
Eliza62442's page

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Which deity do good werewolves/lycanthropes worship? The first deity that came to mind was Ashava, since she counts celestial werewolves among her followers, but lycanthropes aren't mentioned anywhere else in the description. I'm curious because the town of Wolf's Ear intrigued me.

James Jacobs wrote:
Eliza62442 wrote:

Hi James,

I was wondering if you have any additional information about Ylimancha beyond what's listed in Chronicle of the Righteous? One of my PCs wants to play as a paladin of her, and I'm not entirely sure of what that would entail.

Thanks for your time!

There's a little bit about Ylimancha in the Magnimar book, but so far that's about it. Although that said, she doesn't have an organized paladin order, so paladins who worship her would be very rare. That's a good role for a Player Character, especially if they want to take on the mantle of being the FIRST paladin of Ylimancha or, at the very least, the first to try to set up a paladin order.

This is Rise of the Runelords, so the PC would actually be from Magnimar. Is Magnimar the most likely place where there may be a paladin of Ylimancha, considering that there is an organized mystery cult of Ylimancha there?

Hi James,

I was wondering if you have any additional information about Ylimancha beyond what's listed in Chronicle of the Righteous? One of my PCs wants to play as a paladin of her, and I'm not entirely sure of what that would entail.

Thanks for your time!

I was reading through the Pathfinder Player Companion "Qadira, Gateway to the East", and I came across the Daivrut prestige class, which really interested me. Unfortunately, I had a lot of questions, and when I was looking them up to find the answers, I found that much of the confusion I had was shared by others. It seems like "Quadira, Gateway to the East" came out in June 2009 while the Core Rulebook came out in August 2009, which may explain some of the uncertainty. Are there any plans to revise this prestige class to make it more clear? I think it's a really cool idea and I hope you do decide to revisit it.

Thank you for taking the time to read this :)