we'll make it through!" [/ooc]

To Adolphus
"We're going to go up, Tarkin. What frequency are your guys on? I'll send a mayday to them, telling them what has happened. More of them versus the pirates will help us. That, and thinner air for the pirates. Sorry this isn't my usual first class ride."

Over the General Intercom
"Mr. Pirate, I do ask that you look out the port side windows. While you may have my men hostage, I also have you hostage, this ship is air worthy. In case you hadn't noticed, this ship isn't exactly ready for the rigors of space flight. Stand down now, and we all walk away alive. Don't stand down, and I guess we all find out what a hard vacuum feels like. You're right, you haven't anything to lose. I have everything to lose. I'll be piloting the ship whenever you're ready to stand down."

And here comes the ghost of ol' J'onn J'onzz



Over the comm to Acid
"How quick can you get us to town. Can you unlock the bridge controls until they break in so I can drive? Second thought is creating a 'diversion' of sorts with a fake self destruct... or a real one. These >expletives< deserve it. Lid's hurt somehow, and I can't risk being stuck in some godsforsaken Jungle while she dies in our arms. Worse yet, they have Jeho, and probably Ser. I have to risk getting us to town for Lid."

Elkar moves into piloting position and straps himself in

Over the comm to Commander Tarkin
"Tarkin, brace yourselves if you can. If you have a status on Lid, give it to me now, so I can decide what to do. Tarkin, this is not going to be pleasant, and I'm going to get us all through this, but you HAVE to trust me."

Over the ship intercom: "Pirates, this is your captain speaking. You've angered my crew and ship, your skiff is gone, so prepare to surrender or die, probably both."

Over the party comm: "Commander, how's Lid?"


Elkar takes his move action to brace himself somewhat behind his chair while drawing his blaster, granting some sort of cover, I hope. He'll use the brace action, which will grant him a bonus when the pirates get in. That covers both actions, right? If the talking requires a half action, then I'll wait for the next round to brace.

Sorry for the delay... no computer for a couple of days due to dealing with a sick little one.

Elkar moves into the seat, and fires the lasers at the skiff. Over the comm "Boo, Uglies in the ship, be on alert, we'll need some help up front."

Foghorn, while Elkar is insuring the targeting doesn't miss, he'd like to see if there is a vehicular mounted weapon that could take down the ship in the manner of the Imp's ship


Attack roll of 10 + 4 BAB + 1 for the Forte + 4 for dex is 19 to hit (if Intelligence based then the to hit roll will be a 17). I don't have a clue for damage, but there we go.

"What's her condition? What the hell's going on with Lid?!" Clearing his head for the moment (he'll want an answer, but there are other things going on).
"Commander, get your men in here, we're leaving with or without them. But I'm not leaving any of my own behind."

He turns towards the bridge, and speaks over comms as he's headed for the bridge.
"Ser, you still out there? If you can reach the ship, we're gonna make a break for it, if not, give me a direction and Acid'll get us there. Jeho, get your backside in here, it's going to get dicey real quick."

"Acid, I'll be in the bridge, get those fore laser canons ready for me if we have the power."


He'll spend his time moving from where he is to the bridge (let me know if he gets there). He's going to lock & load if he can, and a strafing run might just break the damn pirates. He'll be talking over the communicators as he's headed for the bridge. Sorry about the extra action last round, I actually figured it would be done this round, so that didn't hurt a thing.

"Alright Commander T, I'll be up in a moment."


After my refresh action, I'll head to the turret, unless a target puts himself in harms' way, then I'll fire off a single shot and take a move action to the turret.

Good, Boo's got the engine's up & running, almost... Okay, so from Elkar's position, he can't see anyone, so he'll take the Regroup action.


+7 Initiative for the regroup (5 for the action + 2 for intelligence)


Called shot at the motor, rolled a 15, if second action die is allowed a 15 was rolled (2 6's and a 3). That makes a total of 30, plus 4 for BAB, +4 for Dex being ranged, and -10 for 6 range increments, -1 recoil, and finally -6 to hit. Total of +21 to hit, given all modifiers. If that still hits, then a 4 for damage.
After the surprise round, we'll see what happens. Obviously, the minus 5 to initiative is going to hurt.

Elkar mutters something nasty under his breath about pirates and pulls the trigger on his blaster pistol

"Let's see a pirate take a ship that was designed to take out this type of scum!"

Elkar takes Commander Tarkin to his bridge, where he does a quick systems check. Unhappy, but satisfied with the systems check, he begins assisting the Commander.

"Commander, I believe we can win this, provided we have a bit of luck. According to my systems check here, we have the fore lasercannons, as well as my turret. We could take one of your men up to the turret, as I'm sure they're better at gunning than myself, and we can set up a proper ambush just outside so they have to cross the front of the ship, we could even use the turret to force that point. What do you think?" Elkar awaits a response from the Commander on the idea

If we are rolling our own dice for this, I got a 15 on my Tactics roll to set up the ambush. I definitely want to be on the opposite side of the fore of the ship from the repulsorcraft. I'd hope the repulsorcraft would cross the line of fire, especially if they are unharmed, and we're in such sorry shape.


So, a quad turbolaser is legal now?! I thought quad laser canons were iffy at best, which was the original configuration of the ship. The only reason it was legal was due to the ship's sublight speed (too much wookiepedia...)

Elkar directs the Imperials to one of the quarters without a new egress hatch.

Looks at the medical droid dubiously, and takes a deep sigh
"Lid, let the droid help."

Turning to Commander Tarkin

"Thank you for helpin Lid, Commander. I don't even know if we can get the engines running, as Boo stated plainly that they aren't attached properly, if at all. If we can get at least one up and running, we can get away from here, although the ride will be quite bumpy. We would not be able to go into orbit, as the crash has torn some nice-sized holes in our hull, so atmospheric flight would be the safest, and even that wouldn't be terribly safe. Evem of we don't get airborne, I would certainly prefer to have the cover of my ship to the cover of the jungle when it comes to fighting off whomever attacked us. We could even use the ship as bait for the person responsible." Elkar winces at the last idea "But, frankly Commander, I think we are in no shape to be traipsing around the jungles here."


How many of the core weapons systems are still operational on the Sparrow? I know it was built as a fairly sturdy craft with a quadlaser or two, multiple laser canons, and a missile port (I assume the laser canons would be the only "legal" part of that array, as the missiles aren't exactly legal). I'm just thinking of other defenses that started on the Gozanti Cruisers.

Wookiepedia wrote:
The ships were purposely designed to protect ships from pirates, and came equipped with multiple laser cannons, quad laser cannons, and a single proton torpedo launcher.

So the question is how much of that is serviceable?

Elkar slowly lowers his hands, making sure that it’s obvious he’s not going for his blaster.

“The ship really is not airworthy, if you want to try and help get us at least airborne, I’d be okay with that. I hear some sort of repulsorlift out that way,” Elkar points to the southwest. “So we might want to hurry. On top of that, do you have anyone on staff that can help Lidian here? She’s my second, I keep her on the computers at all times, and that head injury isn’t good. I can’t let her fall asleep unless I know she’s under medical care. Also, do you have anyone on staff who can fly second, provided we can get in the air? If not, the ship will provide a modicum of cover in case our resident assassin decides he want to attack my ship.

“As to your prisoners, I don’t really have a brig to hold them. You could use one of the spare quarters for them, but that is all I have to offer, as my hold was damaged and is not able to be opened right now thanks to that landing.

“If you do have someone who can help get us in the air, I’d recommend flying low to the tree cover, to give us some cover, so high power isn’t really necessary, just enough to get us up. Mind you, my engineer Boo and R2-AS1D unit are both working on the problem as we speak. If you want to help let’s go now, just play by Boo‘s rules, as even I do that, mainly because he‘s the best engineer in this sector...” More softly “That, and he’s a wookie.”


Elkar is worried about Lidian, she wants to rest with a head injury. He really won‘t let her fall asleep until they reach civilization, she could have a concussion or worse. As to ‘help‘ from the Imps, he‘ll let Boo know to let them help without tearing their arms off (in those words), over the intercom. He‘ll give them one of the rooms not being used right now (I think there should be one not being used. He‘ll also let Ser know that it‘s time to come back from recon by external loudspeaker once everyone‘s inside… This is going to be interesting. Elkar really is worried, but he‘s out gunned, and he‘s got the more banged up crew by the looks of things, and the ship really could use the help. He‘s not liking being a prisoner ship at all, and he sincerely hopes they don‘t offer to repair the ship at one of their facilities.

Raising his hands slowly, and indicating for his crew to raise their hands, Elkar begins to speak.
"Hello there, neighbors. Sorry about getting in the way, and that your ship isn't... here anymore. Do you mind aiming those blasters elsewhere? We've already crashed, made our ship inoperable, and suffered some injuries. We're not used to this sort of thing."

waits for blasters to be lowered, and indicates to his left and right.
"Oh, and I've forgotten my manners! I am Elkar of the Darting Sparrow, well, it should be called the Broken pile of Rubble now. This is Lidian" Indicating a young woman with a head injury "and this is Jeho." Indicating the young man with 2 blasters at his side. "And you are?"

For Foghorn:


This is going to be fun... wookie & all...

"Okay, Boo, I'll see what I can do about locating the engines. Acid, you're on duct tape duty. You find and acquire that 30 kilometers of duct tape for Boo, and you can have that raise."

what, exactly am I paying Acid, anyways?

Elkar's going to find Jeho and Lid, and make for the main hatch to see if there's anything we can do to seal the hold, maybe making it look like the crash jammed the door shut.

"Jeho, Lid, I need the hold to be locked shut, and if you can make it look like the crash did it, all the better, even if we can't get into it later, we can always cut it open. Frankly, I'm going to have to put up with talking to the Imps, and I don't like that idea at all. I don't even know what the hell just happened, or why that shuttle got hit, but I'm not going to let anyone else get hurt if I can help it. Any ideas?"

I just hope the Imps don't get here before this is all set

"Jeho, I'll also need you and Lid with me once we have to talk to the Imps."

Before the Crash
"D@mn! Boo or Lidi, do we know what or where that missile came from? I am NOT about to get arrested by a bunch of Imps over something we didn't do!"

After the Crash
To Boo:
"Pipe down, Boo! I know the ship needs repairs, epecially after that landing we just had. I don't know where or what we can do about it right now. I just want to make sure everyone's alright."
Slaps the intercom:
"Everyone alright?"

for the GM

Remember that Elkar does understand Kashyyk, I understand that Boo was likely cursing up a storm...

Full Name





Slayer 1 HP: 9/11 NL: 0 | AC 16/13/13 | F +2, R +5, W+1 | Per:+5, Init: +5 | Arrows: 39 | Daggers: 4




5' 1" 125lbs





About Garra

Garra's Stats:

Female human slayer 2 (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Class Guide 53)
NG Medium humanoid (human)
Init +5; Senses Perception +6
AC 16, touch 13, flat-footed 13 (+3 armor, +3 Dex)
hp 18 (2d10+2)
Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +1
Speed 30 ft.
Melee dagger +4 (1d4+2/19-20) or
. . gladius +4 (1d6+2/19-20) or
. . shadowglove +5 (1d8+3/19-20) or
. . unarmed strike +4 (1d3+2 nonlethal)
Ranged longbow +5 (1d8/×3)
Special Attacks studied target +1 (1st, move action)
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 2nd; concentration +3)
. . 1/day—charm person (DC 12)
Str 14, Dex 17, Con 11, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 13
Base Atk +2; CMB +4; CMD 17
Feats Aberrant Dragonmark, Point-Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Quick Draw
Traits reactionary, talented
Skills Acrobatics +7, Bluff +5, Climb +6, Disable Device +4, Knowledge (local) +6, Perception +6, Perform (sing) +7, Perform (wind instruments) +5, Sense Motive +6, Sleight of Hand +4, Stealth +7
Languages Common, Elven
SQ slayer talent (combat trick), track +1
Other Gear studded leather, shadowglove, arrows (40), dagger (4), gladius[UC], longbow, bedroll, blanket[APG], grappling hook, hemp rope (50 ft.), masterwork backpack[APG], thieves' tools, 2 gp, 4 sp
Special Abilities
Aberrant Dragonmark (Charm Person) Although you are not a recognized member of one of the dragonmarked families, you have manifested a dragonmark.
Point-Blank Shot +1 to attack and damage rolls with ranged weapons at up to 30 feet.
Precise Shot You don't get -4 to hit when shooting or throwing into melee.
Quick Draw Draw weapon as a free action (or move if hidden weapon). Throw at full rate of attacks.
Studied Target +1 (move action, 1 at a time) (Ex) Study foe as a Move action, gain +1 to att/dam & some skills vs. them.
Track +1 Add the listed bonus to survival checks made to track.


Garra leaped the gap between two buildings as she ran for her life. She should have left the gang she'd been with when she had the chance, she thought bitterly as her boots pounded out a furious tempo on the rooftops of Rekkenmark. Her pursuers followed her on the streets below, and were unusually tenacious.

They'd wiped out the rest of the gang. Rath, the leader of the gang, had planned on cornering one of the bureaucrats that had apparently garnered an enemy that was willing to pay for his murder. Garra had a knack for placing arrows and blades into a person's vitals, a talent that had kept her safe enough, but one that she hated nonetheless. Rath had planned to use her to keep the guards at bay, or kill their mark if he ran. She hated killing. She preferred to sing or dance, but those weren't much good for anything besides selling herself in the slums she'd grown up in, and she had far too much self-respect for that.

She leapt another gap, this one much narrower, and an easy jump. Her pursuers were on either side of her, and it was doubtful she'd shake them unless she could get to the more tangled warren of lean-tos and shacks in the slums. She'd have to leap a fairly wide avenue to do it, but she had a half-dozen more jumps to make first. It was a slim hope, but it was better than being cornered and gutted like Rath had, if his screams were anything to go by.

Curse the fell stars of her birth! Had she been born in a moderately well-off family, or even to a couple of moderately skilled artisans, she wouldn't have had to fall in with that gang of cutthroats and thieves. She could have been able to sing for her living rather than scrape by with whatever Rath say fit to leave her with. Alas, it was not meant to be.

Her foot slipped as she made another leap. Panic widened her eyes as the bottom of her stomach dropped twenty feet to the ground below. She knew before her foot failed to find purchase on the ledge of the roof she'd jumped towards that she wasn't going to make it. This was it. If the fall didn't kill her, the guards certainly would. her hands grabbed desperately at the ledge that her foot had slipped off of, but to no avail. She plummeted, crashing through the awning covering where firewood was normally stacked and falling out of her pack as it caught. She was dazed and unsteady as she rose to her feet just in time to have one of her pursuers slam her into the wall and steal her breath. She saw the end coming as she gasped for air in the gleaming blade angling for her heart.

"That is enough, Kolth," a deep, resonant voice commanded, " I believe we have use for this one."

Garra turned her head just enough to see the cold smile on the white-haired man's face, and felt her heart grow chill. Suddenly, getting stabbed didn't seem so bad.

"Yes, I believe we can use her talents at the Academy," the man added with that crocodile smile.


Garra stands a little taller than five feet with a lean, agile build that lends itself to tumbling about and dodging out of the way. She's obviously from the slums, given the state of her clothes, all of which are ragged and patched, especially elbows, knees, and shoulders. Despite that, she is an attractive, charming young woman with a talent for singing.


A lifetime spent among it has taught Garra to abhor senseless violence. She accepts that some people can't be brought to justice except by the sword, but she, personally, hates killing people. Her eyes are haunted whenever she speaks about her skill with a bow.

Despite her hardships, however, Garra has learned to smile easily and take joy where one can, no matter how simple. Those times she could sing on a street corner or in a tavern to a happy crowd were her favorites growing up. Since falling in with Rath's gang, however, those times have been few and far between.